CPD Questions


1.  Complete your personal details below.

2.  Read the article titled San-Cristobal R, Milagro FI, Martínez JA. Future Challenges and Present Ethical Considerations in the Use of Personalized Nutrition Based on Genetic Advice. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2013;113(11):1447-1454 and answer the questions.

3.  Indicate your answers to the questions by making an “X” in the appropriate block at the end.

4.  You will earn 3 CEUs if you answer 70% or more of the questions correctly. A score of less than

70% will unfortunately not earn you any CEUs.

5.  Make a photocopy for your own records in case your answers do not reach us.

6.  Cut and paste the area indicated below into an e-mail message and e-mail it to

or post to P.O. Box 565, Milnerton, 7435.

7.  The closing date for this activity is 1 November 2014. Answer sheets received after this date will not be processed. Certificates will be sent within two months from receipt of answer sheet.

(There is only one correct answer per question.)

1. Nutritional recommendations directed toward the general population intend both to meet the

needs of most individuals in a community and to prevent common diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems.

a. True b. False

2. Decreased costs and analytical speed have boosted the commercialization of robust genetic

testing for clinician and consumer use.

a. True b. False

3. Nutrigenetics represents a promising preventive tool in primary care by providing early

information to RDs. A number of genetic test panels have emerged in the last 10 years and often, these new tools are marketed directly to the consumer since they do not require interpretation and translation into colloquial language by trained RDs.

a. True b. False

4. A systematic review of the websites of genetic diagnostic laboratories was performed during

2012 to provide an overview of the genetic test panels currently available in the US and European markets, and to provide information about the analyzed genetic variants and the scientific evidence relying on these variants in order to help RDs and other nutrition and health professionals choose suitable products and use the information provided critically.

a. True b. False

5. At this moment, real value as biomarkers of disease risk must be questioned and additional

studies must be conducted to provide more scientific basis for their predictive value.

a. True b. False

6. The rash of discoveries has raised expectations and hopes due to the proliferation of genetic

risk tests that, based on disease susceptibility variants, could predict early in life those individuals at risk to develop metabolically associated disorders.

a. True b. False

7. True or False: Involvement of health professionals in the final stages of development of gene-

based nutrition advice is needed to allow the integration of their practical, social, and ethical considerations in the technical and scientific agendas.

a. True b. False

8. Consumers showed a negative attitude toward the testing of their genetic profile to be used

for nutrient advice.

a. True b. False

9. Concerns about misinformation have also led a number of professional and advisory bodies to issue statements warning consumers to be skeptical of genetic advice industries because many companies provide test results without any counseling.

a. True b. False

10. Nutrigenetics is proposed as a potential instrument that can complement dietary advice in primary care and prevention. However, there are some limitations concerning nutrigenetic applications in nutritional prevention and treatment. RDs and other specialists must be familiar with the genetic information of these tests and be able to translate the genetic results into common language.

a. True b. False

Cut and paste the section below into an e-mail message
San-Cristobal R, Milagro FI, Martínez JA. Future Challenges and Present Ethical Considerations in the Use of Personalized Nutrition Based on Genetic Advice. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2013;113(11):1447-1454

HPCSA number: DT

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Please make an "X" in the appropriate block for each question:
1. a [ ] b [ ]

2. a [ ] b [ ]

3. a [ ] b [ ]
4. a [ ] b [ ]

5. a [ ] b [ ]

6. a [ ] b [ ]
7. a [ ] b [ ]

8. a [ ] b [ ]

9. a [ ] b [ ]
10. a [ ] b [ ]