Registration and Commencement Ceremony Rehearsal, Naresuan University

In the Year (2560 B.E.) 2016

At the Multipurpose Building, Naresuan University, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province

From July 29 – 31, 2017


Registration and Commencement Ceremony Minor Rehearsal Places

Group 1 Graduate School (Ph.D. and Master)

Registration PlaceJuly 29–312017at Multipurpose Building (Basketball Court), Naresuan University

Minor Rehearsal PlaceJuly 29, 2017 at Queen Sirikit’s Anniversary Building (QS Building)

Group 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

Registration PlaceJuly 29 – 31, 2017 at Multipurpose Building, Naresuan University

Minor Rehearsal PlaceAgricultural Conference Room 1 (AG 2109) Faculty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

Group 3 Faculty of Dentistry

Registration PlaceJuly 29 – 31, 2017 at Multipurpose Building, Naresuan University

Minor Rehearsal PlaceRoom DT 3228, 2ndof Dental Hospital, Naresuan University

Group 4 Faculty of Law

Registration PlaceJuly 29 -31, 2017 at Multipurpose Building (Activities Courtyard), Naresuan University

Minor Rehearsal PlaceMain Conference Room of CITCOMS Building,Naresuan University

Group 5 Faculty of Nursing

Registration Place on July 29, 2017(Minor Rehearsal) divided by institution

NU Nursing StudentsConference Room of Associate Professor Dr. Prapa Limprasut, 3rd Floor, Faculty ofNursing

Boromarajonani Nursing Colleges Students1st Floor Courtyard, Faculty of Nursing

Registration Place on July 30 – 31, 2017 (Dress Rehearsal and Conferment Day) divided by institution

NU Nursing andBoromarajonani Nursing Colleges StudentsMultipurpose Building, Naresuan University

Minor Rehearsal Place on July 29 – 30, 2017 (Minor and Dress Rehearsal) divided by institution

NU Nursing StudentsConference Room of Associate Professor Dr. Prapa Limprasut, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Nursing

Boromarajonani Nursing Colleges Students

Phra Phuttha ChinnaratPhitsanulokClassroom Building Room H 406

UttaraditClassroom Building Room H 101 and H 102

Sawanpracharuk, NakhonsawanClassroom Building Room H 301 and H 302

Group 6 Faculty of Medicine

July 29, 2017

Registration Place1st Floor Hall (Parking Lot), Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University

Minor Rehearsal PlaceRoom CC2-801, Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University Hospital

July 30, 2017

Registration Place1st Floor Hall (Parking Lot), Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University

Minor Rehearsal Place Multipurpose Building, Naresuan University

July 31, 2017

Registration Place1st Floor Hall (Parking Lot), Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University

Continues on page 2/ Group 7...


Group 7 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

July 29, 2017

Registration PlaceRoom ภ.1311, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Minor Rehearsal PlaceRoom ภ.1311, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

July 30, 2017

Registration Place1st Floor Hall (Parking Lot), Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Minor Rehearsal PlaceRoom ภ.1311, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

July 31, 2017

Registration Place1st Floor Hall (Parking Lot), Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Group 8 Faculty of Humanities

Registration PlacePrabtrichakBuilding Room 12, Room 32, Room 52 and Computer room 14

Minor Rehearsal Place PrabtrichakBuilding Room 12, Room 32, Room 52 and Computer room 14

Group 9 Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications

(Bachelor of Mass Communication)

Registration PlaceActivities Courtyard, Multipurpose Building

Minor Rehearsal PlacePrabtrichak 2Building Room 307 and Room 308

(Bachelor of Business Administration)

Registration PlaceActivities Courtyard, Multipurpose Building

Minor Rehearsal PlacePrabtrichak 2Building Room 309, Room 310 and Room 308

(Bachelor of Accountancy)

Registration PlaceActivities Courtyard, Multipurpose Building

Minor Rehearsal PlacePrabtrichak 2Building Room 301 and Room 305

(Bachelor of Arts)

Registration PlaceActivities Courtyard, Multipurpose Building

Minor Rehearsal PlacePrabtrichak 2Building Room 307

(Bachelor of Economics)

Registration PlaceActivities Courtyard, Multipurpose Building

Minor Rehearsal PlacePrabtrichak 2Building Room 306

Group 10 Faculty of Science

July 29, 2017

Registration Place Hall under Classroom Building, Faculty of Science

Minor Rehearsal Place Faculty of Science

July 30–31, 2017

Registration PlaceActivities Courtyard, Multipurpose Building, Naresuan University

Group 11 Faculty of Engineering

Registration and Minor Rehearsal PlaceActivities Court 1st Floor of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Group 12 Faculty of Medical Sciences

Registration and Minor Rehearsal PlaceRoom MD233, Faculty of Medical Sciences

Group 13 Faculty of Education

Registration and Minor Rehearsal PlaceSeminar Room 1 Faculty of Education,Naresuan University

Group 14 Faculty of Architecture

Registration and Minor Rehearsal Place1st Floor Court of ARL Building, Faculty of Architecture

Group 15 Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Registration PlaceActivities Court 1st Floor of Administration and Service Building, Faculty

of Allied Health Sciences

Minor Rehearsal Place Room 3405, Laboratory Building, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Continues on page 3/ Group 16....


Group 16 Faculty of Social Sciences

July 29 – 31, 2017

Registration Place1st Floor Hall, Faculty of Social Sciences

Minor Rehearsal Place Prabtrichak Room 22, 42 and 62 Prabtrichak Building

Group 17 Faculty of Public Health

Registration and Minor Rehearsal Place Room PH 401 Faculty of Public Health Building, Naresuan University

Group 18 Naresuan University International College

Registration Place2nd Floor Hall International College Building

Minor Rehearsal PlaceRoom NUIC307, NUIC308, NUIC 309 International College Building, Naresuan University

Dress Rehearsal PlaceRoom NUIC 309 International College Building, Naresuan University


For the rehearsal on the stage, the rehearsal committee will set the appropriate period later.

Commencement Ceremony Rehearsal and the Commencement Ceremony of Naresuan University, Tentative Arrangements in Academic Year 2016

At Multipurpose Building Naresuan University, Muang Phitsanulok District, Phitsanulok Province

From July 29–31, 2017

Graduates (In the morning)

Master’s and Doctorate Degree Graduates (Group 1: Graduate School and Bachelor’sDegree graduates /

Group 2: Faculty of Agriculture / Group 3: Faculty of Dentistry / Group 4: Faculty of Law /

Group 5: Faculty of Nursing / Group 6: Faculty of Medicine / Group 7: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Group 8: Faculty of Humanities / Group 9: Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications /

Group 10: Faculty of Science andGroup 11: Faculty of Engineering)

Saturday,29 July2017:Minor Rehearsal Day(Dress properly: shirts, males wear pants and females wear skirts)

05.00 a.m.Register at Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1(Tennis Court)Group 1– Group 5 (197 first graduates)=1,000 Graduates

Set 2 (Futsal Court)Group 5 (285 last graduates) – Group 7= 580 Graduates

Set 3(Activities Courtyard)Group8 – Group 11= 1,528 Graduates

06.00 a.m.The rehearsal Staffs of the Graduate School and faculty will attendtheminor rehearsal at their group’s tent.

09.00 a.m.The staff who coordinate the line will lead the graduates to theirseatsin the Commencement Ceremony Hall, Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1 (Tennis Court)Graduates will sit in the Commencement Ceremony Hall

Set 2 (Futsal Court)Graduates will sit in theA–B Zone.

Set 3 (Activities Courtyard)Graduates will sit in the C-K Zone

10.00 - 10.30 a.m.President gives the homily and congratulation speech to all graduates and the head of the rehearsal staff explains about the schedule of the Commencement Ceremony.

10.30 - 12.00 a.m. Start the rehearsal ceremony in the prepared order from the beginning until the end of the ceremony and graduates listen to the comments for improving the rehearsal.

01.00 – 04.30 p.m. Graduates (Group 1- Group 11) attend the minor rehearsal at the rehearsal places as mentioned in the announcement(Record the ID. No. for the 1st day rehearsal).

04.30 – 05.30p.m.Acting Sub Lt.Graduatespractice their deportment and check their uniforms as the commissioned officers at the activities courtyard, Multipurpose Building.

Sunday, 30 July2017:Dress Rehearsal

05.00 a.m.Register at the Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1(Tennis Court)Group 1– Group 5 (197 first graduates)= 1,000 Graduates

Set 2 (Futsal Court)Group 5 (285 last graduates) – Group 7= 580 Graduates

Set 3 (Activities Courtyard)Group 8 – Group 11= 1,528 Graduates

06.00 a.m.Staff of the Graduate School and faculty will check all graduates ’uniforms, hair style, and finger nails.(Record the ID. No. for the 2ndday rehearsal)

07.00 a.m.Staff who coordinate the line will lead the graduates (Group 1 – Group 11) to be seated inthe Commencement Ceremony Hall, Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1 (Tennis Court)Graduates will sit in the Commencement Ceremony Hall.

Set 2 (Futsal Court)Graduates will sit in the A –B Zone.

Set 3 (Activities Courtyard)Graduates will sit in the C-K Zone

09.00 - 11.45 a.m.Start the dress rehearsal and continue until finishing.

Continues on page 2/11.45 – 12.00 a.m....


11.45 - 12.00 a.m.Walk out from the Commencement Ceremony Hall.

01.00 - 04.00 p.m.Take a group photo as scheduled inthe afore mentionedplace.

05.00 p.m.Graduates attend the paying homage ceremony at the King Naresuan the Great Monument.

Monday, 31 July2017:Conferment Day

05.00 a.m.Register at Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1(Tennis Court)Group 1– Group 5 (197 first graduates)= 1,000 Graduates

Set 2 (Futsal Court)Group 5 (285 last graduates) – Group 7= 580 Graduates

Set 3 (Activities Courtyard)Group 8 – Group 11= 1,528 Graduates

06.00 a.m. Staff of the Graduate School and faculty will check all graduates ’uniforms, hair style and fingernails.(Keep rehearsal’s practice card)

07.00 – 08.00 a.m.Staff who coordinate the line will lead the graduates (Group 1 – Group 11) to be seated intheCommencement Ceremony Hall, Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1 (Tennis Court)Graduates will sit in the Commencement Ceremony Hall.

Set 2 (Futsal Court)Graduates will sit in the A –B Zone.

Set 3 (Activities Courtyard)Graduates will sit in the C-K Zone

09.20 - 11.30 a.m. HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn arrives at the CommencementCeremony Hall.

- Start the conferment ceremony,and it continues until the end of the morning session.

- Graduates rapidly walk out from the Commencement Ceremony Hall.

Continues on page 3/Graduates (In the Afternoon)....


Graduates (In the Afternoon)

Group 12: Faculty of Medical Sciences / Group 13: Faculty of Education / Group 14: Faculty of Architecture /

Group15; Faculty of Allied Health Sciences / Group 16: Faculty of Social Science /

Group 17: Faculty of Public Health and Group 18: Naresuan University International College

Saturday,29 July2017:Minor Rehearsal Day (Dress properly: shirts, males wear pants and females wear skirts)

08.00 a.m.Register at the afore mentioned places which are divided by faculty.

08.30 – 12.00 a.m.Attend the minor rehearsal at the afore mentioned places that are divided by faculty.

01.00 – 01.15 p.m.Register at the Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1(Activities Courtyard) Graduates Group 12 – Group 18= 1,158 Graduates

01.15 – 02.00 p.m.Staff who coordinate the line will lead the graduates to be seated in theCommencement Ceremony Hall in the Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1 (Activities Courtyard) 1,000 Graduates will sit in the Commencement Ceremony Hall

Set 2 (Activities Courtyard) 158 Graduates will sit in the A Zone

02.00 – 02.30 p.m.President gives the homily and congratulation speech to all graduates and the head of the rehearsal staff explains about the schedule of the commencement ceremony.

02.30 – 04.30 p.m.The rehearsal ceremony starts in the prepared order from the beginning until the ceremony

is finished and graduates listen to the comments for improving the rehearsal.

(Record the ID. No. for the 1st day rehearsal)

04.30 – 05.30 p.m.Acting Sub Lt. graduates practice deportment and check their uniforms as the commissioned officers at the activities courtyard Multipurpose Building.

Sunday,30 July 2017:Dress Rehearsal

06.00 - 10.00 a.m.Take a group photo as scheduledat the afore mentioned place.

10.00 a.m.Register at the Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1 (Activities Courtyard) Graduates Group 12 – Group 18= 1,158 Graduates

10.30a.m.Staff of faculty will check all graduates’ uniforms, hair style and fingernails.

11.00 - 11.45 a.m.Staff who coordinate the line will lead the graduates to be seated in the Commencement Ceremony Hall, Multipurpose Building.(Record the ID. No. for the 2nd day rehearsal) as follows:

Set 1 (Activities Courtyard) 158 Graduates will sit in the A Zone

11.45 - 12.00 a.m.Set 1 (Activities Courtyard) 1,000 Graduates will sit in the Commencement Ceremony Hall.

01.00 - 02.30 p.m.Start the dress rehearsal and continue until finished and walk out from the Commencement Ceremony Hall.

04.30 p.m.Graduates attend the paying homage ceremony at the King Naresuan the Great Monument.

Continues on page 4/Monday, 31 July 2017....


Monday,31 July 2017:Conferment Day

10.00 a.m.Register at the Multipurpose Building as follows:

Set 1 (Activities Courtyard) Graduates Group 12 – Group 18= 1,158 Graduates

10.30 - 11.00a.m. Staff of the faculty will check all graduates’ uniforms, hair style and fingernails.

11.00 - 11.30 a.m. Staff who coordinate the line will lead the graduates to be seated in the Commencement Ceremony Hall, Multipurpose Building (Keep rehearsal’s practice card)as follows:

11.30 – 11.45 a.m.Set 1 (Activities Courtyard) 158 Graduates will sit in the A Zone

11.45 – 12.00 a.m.Set 1 (Activities Courtyard) 1,000 Graduates will sit in the Commencement Ceremony Hall12.30 p.m. HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn arrives at theCommencementCeremony. The

Conferment ceremony continues until finished.

03.00 p.m.Farewell Ceremony


  1. The rehearsal might be changed as appropriate,and the rehearsal staff will inform the graduates of any changes.All graduates have to record the rehearsal ID No. 3 times; if not, the graduates will not be allowed to attendthe commencement ceremony. Do not under any circumstances sign for anyone else.
  2. If your diploma is incorrect, you can contact the registration section Academic Service Division, Naresuan University within 1 month after the conferment day (Please attach the original diploma).
  3. For the graduates who did not attend the commencement ceremony, you can get the diploma by yourself atthe registration section of the Academic Service Division, Naresuan University during working hours. Please bring acopy of you ID card/officer card. In case of using a letter of authorization, the proxy has to bring a copy of his/her ID card/officer card and of the graduate. All documents have to be signed to be considered authentic.The graduates have to pick up the diploma within 1 month,or the diploma will be sent to the graduates thoughthe mail.

All graduates can watch the VDO clip about the rehearsal commencement ceremony at the website:

Naresuan Unversity would like to invite you to watch the live of Commencement Ceremony on internet

network at: .