6th March 2000
Dear resident,
As you may be aware, early last year, a group of Rosnaree residents got together and decided to invite all of Rosnaree block to elect a Residents Association Committee. It was hoped at the time that the Residents Association (RA) Committee, with the backing of residents, would take on the responsibility of making our housing estate a safe and pleasant place for all of us to enjoy. Some of the concerns at the time were;
- Un-finished work by Chieftain Constructions,
- Security and setting up of Neighbourhood Watch,
- Up keep of our greenery and play areas,
- Introduction of signage where necessary,
- Annual cleaning up event with hiring of a large skip,
- Looking out for any new Planning Permission in our neighbourhood for unwanted or unsuited developments,
- Setting up a website for information on our estate and beyond,
etc, etc, …
Due to a variety of reasons the committee has not been able to fulfill the above tasks in an effective way. Some of the reasons include; lack of time on the part of the members, lack of support from the residents for a couple of events that was set up by the RA, lack of finances to put in place any material changes and so on.
In its last meeting the RA committee decided that in order to continue serving this estate, it needed a strong mandate from the residents. The committee is aware that associations such as this have had good and bad reputations in the past. This may have been one of the reasons for lack of enthusiasm on the part of residents. As the chairman of the committee, I would like to reassure you that our aim is to meet the needs and wishes of you, the residents of Rosnaree, it is not the purpose of this committee to enforce its decision on any resident or become a policing organization. The membership and the whole existence of the committee will be reviewed annually and you will decide on all these issues through a voting process. Currently there are five members on the committee but we hope to increase that to seven as soon as possible.
Therefore it is now up to you to decide. We are asking every household in this estate to return the short questionnaire at the bottom of this page. If we receive more than 50% positive response, the committee will continue its work, otherwise we will disband the association.
I have had the pleasure of working with four very dedicated residents, John Devane, Anne Riedy and Martine & Kieran Tuite, for the past year or so and I would like to thank them for all their efforts over the last number of months. We should consider ourselves lucky to have caring people in our neighbourhood who are prepared to give of their own time and energy to look after matters that should be the concern of all of us. I know of other estates who wish they had such advantage. It is important to realise that services of this nature will show their real value when something goes wrong or real trouble raises its ugly head. And in case there is any confusion, every member of the committee would gladly stand down, should another volunteer rises to the challenge.
Please feel free to contact any of us if you need more information.
Yours truly,
Sohrab Nezamabad
Tear here
Rosnaree Housing Association Questionnaire:
House No._____
Do you want Rosnaree Housing Association to continue working on your behalf? YES - NO
Will you attend Annual General Meeting to vote for a new HA Committee? YES - NO
Will you attend one necessary meeting to set up Neighbourhood Watch? YES - NO
Will you be able to donate an annual sum of £10 to £15 to cover HA costs? YES - NO
This questionnaire must be returned to one of the house numbers identified below on or before 20th of March 2000: 9 , 7 , 31 , 32
Please respond early in order to avoid missing the deadline.