Year 7Spring (1) NUMBER LINE
Title / Ordering positive integers, fractions and decimals – Standards UnitHours / 1
Aims / To help learners to:
· Interpret decimals and fractions
· Relate fractions and decimals
· Order fractions and decimals
· Reflect on and discuss these processes.
Pedagogy / § FLUENCY
(details) / Starter Activity
Pupils to order either the decimals (easier) or the fractions (harder) in order of size from smallest to largest. Pupils should work independently but then share their answer and method with the person next to them.
Main Activity
Pupils should select the appropriate activity using the learning journey as guidance. Remind pupils that they should work on something which will challenge them so that at the end of the lesson they can do something which they couldn’t do at the start of the lesson. Explain to pupils that they should change tasks if they are finding their chosen task too easy.
Pupils should work in pairs or threes. Pupils should take it in turns to match pairs of cards. They must explain why they think they make a pair to their partner. Pupils should then order the cards using the number lines provided. Finally, pupils should make new cards that fit between the pairs of cards that they have ordered.
As pupils are working on the task the teacher should circulate the room, listening to pupils’ explanations and noting down any obvious misconceptions that emerge for whole group discussion at the end of the session. The teacher should encourage learners to explain carefully why pairs of cards match each other.
When pupils have completed the activity ask them to revisit their answers for the starter activity. Did they make any mistakes? Encourage pupils to write down and correct any mistakes in their initial reasoning. Do not reveal the answers until pupils have had the opportunity to correct any mistakes from the starter activity.
Hold a whole group discussion about what has been learned, drawing out common misconceptions and discussing them explicitly. Follow up with questions using mini-whiteboards. Choose questions carefully, so that they range in difficulty. Target them at individuals at an appropriately challenging level.
>H / Pupils to investigate which fractions are terminating decimals and which are recurring and give reasons why. (L7)
H / Pupils to work interchangeably with any terminating decimals and their corresponding fractions (such as 3.5 and or 0.375 and ) (L6)
M / Pupils to match terminating decimals to fractions. (L5)
L / Order decimals to two or three places. (L4)
Recognise simple equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages e.g. 1/2, 1/4, 1/10, 3/4
<L / Order numbers to 100 using terms such as greater, less than and in between. (L2)
Understand simple decimal notation. (L3)
Pupils to match decimal numbers to matching 100 square and scale (L3)