Winter Meeting

24 January 2013

Manchester Metropolitan University

In attendance:

Caro-lynne Ferris / Outdoor Recreation NI
Jo Burgon / CRN, Chairman
Kathryn Callaghan / CRN, Secretariat
Adam Streeter-Smith / Scottish National Parks
Sean Prendergast / Association of National Park Authorities
Philip Broadbent-Yale / National Trust
Rob Garner / Scottish Natural Heritage
Paddy Harrop / Forestry Commission England
James Ogilvie / Forestry Commission Scotland
Alison Darlow / Natural England
Wendy Thompson / Natural England
Mike McClure / Sport NI
Campbell Gerrard / Sport Scotland
Sharon Roulston / Waterways Ireland

Speakers and Guests:

Phil Lakin / National Trust
Tessa Wiley / Big Lottery Fund
Drew Bennellick / Heritage Lottery Fund
Philip Wheater / Manchester Metropolitan University
Simon Caporn / Manchester Metropolitan University


Martin Gray / Historic Scotland
Nigel Foxall / Lee Valley RPA
Alan MacPherson / Scotgtish Natural heritage
Beatrice Kelly / Heritage Council Ireland
Martin Key / Sport and Recreation Alliance
Rosemary Lightbody / Northern Ireland Tourist Board
Helen Jones / Scottish Executive
Elinor Gwyn / Countryside Council for Wales
Maia Taylor / NI Environment Agency
Glenn Millar / Canal and River Trust

Business Meeting session.

Follow up actions.

  1. CRN Management Group Terms of Reference – agreed with the following amends:
  2. Remove 3.5 – Mike to amend
  3. Specify the delegated decisions are up to £1k – Mike to amend
  4. Management Group members:
  5. Treasurer still required
  6. Research Officer role fulfilled as of 01.04.13 – Fran Pothecary, Scottish National Parks
  7. One additional member still required
  8. Service Level Agreement for third year with ORNI – agreed – Jo and Caro-lynne to sign document
  9. E-flip CRN conference journal – agreed to proceed with this, and to get feedback from readers / monitor downloads – Kathryn to organise once journal artwork is ready
  10. Website improvements for navigation and removal of login area – agreed – Kathryn to organise with web designer
  11. Outdoor Times – agreed to hold this idea until the new look of the website is established
  12. Membership – a new working group was established to consider membership criteria, benefits, barriers etc. Aim is to develop proposals for moving forward on what CRN does and who can benefit from membership. Members: Mike McClure, Philip Broadbent-Yale, Paddy Harrop, Wendy Thompson. Mike to convene a date for teleconference
  13. Budget for 2013/14 – agreed to issue invoices in Feb/March 2013 – pending receipt of PO numbers, at the same rate as this year (£600 for associate and £1,600 for full membership) – Kathryn to progress
  14. 2013 Conference – Kathryn to re-circulate the conference flier and an updated programme.
  15. May CRN meeting – confirmed for 9 and 10 May in Lisburn, Northern Ireland – hosted by Sport NI and Lisburn City Council. Theme agreed as urban outdoors. Kathryn and Mike to work up a draft programme.
  16. September CRN meeting – confirmed for 26 and 27 September in Glasgow – hosted by Sport Scotland and Forestry Commission. Theme to be based on the Commonwealth Games preparation. Kathryn to follow up with Campbell to draw up a draft programme.
  17. May 2014 CRN meeting – agreed to consider a Paths theme in – perhaps in association with Marcus Sangster, now Chairman or Paths for All – Jo to follow up. The following path-related topics were of interest across the group:
  18. Design features to manage use
  19. User codes and promoting responsible behaviour
  20. Branding trails
  21. Funding trail maintenance

Research Discussion

Phil Wheater outlined the range of environmental research activities he and his colleagues are and have been involved with, and explained that academics are connected through a variety of professional networks as well as a loose network of past students. He suggested that CRN could potentially play a useful role in acting as a broker for information exchange via seminars, conferences, in-house research and workshops, and that funding could be sought from humanities-based charities such as the Rowntree Trust etc.

It was agreed that CRN should:

•Develop a database of academic contacts

•Set the agenda for CRN research – based on priorities which have emerged through info-sharing pro-formas over the past two years

•Bounce this off our academic contacts, inviting those with an interest to join an academic collective

•Draw up the terms of reference for an agreed research project

•Be in a state of readiness to apply for funding

•Investigate the possibility of running a ‘horizon scanning’ research workshop in January or Easter 2014. MMU extended an offer to host this event, and it was agreed that there would be a charge for delegates.

Funding Seminar

Presentations were given by the following guest speakers:

  • Phil Lakin, National Trust - Fundraising from Europe Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  • Tessa Wiley, BIG - Big Lottery Fund Opportunities
  • Drew Bennellick, Heritage Lottery Fund - HLF Funding Opportunities

Copies of these presentations can be found at

