High School Health Grade 10
- Growth & Development
- State the role of the male and female reproductive systems(430-438)
- Describe the function of each of the organs of the male and female reproductive systems (430-438 & 522-525)
- Explain problems that occur with the reproductive systems (433 & 440)
- Describe ways to keep reproductive systems healthy (434-35 & 441-42)
- Describe the changes in the body during the menstrual cycle (438-39)
II.Community Health
- Name organizations in the community that help treat and prevent the spread of infectious diseases (334)
- Identify ways you can help an HIV/AIDS program in your community (510)
- Identify community organizations that help in an abuse situation (chapter 5)
- Identify a community organization to help people with eating disorders (chapter 8)
- Identify how community groups can help those who have alcohol &/or drug addictions (chapter 9)
- Identify ways to address society health problems (17-20)
- Identify community resources available for mental health problems (chapter 3)
- Safety/First Aid & CPR
A. Name the first steps to be taken in an emergency (576-579/ARC)
- Describe and demonstrate rescue breathing (580-581/ARC)
- Describe and demonstrate proper procedures for CPR (582-585/ARC)
- Describe and demonstrate proper procedures for Choking (586-587/ARC)
- Disease Prevention/Communicable & Chronic Disease
- Identify causes of infectious disease (316-321)
- List ways that infectious disease are spread (316-321)
- List ways to prevent the spread of infectious disease (327-328)
- Describe different treatments for infectious diseases (316-321)
- Differentiate between viral and bacterial diseases (329-333)
- Describe how lifestyle can lead to chronic illness (340-342)
- Understand cardiovascular disease(s), cancer, & diabetes (343-358)
- Understand hereditary diseases and how genes are involved (366-370)
- Differentiate between immune and autoimmune disorders (371-375)
- Identify sexually transmitted disease and how they are transmitted (T 480-490 & VIDEO/SLIDE SHOW)
- Distinguish between HIV infection and AIDS (496-499)
- Describe how HIV infects the body and spreads (500-504/VIDEO)
- Family Living/Family & Social Health
- Describe how people are affected by violence (102-107)
- Identify prevention strategies for teens in conflict (106-107)
- Describe child abuse, domestic violence, hazing (109-110)
- Summarize the effects of abuse (110)
- Describe sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, & date rape (114-116)
- Describe appropriate dating behavior and why teen relationships are important (456-459)
- Describe the emotional and social benefits of teen sexual abstinence (460-463)
- Describe how human life begins (443-444)
- Describe the stages of childbirth and how a baby develops (444-446)
- Describe available options of contraception and how they work
- Wellness
- Distinguish between controllable and uncontrollable risk factors (6-10)
- Describe each of the six components of health (11-16)
- Describe four influences on wellness (11-16)
- Define self-esteem and list the benefits of self-esteem and what influences self-esteem (50-54/VIDEO)
- Describe characteristics of positive mental health (61-67)
- Describe what mental disorders are and the causes of mental disorders (68-72)
- Define stress and the causes of stress and the body’s response to stress (78-82)
- Describe relaxation techniques (83-84)
- State warning signs of suicidal behavior and list facts about suicide (93-96)
- Describe the health-related components of fitness (126-132)
- Calculate resting heart rate, target heart rate, and maximum heart rate (133-138)
- Evaluate the use of FITT formula in fitness training (133-138)
- List mental and physical benefits of fitness (126-132)
- Tobacco, Alcohol, & Other Drugs (TAOD)
- Identify different types of medicines and effects on the body (220)
- Describe the different ways that drugs enter your body (221)
- Describe the process by which drugs are approved for medical use (222-224)
- State factors to consider when choosing over-the-counter (OTC) medicines (224-226)
- Describe how drugs affect the brain and how addiction, tolerance, & withdrawal develop (230-234)
- State why alcohol is a drug and short and long term effects (242-246)
- List the legal consequences of underage drinking (253-257)
- List types of tobacco products and what makes them addictive (264-266)
- Name the dangerous chemicals in tobacco smoke (264-266)
- State the effects of second-hand smoke and the long and short term effects of tobacco use (267-271)
- List ways that a person can quit smoking (272-277)
- Describe types of illegal drugs and the effects on the body (287-294)
- Describe the effects of marijuana on a person’s body and brain (287-294)
- Differentiate between stimulants, depressants, opiates, & hallucinogens (295-300)
- Describe the principles that describe effective drug abuse treatment (301-308)
- Identify the risks and legal consequences of illegal drug use (301-308)
- Nutrition
- Describe roles and functions of the 6 essential nutrients (154-160/Powerpoint)
- Describe the function and food sources of the seven vitamins (161-166/Powerpoint)
- Describe the functions and food sources of the seven minerals (161-166/Powerpoint)
- Interpret food labels to analyze nutritional breakdown (166-170)
- Analyze various food selections from fast-food restaurants (supplement)
- Summarize the components of a healthy weight management plan (196-201)
- Discuss the difference between hunger and appetite (190-191)
- Define Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and how calories are used in the body (192-195)
- List the symptoms and health dangers of the most common eating disorders (202-206/VIDEO)
- Body Systems
- Review the skeletal system and how it works (526-529/VIDEO)
- Review the muscular system and how it works (530-531/VIDEO)
- Review the circulatory system and how it works (532-535/VIDEO)
- Review the respiratory system and how it works (536-537/VIDEO)
- Review the endocrine system and how it works (545-547/VIDEO)