Travel Plan : Highlight Report [Quarter 3 – 2015/16] / Report no: 2
Overall status: / Background
In June 2014 the Christie NHS Foundation Trust Strategic Planning Framework (SPF) was endorsed by Manchester City Council (MCC) Executive Committee. The SPF for The Christie was prepared in consultation with MCC. The aim of this document is to provide an agreed framework for the ongoing development of the Withington site and is intended to cover the next 15 years. The SPF is to be used as a reference document for all future planning applications made by the Trust. As part of this endorsement the Trust developed a green travel plan to aim to reduce the number of staff travelling to the Withington site by single occupancy vehicle. The target is to ensure that by 2030 less than 60% of staff travel to the site in single occupancy vehicles.
* Survey to obtain 2015 figures has been distributed with results expected early 2016.
· June 2014 – SPF approved with new GTP target of 60% by 2030
· July 2014 - £245k set aside for new shower / changing facilities
· October 2014 – GTP communication & marketing strategy developed and in place.
· October 2014 – Personal travel planning is available to all staff for the foreseeable future through Transport for Greater Manchester.
· November 2014 - Business case baseline assessments reviewed and amended to include sustainable travel elements.
· June 2015 – Park & ride pilot (free to use) commences operation from Broughton ParkF.C. (Rugby Union) club, Hough End
· June 2015 – 6 new showers and a dry room open completed and opened
· June 2015 - Opening of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC).
· August 2015 – As part of the MCRC new cycling facilities opened: 20 space compound, 6 showers, drying facilities and 180 lockers
· September 2015 – Local parking restrictions came into force (S106 agreement as part of the application 097417/FO/2011/S1 for the development of the MCRC).
Key actions planned 2015/2016
Internal actions
· Formation of parking eligibility consultation group (chaired by Director of Workforce)
· Communication & marketing strategy progressing
· Improvements to cycling facilities with 245K funding.
· Two month pool bicycle pilot taking place.
· Introduction of discounts for First bus Manchester
· Park and ride (P&R) pilot (free of charge).
External actions
· Implementation and enforcement of S106 car parking restrictions.
· Wilmslow Road Cycleway
Actions taken forward (September 2015 – December 2015)
· Additional facilities
o 13% of staff in 2014 asked for more secure cycle parking to support them switching modes therefore the Trust has installed a 20 bike compound next to car park C and 5 bicycle lockers distributed around the site.
o TfGM have installed a public bicycle pump at the Christie
o Brompton folding ‘bicycle for hire’ pilot 8 bikes/8 weeks– feedback to follow.
· Communication & marketing
o Living Streets' Walk Challenge 2015 (28 September to 2 October) promoted including launch stand in dining room on the 28 September.
o E-flyer to market Brompton folding bicycle pilot
o Autumn Chinwag article covered Brompton folding bicycles pilot
o Promotional stall held on the 25th November 2015 – covering cycling improvements, public transport offers and park & ride.
o Draft illustrated site plan developed to cover all sustainable travel options – bicycle, bus, Metrolink , car share and park & ride [ONLINE].
o Promotion of onsite training offer from TfGM (maintenance and road safety) – feedback to be reviewed.
o Travel plan coordinator attended The Future of Sustainable Transport conference, Salford University – 22 October 2015 ensure Christie is up to date on the Northern Hub.
· Monitoring
o MCC sustainable plan draft dashboard scorecard finalised and submitted.
o Travel survey distributed to site users – results expected early 2016.
· Living Streets' Community Street Audit (28th October)
o Palatine Road (east side) between the multi-storey car park (D), the Palatine Road entrance and the West Didsbury tram-stop;
o Oak Road (south side) between Palatine Road, the (main) Oak Road entrance and Wilmslow Road; and
o Wilmslow Road (west side) between Oak Road, the Wilmslow Road entrance and Marriott Street.
· Public transport
o Discussions on-going regarding TfGM 50% discount proposal for a monthly metro pass for current car park permit holders.
· Park & ride
o Park and ride service is being offered to students on placement at the Christie.
o Further site proposed for P&R under review with solicitors and project manager
· Parking
o Parking eligibility consultation group (chaired by Director of Workforce) on-going.
· Work on-going with the Wilmslow cycle way.
Planned activities Quarter 5 (December 2015 – March 2016)
· Communication & marketing
o Detailed illustrated site plan being developed to cover all sustainable travel options – bicycle, bus, Metrolink , car share and park & ride [ONLINE].
o A flyer for new starters is being developed that will be sent out prior to anyone starting.
o Preparations for Staff Health & Wellbeing day – promotion of active travel
o Marketing of ‘Get me there’ once bus is incorporated.
· Monitoring
o Travel survey – results expected early 2016 and report to follow in April after results have been reviewed.
· Cycling
o Additional bicycle compound in work up.
o Brompton folding bicycle feedback to be collated and reviewed.
o Monthly walkaround of bicycle facilities
o Investigate piloting another model bike as part of a hire scheme.
o Intensive cycling promotion to coincide with Wilmslow Road cycleway passing the Christie.
o Review arranging onsite training for maintenance and road safety.
· Walking
o Living Streets' Community Street Audit (28th October) report to be reviewed.
· Public transport
o Discussions on-going regarding TfGM 50% discount proposal for a monthly metro pass for current car park permit holders.
o Investigating park & ride buses collecting from train stations and Metrolink station.
o Promote the park & ride bus as an option for staff living locally to walk to the site and catch the bus.
· Car sharing
o Promotional campaign for car share scheme
o Car share marketing campaign to promote new spaces
· Park & ride
o Park and ride evaluation during pilot, once usage increases.
o Park and ride expansion – 100 spaces at the Christie fields with extended hours (06:00 – 22:00)
· Parking
o Parking eligibility consultation group (chaired by Director of Workforce) on-going – draft policy to be ready 31st December 2015.
· Wilmslow cycleway to pass the Christie.
· ‘Get me there’ - bus and tram passengers could be travelling smart and using get me there before the end of the year. Update needed from TfGM.
Division: / Facilities / Month: / December 2015
Report of: / Bernard Flanagan / Author: / W Blair – Strategic travel management officer
Private Patient Joint Venture Report