Trust Annual Equality and Diversity Report (by the E&D Committee)
Trust Board / Item:Part 1 / Enc:
Purpose of the Report:
To present the draft annual report of the Equality and Diversity Committee
FOR: Information AssuranceDiscussion and input Decision/approval
Sponsor (Executive Lead): / Terry Roberts
Author: / Carolyn Floyd Workforce Information Manager
Author Contact Details: / 020 89343441
Financial/Resource Implications: / None
Quality Governance Implications:
Risk Implications – Link to Assurance Framework or Corporate Risk Register:
Legal Implications: / Equalities legislation and public duty to promote equality
Link to Relevant CQC Standard: / Standards relating to workforce and service users
Document Previously Considered By: / E&D Committee (3 April 2013)
RMC (10 April 2013)
EMT (22 April 2013)
To approve the Annual Equality and Diversity Report.
The following report analyses the workforce at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust over the financial year 2013-14 to demonstrate compliance with the Equality Act 2010, and specifically the public sector Equality Duty.
The Equality Duty requires organisations to consider all individuals when carrying out their day to day work, in developing policy, and in delivering services. It requires them to publish relevant, proportionate information to ensure there is no discrimination. The Act aims to protect people from discrimination on the basis of nine protected characteristics which are as follows:
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Age
- Disability
- Sexual Orientation
- Religious Belief
- Marital Status
- Maternity & Pregnancy
- Gender re-assignment.
The report monitors the workforce against these characteristics, where possible, in the following areas of analysis:
- Staff in Post
- Performance Development Reviews (PDRs)
- New Starters
- Leavers
- Employee Relations
- Promotions
It reports trend data over the past three years, analyses the characteristic by service line, by staff group by pay band and by salary bracket, where the data is available.
Trust Analysis
The Trust employed 2,335.07 WTEsubstantive staff as at 31st March 2014. The majority of staff work across 22 Service Lines grouped into 3 divisions, the largest service line being Maternity (13% of employees). 30% of the employees at the Trust are part time and the largest percentage of staff fall within the Qualified Nursing staff group (34%). 21% of the Trust are in Agenda for Change pay band 5 and 53% of the staff have a basic salary between £20,000 - £39,000.
Every year the Trust undertakes PDRs for employees between April and July. The Trust recorded that 87% of employees had received an appraisal by the end of the cycle this year exceeding the target of 85%.
In 2013/14 there were 752 new starters to the Trust, and increase of 133 from last year. The largest percentage of joiners was within the Elderly Care service line (16%), 34% were from the Medical & Dental staff group and 26% were in pay band 5. There were also 684 leavers from the Trust this year, an increase of just 28 from last year. The highest percentage of leavers wasalso within the Elderly Care Service Line (16%), 33% were from the Medical & Dental staff group and 21% were from pay band 5. If we exclude the Medical & Dental staff 36% of the leavers this year had less than 2 years’ service with the Trust.
There were 476 Employee Relations cases this financial year, 307 of which were informal cases.As expected the highest case load was within Qualified Nursing group, as this is largest staff group in the Trust. Caseload is highest in pay band 5 (25%) and Band 2 (24%). The highest percentage of promotions took place within the Maternity service line (22%), 45% of the promotions took place in the Qualified Nursing staff group. The majority of the promotions were from band 5 to band 6 (44%).
Gender Overview
The Gender profile this year has not changed since last year.
Ethnicity Overview
Although the percentage of White employees has remained the same at 68% this year compared to last the percentage of Black & Minority Ethnicities (BME) percentage has increased by 1% to 31%. Since 2010 the percentage of BME staff employed has now increased by 3% and remains higher the population profile of the area.
Age Overview
The percentage of employees under the age of 40 has increased again this year by 1% to 48%. The number of staff in their 30s has decreased (by 2%) and the number in their 20s has increased (by 2%).
Disability Overview
The percentage of staff declaring no disability has increased this year by 5% to 86%. The number of staff with a disability has remained static at 2% for the past three years.
Sexual Orientation Overview
The percentage of staff declaring their sexual orientation to be Heterosexual has increased by 5% this year to 78%. Conversely the number of staff choosing not to declare their sexuality has decreased from 25% to 20%. The number of staff with an alternative sexual orientation to heterosexual has remained static at 2% over the past three years.
Religious Belief Overview
The percentage of staff declaring their religious belief to be Christianity has increased by 3% this year to 55%. Again the number of staffing choosing not to declare their religious belief has decreased by the same percentage.
Characteristic 1: Gender Analysis
The graph above shows the gender breakdown over the six areas of analysis. 25% of new starters and leavers are male which is higher than the staff in-post profile, however, the overall percentage of male staff in the Trust has remained static over the past three years.Caseload for female employee relations is higher than staff in-post figure by 5% and the percentage of male staff promoted is 6% lower.
Staff in Post Analysis
The Trust employees a predominantly female workforce with 78% of the staff being female. Trend data shows that there is no change in the overall gender profile of the staff over the past three years.
▪Thedata table above analyses gender by staff group over the past three years. Trend data sees a year on year reduction of female staff in the Admin & Estates staff group. The Medical & Dental group consistently has the highest percentage of male staff.
▪The data table above analyses gender by pay band over the past three years. This year’s data shows the lowest pay bands and the highest pay bands record the smaller percentages of female staff. Trend data shows and increase in male staff in bands 5 and 7 year on year. Conversely there is a decrease in male staff employed in bands 1 and 8a and above over the same period.
▪The data table above analyses gender by salary bracket over the past three years. When analysing employees’ basic salary the trend shows the female percentage drop from 77% in salary bracket £1,000-£20,000to 43% in the £80,000+ bracket. Some of this can be apportioned to more female staff working part time hours (92% of the part time staff are female). Despite this further analysisof trend does show an increase in the percentage of females employed in the £80,000 and above bracket.
PDR Analysis
This year 81% of employees that received a PDR were female this is a 2% decreased since last financial year, but 3% higher than the staff in-post profile. The lowest percentage of PDRs recorded overall was in the Gynaecology & Breast service line (51%). The Operations service line recorded the highest percentage of male PDRs (51%). The highest percentage of female PDRs undertaken was for band 7 employees (86%) and 52% of male PDRs were completed in the £80,000 and above pay bracket. None of these statistics differ radically from the staff in-post profile.
▪Thedata table above analyses gender by staff group for staff receiving a PDR over the past three years. The percentage of male Admin & Estates staff rises each year which matches the staff in post pattern. This is the same for Clinical Support staff. Male PDR percentages have reduced in the Qualified Allied Health Professions and Scientific & Technical staff group, again this commensurate with the staff in-post profile.
▪Thedata table above analyses gender by pay band for staff receiving a PDR over the past three years. Trend data shows male PDRs completed have reduced for band 8a’s and above and band 1’s. Male PDRs have increased year on year for band 5 employees.
New Starters
This year 25% of the new starters to the Trust were male, this is a 4% decrease since last year. There were no male starters in Gynaecology & Breast, Medical Director, Nursing Director and Specialist Outpatients service lines. The Qualified Nursing staff group saw the highest percentage of females employed this year (92%), conversely the Medical & Dental staff group saw the highest percentage of males employed (36%). Band 8a and above saw thelargest percentage of males employed (36%).
▪Thedata table above analyses gender by staff group for new starters over the past three years. Trend shows a decrease in male staff employed in the Admin & Estates group year on year. Conversely the percentage of male Healthcare Assistants employed has increased. Although the percentage of female qualified nurses employed decreased in 2012/13 this has now increased again this year.
▪The data table above analyses gender by pay band for new starters over the past three years. Trend shows a decrease in male staff employed across all pay bands. Some of these are more prominent decreases than others.
This year 25% of the leavers were male a 1% increase on last financial year. There were no male leavers in the GUM, Gynaecology & Breast, Nursing Director and Ophthalmology service lines. The highest percentage of females leavers were in the Qualified Nursing and Technicians’ staff groups (90%). Band 8a and above saw the largest percentage of male leavers (35%).
▪Thedata table above analyses gender by staff group for leavers over the past three years. The percentage of Admin & Estates male leavers has decreased dramatic year on year. Conversely the percentage of male qualified nurses leaving has increased this year as well as the male Healthcare Assistants.
▪Thedata table above analyses gender by pay band for leavers over the past three years Trend data shows a continual decrease in male leavers for bands 2 and 8a and above. The percentage of female leavers has decreases in bands 4, 5 and 6.
Employee Relations
This year 83% of the Employee Relations cases were for female employees, a 3% increase since last year. The service lines recording no male caseload are: Commercial, Corporate Affairs, Finance, Gastroenterology & Endoscopy, Gynaecology & Breast, Paediatrics & NNU, Pharmacy and Specialist Outpatients. Only two service lines, Nursing Director and Histopathology record no Employee Relations caseload at all. The highest female caseload is within the Qualified Nursing staff group which is commensurate with the staff in post profile. The highest percentage of male cases is within pay band 7 this year.
▪The data table above analyses gender for employee relations cases over the past three years. Trends show a year on year increase in cases for female employees in the Admin & Estates, Qualified Nursing and Medical & Dental staff groups. Male caseload has increased in the Qualified Allied Health Professions only.
▪Thedata table above analyses gender for employee relations cases over the past three years. Trend data shows the caseload for female employees increase in bands 2, 3, 5 and 8a and above.
This year 84% of the promoted staff were for female employees this is 7% decrease since last year. Only eight service linesrecorded no promotions in the financial year. 100% of the promotions for Healthcare Assistants were female employees. The highest percentage of male staff promoted occurred in band 1 (67%) and band 8a and above (40%).
▪Thedata table above analyses the gender of promoted staff by staff group over the past three years. Trend shows and alteration in trend across all the staff groups except Healthcare Assistants which has remained completed consistent during the trend period.
▪The data table above analyses the gender of promoted staff by pay band over the past three years. There is a continual rising trend in promotions for female staff in bands 3 to 4. The percentage of male staff promoted has increased in the higher bands this year specifically from the brackets band 5 and above.
Characteristic 2: Ethnicity Analysis
The graph above shows the ethnic breakdown over the six areas of analysis. 40% of new starters are from a BME background, 9% higher than the current staff in post profile. There is also, however, a high percentage of leavers with a BME background 38%. 34% of the Employee Relations cases are for BME staff and only 21% of employee promoted were from a BME background. This year’s data also shows 4% of new starters not stating their ethnicity; this is higher than the previous three years.
Staff in Post Analysis
68% of employees at the Trust classify themselves as White. This compares to 74% in the borough of Kingston-upon-Thames, 61% in Outer London and 86% of the population of Great Britain as a whole (2011 Population Census). Trend data shows the percentage of BME staff employed at the Trust has increase by 3% since 2010 to 31%. The largest BME group is currently Asian/Asian British (14%) and the smallest Chinese (1%),this has been a consistent trend over the past three years. All employees of the Trust have an ethnicity recorded for them, although 2% have chosen not to declare it.
▪Thedata table above analyses ethnicity by staff group over the past three years.Consistently the staff group with the highest percentage of BME staff is Medical & Dental (40% in 2013/14). Trend data shows that the percentage of BMEemployeeshas increased year on year in the Admin & Estates and Qualified Allied Health Professions staff groups. Conversely BME percentages have dropped in the Healthcare Assistants staff group. The Qualified Nursing group has remained static for the past three years.
▪The data table above analyses ethnicity by pay band over the past three years.The data shows an increase of BME staff in bands 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8a and above. Band 6 sees a rising increase in white staff employed and band 7 employees ethnicity have remained static over the trend period.
▪The data table above analyses ethnicity by salary bracket. Trend shows an increase of BME staff across all the of the salary brackets. Some show a year on year growth. Encouragingly there is a continued increase of BME staff employed in the £80,000 and above bracket.
This year the percentage of BME staff receiving a PDR has increased from 26% to 28%, however, this is still 3% lower than the staff in post profile of 31%. The services with a high percentage of PDRs completed are: Cardiology (49%), Intensive Care (49%), Ophthalmology (50%) and Respiratory (50%). This matches the higher percentage of BME staff in post within these service lines.
▪Thedata table above analyses ethnicity by staff group for staff receiving a PDR over the past three years. The percentage of BME staff receiving a PDR has increase in the Admin & Estates, Qualified Nursing, Qualified Allied Health Professionals and Qualified Scientific & Technical staff groups.
▪The data table above analyses ethnicity by pay band for staff receiving a PDR over the past three years. There is an increase in BME staff receiving a PDR in bands 2, 4, 5 and 8a and above.
New Starters
40% of the new starters to the Trust this year were from a BME background, this is a 5% increase from last financial year. The Service lines with a high percentage of new starters from a BME background are: Sterile Services (100%), Finance (78%), Pathology (74%) and Intensive Care (71%). Low percentages for new starters with a BME background were in Medical Director (0%), Nursing (0%), Maternity (25%) and Therapies (25%). This year the highest percentage of BME staff was employed in the Qualified Scientific & Technical staff group (63%) and band 4 (65%).
▪Thedata table above analysesnew starters ethnicity by staff group over the past three years. Trend shows an in increase of BME employees in the Admin & Estates, Healthcare Assistants, Qualified Nursing, Qualified Scientific & Technical and Technicians staff groups. The number of new starters choosing not to declare their ethnicity has increased in the Medical & Dental & Qualified Allied Health Professions staff groups this year.
▪The data table above analyses new starters ethnicity by pay band over the past three years. Trend shows that percentages of BME employees have only decreased in bands 3 and 8a and above.
38% of the leavers to the Trust this year were from a BME background, this is a 6% increase from last financial year. The Service lines with a high percentage of leavers from a BME background are: Nursing (100%), Intensive Care (71%) and Finance (67%). Low percentages for leavers with a BME background were in Histopathology (0%), Therapies (14%), and Cardiology (18%). This year the highest percentage of BME staff leaving the organisation were in the Healthcare Assistants staff group (62%) and band 2 (42%).