Management of Diabetes in Community Pharmacy Award
Sponsored by Napp Pharmaceuticals Limited
With a focus on making a difference to patients with diabetes,Napp Pharmaceuticals Limitedis proud to sponsor this award.
Since 1996, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK has risen from 1.4 million to 3.5 million.Taking into account the number of people likely to be living with undiagnosed diabetes, the number of people living with diabetes in the UK is over four million.
Diabetes prevalence in the UK is estimated to rise to five million by 20251
Applications are invited from community pharmacists, and their teams,who have implemented or developed a programme, strategy or project which has had a positive impact on their patients’ wellbeing and management / self-management of their condition.
References: 1 – diabetes.co.uk
Judging panel:
The judging panel, made up of respected members of the pharmacy industry, will select finalists, based on the written entries submitted. They may then liaise with the finalists before selecting a winner.
Judging Panel:
Paul Mayberry
Managing Director, Mayberry Pharmacy
Andy Hodges
Pharmacy Manager & Independent Prescriber Vida Rogers Chemists
Deadline for entry:
The closing deadline for application is Monday 19th April 2018and entries must be accompanied by a digital photograph, at least 500KB for printing quality.
How to Enter:
If you require an application/nomination form or further information please contact: Bridget McCabe
Tel: 02890 999 441 or email:
The Awards presentation:
The selected finalists will be announced inWelsh Pharmacy Review and invited with guest, to attend the black tie awards ceremony, at the Vale Resort, Vale of Glamorgan, on Thursday 24th May 2018. The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony and will receive a unique crystal trophy to mark the occasion.
***Please scroll down to complete form***
Management of Diabetes in Community Pharmacy Award
Sponsored by Napp Pharmaceuticals Limited
Pharmacy address:
Position within Pharmacy:
1. What sort of community does your pharmacy serve?
2. Describe yourdiabetes project/initiative.
3. How effectively has your team used all resources available?
4. What enables your team to function well?
6. How much influence do you feel the community pharmacists and their team can impact on patient’s self-management of their condition?
5. How do you see the future of Diabetes treatment in community pharmacy?
Attach extra comments if necessary, judges welcome third party testimonies, senior colleagues etc.
Please e-mail entry form to:
Or if you require any further information please contact Bridget McCabe on:
Tel: 02890 999 441.
Entries MUST be accompanied by a digital photograph, at least 500KB for printing and multi-media quality.