Kenneth Thompson 129
Symphonies for Band: An Exploratory List
I recently read Frank Battisti’s book The Winds of Change (Meredith Music
2002) and was intrigued with his discussion about the early efforts to create a body of viable, large scale works for the serious concert band. I immediately thought of the great symphonies for band and those of Hindemith, Persichetti, Giannini, and Gould came to mind. I assumed that there must be many more additions to the list but was not sure how extensive the end result might be. I began to track down symphonies for band, thinking I might find fifty or sixty – much to my surprise I found 235!
It is no surprise that composers would initially turn to the symphony as a structural form. Since the eighteenth century, the symphony has been viewed as one of the most significant froms of instrumental composition. The contrasts of the different movements allowed composers to write for bands in new ways: developmentally in relation to thematic material, and works of greater length due to the extended structure of the symphonic form.
The earliest symphonies for winds were written for harmonie music ensembles and various small military wind bands. These include the works of Reicha, Gossec, and Catel, but later were expanded to include larger ensembles as in the Berlioz. Along with the efforts to standardize the band’s instrumentation in the 20th century and the philosophical wind ensemble movement, we see a coinciding rise in the number of symphonies written. As the level of performance also increased in colleges and universities after World War II, a new wealth of these extended, difficult works begin to establish a new symphonic repertoire. The majority of this list is reflective of the post-war era, and will continue to grow, adding valuable addtions to the developing repertoire.
I am confident that this is not yet a complete list, and some dates listed are publishing dates because I was unable to trace actual composition dates. However,
I do feel that this is, to date, the most comprehensive list of symphonies for band. I have included all works bearing the title “symphony” even if they do not completely fulfill the classical requirements of “symphonic” form. Several members of the BandChat listserv provided some items for the list that will be new to many WASBE members. I also would like to especially thank Leroy Osmon and Michael Good (Recordare LLC) for valuable additions to this list.
If you have additions for this list, please contact me at and include “Symphonies For Band” in the subject heading.
Adler, Samuel Symphony No. 3 “Diptych” 1961/1980 (2 versions)
Alexander, William P. Symphony 1983
Ancelin, Pierre Symphonie fur Blasorchestra 1986
Andriessen, Louis Symphonieen der Nederlanden 1974
Bach, J. C. Six Symphonies (F, C, F, C, F, C)
Bach, J. C. Four Symphonies (Eb, Eb, Bb, Eb)
Badings, Henk Symphony in C 1979
Badings, Henk Symphony No. 13 1966
Badings, Henk Symphony No. 15 ‘Conflicts and Confluences’ 1983
Balada, Leonardo Symphony No. 2 “Cumbres” 1971
130 Kenneth Thompson
Balissat, Jean Symphony for Wind Orchestra
Barnes, James Symphony No. 1 1978
Barnes, James Symphony No. 2
Barnes, James Symphony No. 3 1994
Barnes, James Symphony No. 4
Barnes, James Symphony No. 5
Bartos, Jan Zdenek Symphonie 1975
Bavicchi, John Festival Symphony
(Symphony No. 1), Op. 51 (with antiphonal brass) 1965
Bavicchi, John Symphony No. 2, Op. 70 1977
Benson, Warren Symphony No. 2 “Lost Songs” 1983
Benson, Warren Symphony for Drums And Wind Orchestra 1962
Berlioz, Hector Grande Symphonie Funèbre et Triomphale 1840
Bedford, David Symphony 1986
Beglarian, Grant Symphony fur Blaser-Ensemble
Bernier, Antony Symphonie Militaire
Beversdorf, Thomas Symphony No. 3 for Winds and Percussion 1954
Beyer, Frederick Symphony for Band 1967
Bilik, Jerry Symphony for Band 1971
Bleger, Michel Symphonie
Bottje, Will G. Symphony No. 4 1956
Bottje, Will G. Symphony No. 6 1963
Bourgeois, Derek Symphony of Winds 1980
Bourgeois, Derek Symphony No. 8 “The Mountains of Mallorca” 2002
Boysen, Andy Symphony for Winds and Percussion 1998
Brandse, Wim Symphony For Band 1995
Bukvich, Daniel Symphony No. 1 In Memoriam 1993
Bulow, Tim Symphony for Band
Camphouse, Mark Symphony No. 3 (Soprano and Band)
Catel, Charles Simon Symphonie Militaire
Chance, John Barnes Symphony No. 2 1972
Constantinides, Dinos Symphony No. 3 1988
Copley, R. Evan Symphony
Deak, Csaba Symphony for Wind Orchestra 1995
Debali, Francisco Jose Sinfonia for Band (1, 2, 3)
De Gastyne, Serge 1962
Symphony No. 2 “Fireworks”
De Gastyne, Serge Symphony No. 4
Del Borgo, Elliot Symphony For Band de Meij, Johan Symphony No. 1 “Lord of the Rings” 1988 de Meij, Johan Symphony No. 2 “The Big Apple” 1994
Downing, Joseph Symphony for Winds and Percussion 1985
Dutton, Brent Symphony No. 5 “Dark Spirals”
Dunlap, Ralph Symphony in Minor Keys
Dvorak, Robert West Point Symphony
Ellerby, Martin Symphony for Winds 1996
Erb, Donald Symphony for Winds 1989
Erickson, Frank Symphony No. 1 1953
Erickson, Frank Symphony No. 2 1953
Erickson, Frank Symphony No. 3 1983
Fauchet, Paul Symphony in Bb 1926
Flagello, Nicolas Symphony No. 2 “Symphony of the Winds” 1970
Flament, Edouard Symphonie op. 123
Forte, Aldo Rafael Symphony for the Millenium 2000
Symphonies for Band: An Exploratory List 131
Gable Symphony of Hope
Galbraith, Nancy Symphony No. 1 ‘If Rachel In A Yellow Rose’ 1997
Gates, Keith Symphony for Wind Ensemble 1984
Giannini, Vittorio Symphony No. 3 1958
Gillette, James Symphony No. 1 “Pagan” 1932
Gillis, Don Symphony No. 1 1952
Gillis, Don 1967 Symphony No. 5
Gillis, Don 1972 Symphony X
Giovaninni, Caesar Symphony In One Movement
Goodwin, Gordon Symphony 1991 For Winds and Percussion
Gossec, Francois Symphony in F 1794
Gossec, Francois Symphonie Militaire 1793
Gotkovsky , Ida Brilliante Symphonie 1988
Gotkovsky, Ida Symphonie For Organ And Band
Gotkovsky, Ida Symphonie du Printempts 1988
Gotkovsky, Ida Symphonie For 85 Wind Instruments 1960
Gould, Morton Centennial Symphony 1983
Gould, Morton Symphony for Band “West Point” 1952
Graham, Peter Symphony for Wind Orchestra
Gramm, Peter Montage – Symphony for Winds 1998
Hannay, Roger Symphony
Harris, Roy Symphony “West Point” 1952
Hartig, Hugo Symphony No. 1 for Winds
Hartley, Walter Symphony No. 1 “Centennial Symphony”
Hartley, Walter Symphony No. 2 for Band
Hartmann, Karl Symphony No. 5
Hearshen, Ira Symphony on Themes of Sousa
Herrmann, Hugo Sinfonia der Arbeit op. 90
Hidas, Frigyes Save The Sea – A Symphony For Band
Hindemith, Paul Symphony in Bb 1951
Holsinger, David Easter Symphony
Hopkins, Anthony Symphony No. 2
Hopkins, Anthony Symphony No. 7
Hopkins, James F. Symphony No. 2
Hopkins, James F. Symphony No. 3
Hopkins, James F. Symphony No. 6
Hovhaness, Alan Symphony No. 4, op. 165 1958
Hovhaness, Alan Symphony No. 7 “Nanga Parvat”, Op. 178 1959
Hovhaness, Alan Symphony No. 14 Op. 194 (Ararat) 1961
Hovhaness, Alan Symphony No. 20 “Three Journeys to a 1969
Holy Mountain”, Op. 223
Hovhaness, Alan Symphony No. 29 for Trombone and Band 1977
Hovhaness, Alan Symphony No. 53 “Star Dawn” 1982
Hovhannes, Alan Symphony for Metal Orchestra op. 203 1963
Hultgren, Ralph Symphony for Wind Orchestra 1994
Hovhannes, Alan Symphony No. 23 1972
Israel, Brian Symphony
Ito, Yasuhide La Vita: Symphony in Three Scenes
Ito, Yashudi A Jubilee Symphony
Jacob, Gordon Symphony AD 78 1978
Jadin, Louis Symphony in F 1794
Jager, Robert Symphony No. 1 1963
132 Kenneth Thompson
Jager, Robert Symphony No. 2 1978
Josephs, Wilfred Symphony No 8
Josephs, Wilfred Symphony No 11 “Fireworks Symphony” 1992
Kabelac, Miloslav Symphony op. 31 1957
Kleinsinger, George Symphony for Winds
Knox, Thomas Symphony No. 1 1996
Koffler, Jozef Symphony No. 3
Kozhevnikov, Boris Symphony No. 3 “Slavyandakaya”
Five Symphonies (1943-77)
Krenek, Ernst Symphonie, Op. 34 1925
Kühmstedt, Paul Symphonie 1956
Lancen, Serge Manhattan Symphony 1961
Lancen, Serge Symphonie de l’Eau 1986
Lancen, Serge Symphonie Iberique 1992
Lancen, Serge Symphonie Joyeuse 1995
Lancen, Serge Symphonic de Paris 1973
Lastra, Erich Second Symphony
Leeuw, Ton de Symphony of Winds
Legley, Victor Symphony No. 7, op. 112
Leidzen, Erik Irish Symphony 1954
Margolis, Bob Two-Minute Symphony
Maros, Miklos Symphony No. 2
Maslanka, David Symphony No. 2 1985
Maslanka, David Symphony No. 3 1991
Maslanka, David Symphony No. 4 1993
Maslanka, David Symphony No. 5 2000
Mata, Eduardo Symphony No. 3
McBride, Robert Hill-Country Symphony
McCoy,Mark Symphony For Salem, 1692 1962
McGinnis, Don Symphony for Band 1977
Mertens, Hardy Symphony No. 1 – Voice of Mind 1985
Mertens, Hardy Symphony No. 2 – Revelations 1989
Michalsky, Donal Little Symphony 1959
Migot, Georges Symphony pour 10 instruments a vent 1948
Migot, Georges Sinfonia da chiesa 1956
Milhaud, Darius Symphony No. 5 op. 75 1922
Morel, Francois Symphonie pour Cuivre
Myaskovsky, Nikolay Symphony No. 19 in Eb, op. 46 1939
Osmon, Leroy Symphony for Winds and Percussion 1988
Osterling, Eric Symphony No. 1
Palange, Louis Symphony in Steel 1941
Palester, Roman Children’s Symphony 1933
Parchman, Gen Louis Symphony for Band 1964 1964
Paul, Ernst J. Symphonie in f-mol, op. 162 1971
Perle, George Symphony
Perez-Ribas, Juan Symphony For Band
Perry, Julia Symphony
Persichetti, Vincent Symphony No. 6 for Band 1956
Symphonies for Band: An Exploratory List 133
Presser, William Symphony No. 2 1971
Pyle, Francis J. Symphony No. 1
Quilling, Howard L. 1973
Symphony for Winds and Percussion
Rakowski, David Symphony No. 2 “Ten of a Kind” 2000
Reed, Alfred Symphony No. 2 1978
Reed, Alfred Symphony No. 3 1987
Reed, Alfred Symphony No. 4
Reed, Alfred Symphony No. 5
Reed, H. Owen La Fiesta Mexicana 1949
Commemoration Symphony Reicha, Anton 1809
Wasatch Symphony Reid, Sarah 1970
Russell, Armand Symphony in Three Images 1968
Ridout, Alan Symphony For Band
In Praise of Winds
Sanders, Robert Symphony for Band 1943
Schaffranke, Franz Symphonie in Es
Schneitzhoeffer, Jean Symphonie Bataille 1831
Schuller, Gunther Symphony For Large Wind Orchestra –
Shaffer, David Sandpaper Symphony
Schlein, Irving Symphony No. 8
Serly, Tibor Symphony No. 2 1932
Siennicki, Edmund J. Symphony
Skalkotas, Nicos Classical Symphony 1947
Smith, Claude T. 1979
Symphony No. 1 for Band
Smith, Robert W. Symphony No. 1 “The Divine Comedy”
Smith, Robert W. Symphony No. 2 “Odyssey”
Smolanoff, Michael Symphonie No. 2
Snoeck, Kenneth Symphony No. 3 “Scaramouch” 1971
Soenen, Willy Symfonie 1978
Somers, Harry Symphony for Winds, Brass and Percussion
Sparke, Philip Symphony No. 1 “Earth, Wind, Fire, Water” 1999
Sorcsek, Jerome Symphony No. 1
Sorcsek, Jerome Symphony No. 2
Spears, Jared Symphony No. 1 1981
Stanhope, David Symphony No. 1
Syler, James Symphony No. 1 “Blue”
Touchin, Colin Our Hopes, Like Towering Falcons – 1992
Symphony for Wind Orchestra
Uber, David Dedication Symphony 1994
Uber, David Symphony No. 2 1993
Uber, David Symphony No. 3 1993
Vlak, Kees Simple Symphony 1987
Vollrath, Carl P. Symphony No. 1 1981
Vollrath, Carl P. Symphony No. 2 1985
Vollrath, Carl P. Symphony No. 3
Vollrath, Carl P. Symphony No. 4 1989
Kenneth Thompson
Vollrath, Carl P. Symphony No. 5
Vosbein , Terry A Winter Symphony
Wahlich, Marcel Symphonie No. 1 1961
Wahlich, Marcel Symphonie No. 2 1968
Washburn, Robert Symphony for Band 1963
Weiner, Lawrence Daedalic Symphony 1966
Symphony No. 3 Weiner, Lawrence 1972
Symphony No. 1 – Sinfonia Sacra Werle, Floyd 1970
Werle, Floyd Symphony No. 2 for Winds
Welcher, Dan Symphony No. 3 “Shaker Life” 1997
Whear, Paul Symphony No. 1 “Stonehenge” 1970
Whear, Paul Symphony No. 4
White, John D. Symphonie 1985
A Hamlet Symphony Whitwell, David 1989
A Symphony of Songs Whitwell, David 1990
Lyric Symphony Whitwell, David 1987
Symphony No. 5 – Sinfonia Italia Whitwell, David 1990
Symphonia Sacra: In Darkness Shine Wilby, Philip 1986
Williams, Ernest Symphony in C Minor 1938
Wuensch, Gerhard Symphony in Es
Yashiro, Akio Symphony
Ziek, Gary Symphony for Winds and Percussion
Kenneth Thompson is currently Associate Conductor of the St. Louis Wind
Symphony and is a DMA Candidate in Band Conducting at The University of Iowa where he studies with Myron Welch.