
W3C Note January 5, 1998

- XML-Data was the first in a series of papers to describe a method for creating XML data schema.

- An XML data schema allows you to define constraints on the structure of an XML document.

Presentation Outline

·  Why do we need XML Data Schema? (Isn’t a DTD good enough?)

·  How XML Data Schemas are Used

·  Features of XML Data Schema

·  Summary

Why do we need XML Data Schema?

Schema Definition in SQL:

create table account

(account-number char(10) not null,

branch-name char(15),

balance integer,

primary key (account-number),

foreign key (branch-name) references branch,

check (balance >=0))

A DTD that is not quite equivalent to the above schema

<!DOCTYPE account-table [

<!ELEMENT account-table (account*)>

<!ELEMENT account (balance)>

<!ELEMENT balance (#PCDATA)>

<!ATTLIST account account-number ID #REQUIRED

branch-name IDREF #IMPLIED>


Why do we need XML Data Schema?

“Equivalent” XML Data Schema

<schema xmlns=’http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema’>

<element name=’account-table’ type=’accounts’/>

<type name=’accounts’>

<element name=’account’ minOccurs=’0’ maxOccurs=’*’>


<element name=’account-number’ minOccurs=’1’>

<datatype source=’string’>

<length value=’10’/>



<element name=’branch-name’ type=’string’>

<datatype source=’string’>

<length value=’15’/>



<element name=’balance’>

<datatype source=’integer’>

<minInclusive value=’0’/>






Features of XML Data Schema

·  Many primitive datatypes are available and new datatypes can be defined

<element name="shipTo" type="Address" />

<type name="Address" >

<element name="name" type="string" />

<element name="street" type="string" />

<element name="city" type="string" />

<element name="state" type="string" />

<element name="zip" type="integer" />

<attribute name="type" type="string" />


<shipTo type="US">

<name>John Doe</name>

<street>123 Maple Street</street>

<city>Ann Arbor</city>




Features of XML Data Schema

·  Attribute group definitions provide a construct to replace some uses of parameter entities.

<attributeGroup name="myAttrGroup">

<attribute .../>



<type name="myelement" content="empty">

<attributeGroup ref="myAttrGroup"/>


Features of XML Data Schema

·  New element types can be defined by adding additional content to the content model of another type definition

<type name="personName">

<element name="title" minOccurs="0"/>

<element name="forename" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*"/>

<element name="surname"/>


<type name="extendedName" source="personName" derivedBy="extension">

<element name="generation" minOccurs="0"/>


<element name="addressee" type="extendedName"/>







Features of XML Data Schema

·  New element types can be defined by adding restrictions or eliminating content from another type definition

<type name="personName">

<element name="title" minOccurs="0"/>

<element name="forename" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*"/>

<element name="surname"/>


<type name="simpleName" source="personName" derivedBy="restriction">


<element name="title" maxOccurs="0"/>

<element name="forename" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>



<element name="who" type="simpleName"/>





Features of XML Data Schema

·  Using “unique” and “key” constraints, the capabilities of XML’s ID/IDREF mechanism have been extended

Element content and combinations of attribute values and content can be declared to be unique

Combinations of attribute values and/or element content can be declared to be keys (not only unique, but always present)

Constraints can have document-wide scope or hold within the scope of particular elements

Features of XML Data Schema

<element name="state">


<element name="stateCode" type="twoLetterCode"/>

<element name="vehicle">


. . .

<attribute name="regNo" type="integer"/>



. . .



<key name="regKey">





How XML Data Schema are Used

Sample XML Data Schema

<!DOCTYPE schema

SYSTEM 'http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WD-xmlschema-1-19991217/schema.dtd' >

<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema">

<element name="family" type="Set-of-People"/>

<type name="Set-of-People">

<element name="person" type="name-and-age"

minOccurs=’0’ maxOccurs=’*’/>


<type name="name-and-age">

<element name="full-name" type=’string’/>

<element name="age">

<datatype source=’integer’>

<minInclusive value=’0’/>





How XML Data Schema are Used

Sample XML Document that Conforms to the Schema

<family xmlns="http://www.family.org/myfamily">


<full-name>John Doe</full-name>




<full-name>Jane Doe</full-name>




How XML Data Schema are Used

·  An XML data schema is expressed in XML instance syntax

·  An XML data schema must be valid with respect to a schema DTD

·  An XML document can identify a schema to which it is supposed to conform

·  An XML document is schema-valid with respect to a schema if it meets the structural and datatyping constraints expressed in the schema

·  The XML document processor must be schema-aware to determine if a document is schema-valid


·  XML Data Schemas provide a powerful mechanism for defining datatypes and constraints on document structure

·  XML Data Schemas are expressed in XML instance syntax

·  The XML document processor must be schema-aware to determine if a document is valid with respect to a schema