Parapsychology Research on Noetic.Org
A Media Guide
“This has the potential to be a tipping point. It’s accessible enough and so familiar to academic psychologists that it should be relatively easy to multiply results by a factor of a thousand within a month. If a thousand replications happen quickly, it will be seen very quickly whether other people can replicate it.”Dr. Radin on Daryl Bem’s precognition studies and replication methods. (Dr. Radin did a meta-analysis of Bem’s overall affect which revealed success rate of more than one trillion to one.)
“It was your experiments that inspired me to go in this direction.”
Dr. Daryl Bem to IONS Senior Scientist Dr. Dean Radin on the publication by mainstream science Journal of Personality and Social Psychology of Bem’s successful replication of precognition experiments. Mp3 download.
Exploring the Big Questions about Human Potential & Reality
From its inception nearly 40 years ago, the Institute of Noetic Sciences has blazed new trails in exploring big questions: Who are we? What is consciousness, and how does it impact the physical world? What are our human potentials, and how can we achieve those potentials? What leads to personal and societal healing and transformation? Because limitations in our human consciousness underlie many of the problems we face as a global community, research at IONS focuses on exploring the fundamental nature of consciousness, investigating how it interacts with the physical world, and studying how consciousness can dramatically transform in beneficial ways.
IONS is one of the few organizations openly researching parapsychology and psychic phenomena, while many of their colleagues in mainstream sciences are conducting scores of such experiments anonymously. According to Dr. Radin, "Because Daryl is now retired, Cornell is not inclined to promote his work (in psychic ability). More important, this is the sort of study that mainstream academia is reluctant to promote out of concern for reaction from alumni. It is rare to hear anything about this topic from someone in academia.
Rare Laboratory, Rare Research
The IONS laboratory is one of a few in the world devoted to studying the relationship between consciousness and the physical world. The lab houses a broad array of instrumentation, ranging from psychophysiological monitors of autonomic and central nervous system activity (e.g., electrocardiogram, heart rate, skin conductance, electrogastrogram, respiration, blood flow, 32 channel EEG), to physical detectors of mind-matter interaction (e.g., random event generators, optical interferometers, magnetometers, speed of light measurements). A fully networked infrastructure allows high speed within-lab and Internet access, and a solid steel, 2000-pound, double-walled, electromagnetically shielded room provides ample space for studies requiring energetic or sensory isolation.
IONS’ laboratory is used for many projects, for example the exploration of non-local interactions among two or more participants. These interactions are often accompanied by subtle changes in states of consciousness, which can be inferred by measuring fluctuations in participants’ physiology. Measuring changes in brainwaves, heart rate, and skin conductance provides a model to study distant healing in the laboratory. The “senders” and the “receivers” in these experiments are isolated from one another. One experimental variation tests “the feeling of being stared at” by displaying the video image of a receiver to a distant sender at randomly selected times. After 30 minutes of the sender either gazing at the receiver, or paying attention to something else, at randomly counterbalanced times under double-blind conditions, the experimenter examines the receiver’s recorded physiology to see if the sender’s attention affected the receiver’s nervous system.
The following resources from the research library at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) offer historical and historic insight into parapsychology research – much of it conducted at IONS’research laboratory in Petaluma, California.
Completed Projects
Seeing the Future - Exploring Presentiment with Eye Gaze and Pupillary and Eye Dilation
Compassionate Intention, Prayer, and Distant Healing: Assessing the Evidence
Markov Chain: Experiments Testing Models of Mind-Matter Interaction
Affects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation - A Triple-Blind Replication
Quantum Optics: Is Psi a Type of Knowledge?
FRED: a software package to collect data from a RNG (random number generator) for "field consciousness" research
Case Study: DistantHealing
Current and Ongoing Projects
Double-Slit Experiment: Experimental Tests of the Role of Consciousness in the Physical World
Psychophysiological Correlates of Nondual States of Awareness
On Taboos - Video
Taboos in Science & Spirituality – a four part mini-lecture set (segments range from 3:14 to 4:30 mins.) Part of the Conversations from the Edge 2006 series videotaped before a live audience in San Francisco.
- Taboo defined
- Three types of taboos in science: transitory, stubborn, and double secret super taboos
- Concepts that challenge the scientific dogma of the day are defined as Stubborn Taboos. The topics of homeopathy, cold fusion, and UFO studies are all Stubborn Taboos.
- The double secret super taboos, otherwise known as “woo-woo taboos” include anything in the realm of psychic phenomena.
The Science of a Noetic Experience - Audio
The Science of a Noetic Experiencea teleseminar featuring Dr. Dean Radin and Dr. Daryl Bem.