GrandviewElementary School

Homework and Practice Guidelines

Purpose of Homework:

  • It is the intention of the Grandview Elementary staff to assign relevant, challenging and meaningful homework assignments that reinforce classroom learning objectives.
  • Homework contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline and lifelong learning habits.
  • Students need time to adapt and shape what they are learning as they practice. As they practice, given time, they will incorporate the new skill into a knowledge base of their own, deepening understanding.
  • Research indicates that schools in which homework is routinely assigned and assessed tend to have higher achieving students.


  • Actual time required to complete assignments will vary with each student’s grade, study habits, and academic skills.
  • Regardless of student ability or prior coursework, the amount of time they devote to homework and practice increases their achievement.
  • A rule of thumb is 10 minutes per grade level per day.
  • The following time scale is approximate:

Kindergarten- 0-10 minutes; 1st grade- 10 minutes; 2nd grade- 20 minutes; 3rd grade- 30 minutes; 4th grade- 40 minutes; 5th grade- 50 minutes

  • Students at all grade levels should work on homework each day- Students should also devote some time to reading at home every day
  • If your child is spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework, you should contact your child’s teachers.

Responsibility of Teachers:

  • Assign relevant, challenging and meaningful homework that reinforces classroom learning
  • Give clear instructions and make sure students understand the purpose
  • Provide timely and appropriate feedback beyond grading
  • Provide consistent reinforcement- positive recognition for homework completion, and appropriate consequences for lack of completion
  • Involve parents and contact them if a pattern of late or incomplete homework develops
  • Teachers typically do not assign homework (other than reading) over holiday and long weekend periods or on weekends that typically involve family gatherings, such as Mother’s Day-Students who have been absent or have fallen behind may be required to do homework during holidays and special-event weekends

Responsibility of Parents/Caregivers:

  • Set a regular, uninterrupted study time each day
  • Establish a quiet, well-lit study area
  • Monitor student’s organization and daily assignments
  • Be supportive when the student gets frustrated with difficult assignments
  • Contact teacher to stay well informed about the student’s learning process- If your student is struggling with content and cannot successfully complete the homework, contact the teacher by phone call, e-mail or note

Responsibility of Students:

  • Record assignments and organize materials for home
  • Ask questions for understanding
  • Work on homework independently when possible, so it reflects student ability
  • Produce quality work
  • Make sure assignments are done correctly and completed on time

Consequences for not doing homework:

  • The teacher will inform the parent by phone or in writing
  • Students who have not completed homework (grades 1-5)may be kept in for recess to do the work unless other arrangements have been made-Each grade level will determine it’s own late work procedures and consequences and share with grade level parents in writing

Homework for absent students:

  • Students who miss homework because of an absence will receive the opportunity to make up missed work
  • When students are absent due to illness, teachers try to limit make-up work to essential concepts covered
  • Students are typically given one calendar day for each day absent plus one extra day to turn in their work
  • This work will be assessed without any deduction in grade
  • If parents know ahead of time that a student will be absent for more than two days, they should contact the office one week in advance to request work that will be missed during the absence
  • One complete day is required for teachers to put together work packets for current student work missed during an absence
  • Long-term absences will each be addressed on an individual basis

Drafted 5/12/10; Approved by Board of Education 6/17/10