Year Group: 2
Week beginning: 26/11/17
What We Are Learning This Week
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Winter Concert: The Winter concert will take place on 7th of December 2017 at 8:30 am. Children need to be dressed in school uniform. They can bring a scarf to wear over their uniform.
Trip: The zoo trip will be on the 6th of December for all Year 2’s. Please send your children to school in their PE uniform.
National Day: This will take place on Wednesday, the 29th of November. Please note that school ends at 12 noon on that day.
Collection for the Support Staff: Secondary Students are participating in the Box Project to gather goods for the Support Staff. Please read below what each year group is requested to bring. If your children bring other things, that's okay too. Deadline: 7 December. The Year 2’s have been asked to provide small bottles of cooking oil, T-shirts and body lotions. Thank you to everyone family that can help us.
PATHS / EnglishLanguage / -This week we will be starting our new ‘Talk for Writing” unit on “How to catch a dragon”.
Our focus for 2 weeks will be on Instructional Writing, using order words. (First, Next, And then, After that, Finally)
-Our art will be linked to this story and the children will be making paper mache dragon eggs.
Maths / -For the next two weeks, we will solve problems involving division using materials, arrays repeated addition, mental methods, including problems in context.
-We will also learn the 10 x table and solve 10x table problems.
Other Subjects / Science- Artic animals
Integrated Curriculum: The Artic- Locating where we find animals on the map/globe
Morality: Fairness by sharing
Computing: Improve your typing skills by playing the practice game on: week children will r History lessons to do science experiments for Science week.nked with our unit on electricity and other
With kind regards,
Year 2 Team