t Michaels Federation -Onny Primary School – Oak and Ash Class Planning Sheet
Summer Term
16th April 2018 / 23rd April 2018 / 30th April 2018 / 7th May 2018 / 14th May 2018 / 21st May 2018 / HALF TERM / 4TH June / 11th June / 18th June / 25th June / 2nd July / 9th July 2018 / 16th July 2018School Events / SATS week
Rounders Festival / Cross Country
BCP / KS2 Chance to Shine Cricket Tournament / Millichope Estate
Year1/2 Onny
Maple / Crucial Crew
Multi-Sports Festival
Play? / Hereford Leavers Service
(26th or 27th) / Uke Fest (2nd July)
Ludlow Year 6/5 induction / Class Swop
Leavers Service / Residential
Religious Festivals and Events for assembly planning / Ascension Day 10th May / Royal Wedding (19th May)
First day of Ramadan (16th)
Lydbury Open Gardens
Scarecrows! / Pentecost – 20th May
Vesak (Buddha Day) 22nd / Queen’s Birthday 4th June / Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Destiny) 10th June
Eid al-Fitr (15th June) / Tish’a B’Av – 22nd July
RE / Understanding Christianity
Lower KS2 Gospel Unit What kind of world did Jesus want? / Telford Scheme – a review of the religions taught across the Key Stage
28: What will make our community more respectful?
(many religions) Year 6
PSHE / Respecting each other / Respecting each other / Sex and Relationship Education / Sex and Relationship Education / Sex and Relationship Education / Sex and Relationship Education / Achievement and Transition / Achievement and Transition / Achievement and Transition / Achievement and Transition / Achievement and Transition / Achievement and Transition / Consolidation week/residential
Debate of the Week / Do aliens really exist? / Is space exploration worth the money spent on it? / If you found £100 should you keep it? / If you caught someone cheating in a test, should you tell? / Would you give up your favourite luxury to help save the environment? / Should children be given pocket money? / Is it right to bully a bully? / Can anything be a toy? / Does a parent own his or her children? / What makes you think? / Is there such a thing as time? / Should people always follow the rules? / Consolidation Week/Residential
Guided Reading Focus / During Guided Reading, the children will look at a range of texts, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will be focusing on decoding and comprehension skills, and enjoyment of reading. / During Guided Reading, the children will look at a range of texts, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will be focusing on decoding and comprehension skills, and enjoyment of reading.
Grammar Focus UKS2 / Modal verbs / Determiners / Adverbs / Adverbial Phrases / Active Voice / Pronouns/Relative Pronouns / Objects of Sentences / Subordinate clause and preposition / Suffix/Prefix / Dashes / Colons/Semi-colons / Commas for Omissions/Possession / Consolidation Week/Residential
English / Arthur and the Golden Rope (Year 4)
(Year 5/6)
Auto biography Persuasive Writing Balanced argument Report writing Explanations Narratives
Non-chronological / The Great Kapok Tree (Year 4)
(Year 5/6)
East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon The Saga of Eric the Viking
Maths LKS2 / Place Value, including rounding and decimals / Measures and Roman Numerals / Addition and Subtraction and Data Handling / Position and Direction / Perimeter and Area / Data Handling / Multiplication, fractions and Decimals / Fractions and Decimals / Fractions and Decimals / Money / Time / Shape / Consolidation Week
Maths UKS2 / Place Value, including rounding and decimals
YR6 – consolidation of all areas of maths / Measures and Roman Numerals
YR6 – consolidation of all areas of maths / Addition and Subtraction and Data Handling
YR6 – consolidation of all areas of maths / Position and Direction
YR6 – consolidation of all areas of maths / Perimeter and Area
YR6 – consolidation of all areas of maths / Data Handling
YR6 – consolidation of all areas of maths / Multiplication, fractions and Decimals / Fractions and Decimals / Fractions and Decimals / Money / Time / Shape / Consolidation Week
Science / Year 4 States of matter
Year 5/6Properties and changes of materials / Forces / Consolidation week/residential
Topic / The Vikings / The Vikings / Consolidation Week/Residential
Art/DT / Viking Activities – Making shields, long boats etc / Marble run Cluster D&T project / Viking Activities – Making shields, long boats etc / Consolidation Week/Residential
Computing / Research Skills / Research Skills / Research Skills / Research Skills / Research Skills / Research Skills / decoding / decoding / decoding / decoding / decoding / decoding / Consolidation Week/Residential
PE / Games and ball handling activities / Cricket / Cricket / Cricket / Cricket / Games and ball handling activities
Rpunders tournament / Games and ball handling activities / Athletics / Athletics / Athletics / Athletics / Athletics / Consolidation week/residential
Music / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Ukulele / Consolidation Week/Residential
French / Recap colours/numbers / Conversational French / Conversational French / Looking at family names / Continuation of family names / dates, birthdays, ages etc. / Where I live / Where I live / Towns and cities etc / Towns and cities etc / Towns and cities etc / Consolidation / Consolidation week/residential
Forest School / Forest School / Forest School