August 2013
To: All org 04/40 P&S Employees
Fr: Cheryl Reardon
In early August you received an email regarding the implementation the online IT tool, ‘My UI Career’, to help facilitate the job performance review and goal setting process. We will be working with HR unit representatives and departmental administrators to facilitate this process. Below is a summary of the OVPR&ED organization implementation plan.
In September & October - Training
· Begin hands-on training for the ‘My UI Career’ Application. Training will be available to ensure that employees understand how to enter their goals into ‘My UI Career’ and become familiar with the tool prior to the annual evaluation process in Spring 2014.
By the end of November – Meet and Enter Goals from FY 13 Review
· Supervisors should meet with their employees for a bi-annual “check-in” meeting. This meeting should include a review of the employees’ FY13 goals and plan to ensure that these goals and their progress are entered into ‘My UI Career’.
December 2013 to March 31, 2014 – Annual Review Process
· Step #1 Employees start the process through ‘My UI Career’ (self-evaluation). This
will include updating progress on goals and accomplishments from FY13 and drafting goals for FY14.
· Step #2 Supervisors review and modify comments/goals in the on-line system and
enter a performance rating in the HRIS system – Distinguished, Commendable, Effective, Improvement Needed.
· Step #3 Employee and Supervisor meet to discuss performance and goals, and
finalize the form.
P&S performance reviews, using ‘My UI Career’, are due March 31, 2014.
Please Note - *Merit performance reviews are also due March 31, 2014.