/ Web Applications "remoteGATE"
Please leave blankBCID:
SDS registered:
DS/CRMregistered:Original SBDO:
Checked on/by:
Send the fully completed and legally signed form to the address indicated on the right. / SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd
Operations Center
Hardturmstrasse 201
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich








Financial institution:
BC number / SWIFT address (BIC)
Access to service / SIC / euroSIC
The SIX Interbank Clearing RTGS system offers real-time cash management. Each participant needs at least one person with access to the SIC/euroSIC settlement account for disposition purposes.


MrMrs / Ms
Last name/First name
ZIP code/City/Country
Language / German / French / English

Order SmartCard card reader

We would like to order a SmartCard card reader for the aforementioned user.
The user already has a SmartCard card reader of the following type*:
GemPC410 (serial reader, shaped as white box)
GemPC430 (grey, flat shaped USB reader)
GemPCTwin (transparent,flat shaped reader)

*Please mandatory fill in to allow verification of the compatibility: TheSmartCard card readers GemPC410 and GemPC430 are not compatible with the new SmartCards. In this case a GemPCTwin will be delivered.

In submitting this registration, we hereby acknowledge the enclosed terms and conditions governing the Web applications and confirm the accuracy of the details providedand order irrevocably the necessary number of SmartCard certificates and possible SmartCard card readers.

Place and date
Legally valid signature(s)
Version 2.0 / May 2012 / Page1of2


Access to the web portal

SIX grants users who have a certificate issued or authorized by SIX Interbank Clearing on a hardware-based security token (hereinafter “Hard Token”) and a separately provided PIN (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Means of Authentication”) access to the secure area of the web portal. The corresponding service agreements between the financial institution and SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd shall apply with respect to access and functionality.

Inability to check users when logging in using Means of Authentication

The financial institution acknowledges that SIX is unable to check the identity of users receiving access to the web portal using the Means of Authentication. The owner of the Means of Authentication can access the web portal of SIX and SIX assumes that this user is the user registered by the financial institution.

Duty of care

The user shall protect the Means of Authentication from being misused by unauthorized persons.

If there is reason to assume that the Means of Authentication have been misused or could be misused (e.g. in the event of loss, careless conduct, etc.), the user must immediately arrange for access to be blocked via the Technical Support Helpdesk of SIX Payment Services Ltd. The user bears all risks that may arise in connection with the disclosure of his/her Means of Authentication or their use (even in the case of misuse). Furthermore, the user bears the risk for the Means of Authentication being used prior to access being blocked within a customary period of time.

For certain services, the user receives access using the same Means of Authentication to both the live and test systems. The user is completely responsible for carrying out test and live transactions. SIX accepts no responsibility for transactions that come about through the user mistaking the live system for the test system.


In principle, the data transfer between the user and SIX during access to the web portal takes place in an encrypted form in the secure area of SIX.

Even though all the latest technical security measures are taken, absolute security cannot be guaranteed either for SIX or for the user. The user’s IT system is part of the overall system, but is outside the control of SIX and can become a weak point in the overall system. There is therefore a residual risk that unauthorized persons may gain access to the data transmitted or infiltrate the system using the identity of the user. This residual risk shall be borne solely by the user; SIX does not accept any responsibility in this respect.

Interruption of service

If a security risk arises, SIX reserves the right to interrupt its web services for the protection of the user at any time and to discontinue them until the risk is eliminated. SIX accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from such interruptions.

Banking secrecy/data protection

SIX shall comply with the provisions of the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act; furthermore its employees are subject to banking secrecy (Art. 47 Swiss Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks). Data to which SIX has access shall be treated as confidential. Any personal data that becomes known shall remain confidential and protected and shall only be used for the purpose for which it was disclosed to SIX. Data may not be made accessible or passed on in any way to third parties without the consent of the person in question.

The user acknowledges that data may be sent over an open network that is accessible to everyone (Internet). As such, data is regularly sent across international borders on an uncontrolled basis. This also applies to data that is transferred between two parties located in Switzerland.

Purpose of use of participant certificates issued by SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd

The participant certificates issued by SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd on Hard Tokens may only be used for authentication relating to the systems of SIX within the scope of the contractually agreed services. The sole purpose of use is client authentication within the scope of the SSL protocol for accessing the web portal of SIX.

The SIC Customer ID CA 1024 Level 2 is not a public CA. SIX accepts no liability for the participant certificates being used for purposes other than client authentication within the scope of the SSL protocol for accessing the web portal of SIX.

The certification guidelines (CPS) of the SIC Customer CA 1024 Level 2 form an integral part of these Terms and Conditions of Use for users of certificates from this issuer. They are available at

Provisions of this section relating to the purpose of use of the participant certificates shall also apply mutatis mutandis to newer security solutions provided by SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd, even if the latter are not expressly mentioned or referenced at this point.

Purpose of use of participant certificates issued by third-party providers

SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd checks third-party providers before it authorizes their certificates for accessing the secure web portal. In light of certain events relating to services of third-party providers that call into question the use of the certificates for authentication in the web portal of SIX, SIX Interbank Clearing reserves the right to carry out new checks on the certificates and, if necessary, to revoke their authorization for the specified purposes.

Supplementary provisions for using certificates issued by third-party providers

  1. The certificate holder shall comply with the requirements and guidelines of the body issuing the certificate relating to the use of the certificate.
  2. The certificate holder is responsible for the secure use and storage of the Means of Authentication in line with the recommendations of the body issuing the certificate.
  3. The certificate holder/user shall, in the given circumstances, arrange for access to the services of SIX to be blocked via the Technical Support Helpdesk of SIX Payment Services Ltd, irrespective of any blocking of certificates by the body issuing the certificate at the third party.
  4. The participant shall ensure that at least one back-up certificate is available on the Hard Token for back-up purposes.
  5. Before the old certificate expires, the participant shall send the renewed certificate to SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd in good time.
  6. SIX Interbank Clearing does not offer any support with regard to the use of certificates issued by third-party providers.

Exclusion of liability

SIX shall only be liable for any loss or damage caused intentionally or as a result of gross negligence. In particular, SIX shall not be liable for loss or damage incurred by the user as a result of transmission faults, technical defects, overloading, interruptions (incl. system maintenance work), disruptions and illegal interference or due to any other defects on the part of telecommunications and network providers. Furthermore, in applying the usual level of due care and attention, SIX shall not be liable for the consequences of disruptions or interruptions – in particular in processing – to its web services.


The user may terminate access to the web portal subject to a notice period of one month to the end of a quarter. The termination must be in writing. The user shall return the Means of Authentication in cases where the Means of Authentication were issued by SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd.


SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd shall invoice the user with respect to the provision of the Means of Authentication/activation of access by means of a third-party certificate as well as for the services within the scope of the web portal of SIX. The user shall be invoiced periodically in advance. In the event of termination, fees and charges already paid shall not be reimbursed.

The prices are set out in the SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd price list and periodically updated (usually on an annual basis). This price list forms an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use.


SIX reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions of Use as well as the entire web service offering and all related user instructions at any time. Any amendments shall be announced in writing via a notification in the application used or by any other suitable method.

German as the default language

In the event that any passages in the translations of these Terms and Conditions of Use are unclear or open to misinterpretation, the interpretation of the German version of these Terms and Conditions of Use shall take precedence.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

These provisions are subject to Swiss law; the place of jurisdiction is Zurich.