Learning Objective Name ______
Today, we will use antonyms to determine1 the meaning of words.
1 figure out
What are we going to do today?
What does determine mean? Determine means______.
Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.
Write an antonym in the blank.
1. A rabbit is small, but a Great Dane is ______.
small2. Summer is hot, but winter is ______.
Teacher completes number 1; students complete number 2. Students, you already what antonyms are. Today, we will use antonyms to determine the meaning of words.
Concept Development
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
• Contrast2 signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
2 show difference
Antonyms: hectic/calmMy mom always has a hectic schedule, but my dad
seems to have a calm one.
Antonyms: scowl/smile
My grandfather always has a scowl, while my grandmother always has a smile.
Not an example:
Jose plays soccer, but Carlos plays basketball.
Which pair of words are antonyms? How do you know?
1. bad/horrible 2. bad/good
For which sentence is while a signal word for an antonym?
1. While we waited, I shopped for groceries.
2. I like to be active, while he likes to be lazy.
Skill Development/Guided Practice
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
• Contrast signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
Use antonyms to determine the meaning of words.
Step #1: Read the sentence(s), paying attention to the bolded word.
a. Identify3 the signal words that show an antonym is being used. (double underline)
b. Identify the antonym. (underline)
Step #2: Write and read the antonyms.
Step #3: Determine the meaning of the bolded word. (circle)
3 find
1. The food was dreadful, but the restaurant was nice.Antonyms:
______and ______
What is the meaning of dreadful?
A good
B bad
C perfect
D delicious / 2. The weather was very mild today, while the wind was wild yesterday.
______and ______
What is the meaning of mild?
A dangerous
B uncontrollable
C fierce
D calm
3. One of my sisters is naughty at home; however she is good at school.
______and ______
What is the meaning of naughty?
A nice
B badly behaved
C darling
D beautiful / 4. The dog was slender in contrast to the fat cat.
______and ______
What is the meaning of slender?
A thin
B chubby
C plump
D thick
(#1a) How did I/you identify the signal words that show an antonym is being used?
(#1b) How did I/you identify the antonym in the sentence?
(#3) How did I/you determine the meaning of the bolded word?
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
• Contrast signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
1. Using an antonym to determine the meaning of words will help you understand unknown words.
2. Using an antonym to determine the meaning of words will help you do well on tests.
Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to use antonyms to determine the meaning of words? (pair-share) Why is it relevant to use antonyms to determine the meaning of words? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why?
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.• Contrast signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
Skill Closure
Use antonyms to determine the meaning of words.
Step #1: Read the sentence(s), paying attention to the bolded word.
a. Identify the signal words that show an antonym is being used (double underline)
b. Identify the antonym. (underline)
Step #2: Write and read the antonyms.
Step #3: Determine the meaning of the bolded word. (circle)
1. My little brother is very timid, but my older brother is very bold.
______and ______
What is the meaning of timid?
A daring
B fearless
C shy
D brave
Constructed Response Closure
Harneet said that the sentence below used a contrast signal word to show that an antonym is being used. Is she correct? Explain your answer.
While I walked my dog, I watched the children play. ______
Summary Closure
What did you learn today about using antonyms to determine the meaning of words?
Day 1 ______
Day 2 ______
Independent Practice Name ______
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
• Contrast signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
Use antonyms to determine the meaning of words.
Step #1: Read the sentence(s), paying attention to the bolded word.
a. Identify the signal words that show an antonym is being used (double underline)
b. Identify the antonym. (underline)
Step #2: Write and read the antonyms.
Step #3: Determine the meaning of the bolded word. (circle)
1. Some brothers and sisters dispute everything; however, Dave’s family always agrees on everything.Antonyms:
______and ______
What is the meaning of dispute?
A get along
B approve
C argue
D allow / 2. The mountain top was very high; in contrast, the valley was very low.
______and ______
What is the meaning of high?
A bottom
B tall
C thin
D small
3. In the race, all the runners ran swiftly, yet my friend followed slowly behind the others.
______and ______
What is the meaning of swiftly?
A quickly
B lazily
C calmly
D casually / 4. I had to accept the offer while Stan chose to decline it.
______and ______
What is the meaning of accept?
A take
B refuse
C give up
D deny
Periodic Review 1 Name ______
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
• Contrast signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
Use antonyms to determine the meaning of words.
Step #1: Read the sentence(s), paying attention to the bolded word.
a. Identify the signal words that show an antonym is being used (double underline)
b. Identify the antonym. (underline)
Step #2: Write and read the antonyms.
Step #3: Determine the meaning of the bolded word. (circle)
1. The flood waters ruined the entire town; however, the church looked like it had just been built.Antonyms:
______and ______
What is the meaning of ruined?
A fixed
B put together
C damaged
D set up / 2. The dress I wanted was very expensive, but I was too cheap to buy it.
______and ______
What is the meaning of expensive?
A bargain
B on sale
C low-cost
D pricey
3. The candy shell was so bitter it made my eyes start to water while the center of the candy was very sweet.
______and ______
What is the meaning of bitter?
A sour
B sugary
C syrupy
D candied / 4. The afternoon was cold, gray, and dismal, yet this morning the sky had been bright.
______and ______
What is the meaning of dismal?
A burning
B light
C sunny
D dark
Periodic Review 2 Name ______
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
• Contrast signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
Use antonyms to determine the meaning of words.
Step #1: Read the sentence(s), paying attention to the bolded word.
a. Identify the signal words that show an antonym is being used. (double underline)
b. Identify the antonym. (underline)
Step #2: Write and read the antonyms.
Step #3: Determine the meaning of the bolded word. (circle)
1. My room is always organized, but my little brother’s room is messy.Antonyms:
______and ______
What is the meaning of organized?
A sloppy
B orderly
C littered
D dirty / 2. The school’s rules were strict on discipline while they were flexible on dress code.
______and ______
What is the meaning of strict?
A tough
B relaxed
C easy going
D soft
3. Mr. Duarte’s children were so polite, not at all rude like most children their age.
______and ______
What is the meaning of polite?
A disrespectful
B well mannered
C friendly
D wild / 4. The lights on that house were so radiant while the neighbors’ lights were dull.
______and ______
What is the meaning of radiant?
A boring
B plain
C bright
D average
Periodic Review 3 Name______
The meaning of a known antonym can be used to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
• Contrast signal words sometimes show that an antonym is being used.
Use antonyms to determine the meaning of words.
Step #1: Read the sentence(s), paying attention to the bolded word.
a. Identify the signal words that show an antonym is being used. (double underline)
b. Identify the antonym. (underline)
Step #2: Write and read the antonyms.
Step #3: Determine the meaning of the bolded word. (circle)
1. The buildings looked ancient, but they were relatively new.Antonyms:
______and ______
What is the meaning of ancient?
A modern
B current
C famous
D old / 2. My bicycle tire began to swell when I tried to pump air into it, yet it continued to shrink after each pump.
______and ______
What is the meaning of swell?
A wrinkle
B go down
C puff up
D reduce
3. Our grandmother refused to let us have sugar while our grandfather allowed us to eat whatever we wanted.
______and ______
What is the meaning of refused?
A permitted
B declined
C give in
D let / 4. The girl hollered loudly when the dog jumped at her, but her father whispered that the dog was friendly.
______and ______
What is the meaning of hollered?
A yelled
B spoke softly
C told secretly
D mumbled
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Comments? / 4th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.2(8Q)
Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms,
and idioms to determine the meaning of words and phrases.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.