Executive Committee Meeting

Monday 1st August 2016

The meeting started at 10.10am at Gateway Room 8


O. Abraham, L. Dobreva, K. Paterson, H. Chirnside, D. Punch

In Attendance

D. Thompson


Abraham stated the meeting will go over with exec arriving late.



Minutes of previous meetings

No updates.


Lina spoke of the NSS boycott/sabotage stating she had sent an email to all exec for their thoughts. We have three options:

·  Promote to students to not fill in the NSS, boycott.

·  Disagree.

·  Not applicable for question 1 to 12. This is a sign of boycotting it.

Dan asked Lina what she suggests. Lina replied, she’s doesn’t have a stand; she would like to know what exec think. Kirsty suggested let’s look at what’s going to be best for students, what are their needs. Boycotting is refusing to participate; sabotage is intentionally destroying.

At this stage Lina is not for the sabotage, not the options she is looking at; either abstain or boycott.

Action: All exec to read Lina’s email and respond by Wednesday 3rd August, 5pm.

Fresher’s updates

Harry to catch up with Eleanor this afternoon and will give update asap. He will email confirmed updates by Wednesday.

Action: Harry to email all exec with updates by Wednesday.


Abraham Obinna


·  Attended Lead & Change, Keele last week.

·  Had a couple of meetings since returning, one with Ivan and another with the International Office which went well.

·  Been in touch with Presidents of the North East University’s to see if we could collaborate in trying to do something aside from Varsity - North East University games. University’s contacted: Teesside, Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria.

·  Attending a meeting tomorrow with Steve Knight, Chief Operating Officer of the University. If exec want anything bringing up with Steve, let Abraham know by 12 noon tomorrow (Tuesday).

Dan Punch

VP Societies & Sports

·  Has not had a meeting/conversation with Ivan/UoS yet. He would like to be involved in all major decisions, Varsity, Fresher’s Fayre and be the main spokesperson for Varsity. Dan will boot off, hold elections/proxy votes/boycott Institute of Sport if they don’t give him what he wants. He’s sorted out the framework with Cass, needs prioritises to be seen. Ivan’s only let him go on the panel to see who will be doing he’s job this next year, a guy called Stephen.

·  Attending Public Speaking course on the 8th August 2016.

·  Made loads of connections at Lead and Change last week.

Harry Chirnside

VP Entertainments

·  Freshers: Meeting with Eleanor today; updates to follow.

·  Working on Ministry of Sound (Fresher’s touring party/music company) to come to Sunderland. Negotiated and provisionally booked for Saturday 15th October 2016. The Union don’t pay a single penny, they supply everything, equipment, merchandise, prizes, dj’s, and marketing materials. They expect in return as a Students’ Union we are going to call it ‘University of Sunderland Students’ Union presents Ministry of Sound’; they expect tickets sales. Point is booked out for free. Main reason for the event is he was voted in by the Students as they wanted to see more events taking place and he wants to get this off the ground.

·  Last week attended an Alcohol impact class in Keele. It’s an investment with NUS. They supply you with equipment, funding, trading and how we can facilitate non drinking events being successful. Looking into this, see if investment is worthwhile.

·  Working with Adam on volunteering and opportunities, trial and error with social media, marketing, networking.

·  Working on Internships this week.

·  Police commissioner stuff coming up with Jason.

Lina Dobreva

VP Education

·  Last week attended an International strategy group with Adam. Main concern raised was the reputation of the city after Brexit, massive increase in hate crimes, been raised to 42.

·  Rep work: Talked to Marie & Gary about her ideas, been advised to talk to academics from the faculties. Top priority for this year.

·  Open letter going round, Harry & Lina has signed it, Abraham has not signed it. It is getting published this week.

·  TEFF Conference in October (Marie & Lina attending)…what it means to us!

·  Disciplinary panel, 8th August. Therefore won’t be able to attend next exec meeting.

Kirsty Paterson

VP Wellbeing & Engagement

·  Online submissions: Campaign ‘Be green keep it on the screen’.

·  Registering with GP, spoke to Tracey Brookes. Hoping to get something linked to evision, after entering details to then sign online for GP.

·  Metro/Student ticket prices. KP spoke of email she’s wrote; try and tie it in with the NUS card. Wants it from South Hylton to Newcastle/free zone area. Imagine publicity ‘Metro Helps Students’. KP to telephone other unions.

·  Graduations: Roxanne starting next week. Hopefully help with the campaign on graduation. Waiting for Rob Trimble to get back to her. Any updates from exec to be sent to KP by Friday 5pm.

Societies Discussion (Dan)

Ongoing work for societies to be created. Meeting with Kirsten, Ivan, Sean this week; maybe Marie to go along too. University still indecisions; they haven’t got the power to stop us doing it. Dan not going to be happy if this work gets pushed back. It needs to be up and running for freshers – 6 week’s time.

A discussion took place between Dan and Abraham regards working towards a good working relationship with the IoS. Dan stated he is happy to work with the IoS but wants the 3 things stated: Varsity, Fresher’s Fayre and be the main spokesperson for Varsity. If they do not provide the 3 things, he is going to boot off and going to do job regardless.

He is willing to do any extra they give as long as he gets the three main things he is asking for.

Any other business


Email from Marie regards the demonstration.

Action: All exec want to participate in it.

Apple IPad’s

The original order has gone missing in the post. Apple are expecting new stock on the 6th August and will be dispatched straight after that.


Ordered 29th July and will take 15 working days.

Next meeting scheduled for 8th August 2016

Lina unable to attend next meeting.