Greek and Latin roots in English
Root / In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)ab-, a-, abs- / away / Latin / ab "away"
ac-, acu- / sharp or pointed / Latin / acutus past participle of acuere "to sharpen", from acus "needle"
acri- / sharp, pungent, bitter, eager / Latin / acer
acro- / height, summit, tip / Greek / Greek ἄκρος ákros "high", "extreme"
ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- / movement to or toward; in addition to / Latin / ad "to", "toward"
adip- / fat / Latin / adeps, adipis "fat"
aer-, aero- / air, atmosphere / Greek / ἀήρ aer "air"
aesthet / feeling, sensation / Greek / aisthētikos "of sense perception" from αἰσθάνεσθαιaisthanesthai "to perceive"
agri- / field / Latin / from Latin ager "field, country"
agro- / field / Greek / from Greek ἀγρόςagros "field"
amat-, amor- / love, loved / Latin / amor "love" from amāre "to love"
ambi- / both, on both sides / Latin / ambi "on both sides"
amic-, -imic- / friend / Latin / amicus
amphi- / around, about, both, on both sides of, both kinds / Greek / ἀμφί amphi "on both sides"
ampl- / ample / Latin / amplus
an-, a- / not, without / Greek / Greek ἀν-/ἀ- "not"
ana-, an- / again, against, back, up / Greek / from Greek prefix ἀνά ana- "again", "against"
anima- / breath / Latin / anima "breath"
ann-, -enn- / year, yearly / Latin / annus "year"
ant-, anti- / against, opposed to, preventive / Greek / ἀντί anti "against"
ante-, anti- / before, in front of, prior to / Latin / Latin ante "before", "against"
antho- / flower / Greek / ἄνθος anthos "flower"
anthropo- / human / Greek / άνθρωπος anthropos "man"
apo- / away from, separate, at the farthest point / Greek / ἀπό apo "from, away, un-, quite"
aqu- / water / Latin / aqua
ar- / plow, till / Latin / arāre
ar- / be dry / Latin / ārēre "be dry or parched"
arche-, archi- / ruler / Greek / ἀρχή arche "rule" (in compounds: ἀρχε-, ἀρχι-)
archaeo-, archeo- / ancient / Greek / ἀρχαῖος arkhaios "ancient" from arkhē "beginning"
arct-, arcto- / Relating to the North Pole or the region near it; relating to cold; used as the scientific name of some bear species, e.g. Ursus arctos horribilis / Greek / ἄρκτος arktos "bear"
argent- / silver / Latin / argentum "silver"
arthr-, arthro- / joint / Greek / ἄρθρον arthron "joint"
astr-, astro- / star, star-shaped / Greek / άστρον astron "star"
athl- / prize / Greek / ἄθλος athlos "contest, feat"
aud-, audi- / hearing, listening, sound / Latin / audire "to hear"
aug-, auct- / grow, increase / Latin / augēre "to increase"
aur- / relating to gold, or gold-colored / Latin / aurum"gold"
auri- / relating to the ear / Latin / auris "ear"
aut- , auto- / self; directed from within / Greek / αὐτός (autos) "self", "same"
avi- / bird / Latin / avis "bird"
axi- / axis / Latin / axis "axis"
axio- / merit / Greek / Greek ἄξιος (axios) "worth"
Root / Meaning In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)bac- / rod-shaped / Latin / from baculum "rod"
baro- / weight, pressure / Greek / βάρος (baros)
basi- / at the bottom / Greek / from βαίνω, I walk, march, βάσις "step"
bathy-, batho- / deep, depth / Greek / βαθύς (bathús, bathýs) "deep"
be-, beat- / bless / Latin / beare, beatus
bell(i)- / war / Latin / bellum, belli
ben- / good, well / Latin / bene (adverb)
bi- / two / Latin / bis, "twice"; bini, "in twos"
bib- / drink / Latin / bibere, bibitus
bibl- / book / Greek / βιβλίον (biblíon) "book"
bi(o)- / life / Greek / βίος (bíos) "life"
blenn(o)- / slime / Greek / βλέννος (blennos)
blast- / germ, embryo, bud, cell with nucleus / Greek / βλασταίνω, "I put forth shoots"
bon(i)- / good / Latin / bonus
bor- / north / Greek / Latin (boreas) / Greek βορρᾶς (borras) "the north wind"
botan- / plant / Greek / βοτάνη, βότανον (botanē, botanon)
bov- / cow, ox / Latin / bos, bovis
brachi(o)- / arm / Greek / βραχίων (brakhíōn) "arm"
brachy- / short / Greek / βραχύς (brakhús, brakhýs) "short"
brady- / slow / Greek / βραδύς (bradús, bradýs)
branch- / gill / Greek / βράγχιον (brágkhion, bránkhion) "gill"
brev(i)- / brief, short (time) / Latin / brevis, breviare
briz- / nod / Greek / βρίζω (brizō)
brom- / oats / Greek / βρόμος, βρόμη (brómos, bróme) "oats"
brom- / oats / Greek / βρόμος (brómos) "stench, clangor"
bronch- / windpipe / Greek / βρόγχος (brógkhos, brónkhos)
bront- / thunder / Greek / βροντή (brontē)
bucc- / cheek, mouth, cavity / Latin / bucca
bulb- / bulbous / Latin / bulbus
bull- / bubble, flask / Latin / bulla, "bubble"
burs- / pouch, purse / Latin / bursarius
Root / Meaning In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)cac(o)- / bad / Greek / κακος (kakos)
cad-, -cid-, cas- / fall / Latin / cadere, casus
caed-, -cid-, caes-, -cis- / cut / Latin / caedere, caesus
calc- / stone / Latin and Greek / from Latin calx "lime", and from Greek χάλιξ (khalix) "pebble" "limestone"
calli- / beautiful / Greek / from Greek καλλόςkallos "beauty"
calor- / heat / Latin / calor "heat"
calyp- / cover / Greek / καλύπτέιν (kaluptein)
camer- / vault / Latin / camera
camp- / field / Latin / campus "field", "level ground"
can(i)- / dog / Latin / canis "dog"
can-, -cin-, cant- / sing / Latin / canere "sing"
cand- / glowing, iridescent / Latin / candere "to be white or glisten"
cap-, -cip-, capt-, -cept- / hold, take / Latin / capere, captus "take or hold" (note the vowel change from a to i in compounds)
capit-, -cipit- / head / Latin / caput, capitis "head"
capr- / goat / Latin / caper, capri
caps- / box, case / Latin / capsa
carbo- / coal / Latin / carbo, carbonis
carcer- / jail / Latin / carcer, carcerare
carci- / cancer (disease) / Latin from Greek / Latin from Greek Καρκίνοςkarkinos "crab"
cardi(o)- / relating to the heart / Greek / καρδιάkardia "heart"
cardin- / hinge / Latin / cardo, cardinis
carn- / flesh / Latin / caro, carnis
carpo- / relating to fruit / Greek / from Greek καρπόςkarpos "fruit"
carp- / relating to the wrist / Greek / from Greek καρπόςkarpos "wrist"
cata- / down / Greek / κατάkata "down"
caten- / chain / Latin / catena
cathar- / pure / Greek / καθαρός (katharos)
caud- / tail / Latin / cauda
cav- / hollow / Latin / cavus "hollow"
ced-, cess- / go / Latin / cedere, cessus
celer- / quick / Latin / celer, celerare
cen(o)- / new / Greek / καινός (kainos)
cen(o)- / empty / Greek / κενός (kenos)
cens- / Latin / censere "to estimate"
cent- / hundred / Latin / centum "hundred"
centen- / hundred each / Latin / centeni
centesim- / hundredth / Latin / centesimus
centr- / center / Greek / κέντρον (kéntron) "needle", "spur"
cephalo- / head / Greek / κεφαλή kephale "head"
ceram- / clay / Greek / κέραμος (keramos)
cerat- / horn / Greek / κέρας, κέρατος (keras, keratos) "horn"
cern- / sift / Latin / cernere
cervic- / relating to the neck, relating to the cervix / Latin / cervix, cervicis "neck"
ceter- / other / Latin / ceterus
chiro- / of the hand or hands / Greek / χείρkheir "hand"
chelono- / relating to a turtle / Greek / χελώνηkhelone "tortoise"
chloro- / green / Greek / from Greek χλωρόςkhlōros "green"
choreo- / relating to dance / Greek / from Greek χορείαkhoreia "dancing in unison" from χορός khoros "chorus"
chord- / cord / Latin / chorda "rope"
chrom- / color / Greek / χρῶμαkhrōma "color"
chryso- / gold / Greek / χρυσόςkhrusos "gold"
cili- / eyelash / Latin / cilium
cine- / motion / Greek / κινέω (kineo)
ciner- / ash / Latin / cinis, cineris
cing-, cinct- / gird / Latin / cingere, cinctus
circ- / circle / Latin / circus
circum- / around / Latin / circum "around"
cirr- / orange / Greek / κιρρός (kirros)
cirr- / curl, tentacle / Latin / cirrus
civ- / citizen / Latin / civis
clad- / branch / Greek / κλάδος (klados)
clar- / clear / Latin / clarus, clarare
clast- / broken / Greek / κλαστός (klastos)
claud-, -clud-, claus-, -clus- / close / Latin / claudere, clausus
clav- / key / Greek / from Greek κλείς kleis "key" from κλείειν, kleiein "to close"
cl(e)ist- / closed / Greek / κλειστός kleistos
cleithr- / bar, key / Greek
clement- / mild / Latin / clemens, clementis
clin- / bed, lean, recline / Latin / -clinare
cochl- / shell / Greek / κόχλος (kochlos)
coel- / hollow / Greek / κοῖλος (koilos)
cogn- / know / Latin / cognoscere
col- / strain / Latin / colare, colum
coll- / neck / Latin / collum
color- / color / Latin / color
con-, co-, col-, com-, cor- / with, together / Latin / cum
condi- / season / Latin / condire
con(o)- / cone / Greek / κῶνος (konos)
contra- / against / Latin / contra
copro- / dung / Greek / κόπρος (kopros)
corac- / raven / Greek / κόραξ, κόρακος (korax, korakos)
cord- / heart / Latin / cor, cordis
corn- / horn / Latin / cornu
coron- / crown / Latin / corona, coronare
corpor- / body / Latin / corpus, corporis
cortic- / bark / Latin / cortex, corticis
cosm(o)-' / universe / Greek / κόσμος (kosmos)
cosmet(o)- / Greek / κοσμετ (kosmet-)
cost- / rib / Latin / costa
cotyl- / cup / Greek / κοτύλη (kotulē)
crani- / skull / Greek / κρανίον (kranion)
crass- / thick / Latin / crassus
cre- / make / Latin / creare, creatus
cred- / believe, trust / Latin / credere, creditus
crep- / boot, shoe / Greek / κρηπίς, κρηπίδος (krēpis, krēpidos)
cribr- / sieve / Latin / cribrum "a sieve"
ring / Greek / κρίκος (krikos)
cris-, crit- / judge / Greek / κρίσις (crisis)
crisp- / curled / Latin / crispus
crist- / crest / Latin / crista
cross(o)- / fringe, tassel / Greek / κροσσός (krossos)
cruc(i)- / cross / Latin / crux, crucis
crur(i)- / leg, shank / Latin / crus, cruris
crypt- / hidden / Greek / κρυπτός (kruptos)
cten(o)- / comb / Greek / κτείς, κτενός (kteis, ktenos)
cub- / cube / Greek / κύβος (kubos)
cub- / lie / Latin / cubare
culin- / kitchen / Latin / culina
culp- / blame, fault / Latin / culpa
cune- / wedge / Latin / cuneus
curr-, curs- / run / Latin / currere, cursus
curv- / bent / Latin / curvus
cuspid- / lance, point / Latin / cuspis, cuspidis
cut(i)- / skin / Latin / cutis
cyan- / blue / Greek / κυανός (kuanos)
cycl(o)- / circular / Greek / κύκλος (kuklos)
cylind- / roll / Greek / κύλινδρος (kulindros)
cyn(o)- / dog / Greek / κύων, κυνός (kuōn, kunos)
cyst- / capsule / Greek / κύστις (kustis)
cyt(o)- / cell / Greek / κύτος (kutos)
Root / Meaning In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)dactyl- / finger, toe, digit / Greek / δάκτυλος (daktulos)
damn-, -demn- / to inflict loss upon / Latin / damnāre
de- / from, away from, removing / Latin / dē
deb- / owe / Latin / debere, debitus
deci- / tenth part / Latin / decimus, tenth; from decem, ten
deca-, dec-, deka-, dek- / ten / Greek / δέκαdeka, ten
delt- / Greek / Δέλτα (delta)
dem- / people / Greek / δῆμος (dēmos)
den- / ten each / Latin / deni
dendr-, dendro- / resembling a tree / Greek / δένδρον (dendron): akin to δρύς, drys, "tree"
dens- / thick / Latin / densus
dent- / tooth / Latin / dens, dentis
derm- / skin / Greek / δέρμα (derma)
deuter- / second / Greek / δεύτερος (deuteros)
dexter- / right / Latin / dexter
dextro- / right / Greek / δεξ-, right
di- / two / Greek / δι
dia- / apart, through / Greek / διά (dia)
dict- / say, speak / Latin / dicere, dictus
digit- / finger / Latin / digitus
dino- / terrible, fearfully great / Greek / δεινός (deinos)
dipl- / double; twofold / Greek / διπλός (diplos)
doc-, doct- / teach / Latin / docere, doctus
dodec- / twelve / Greek / δώδεκα (dodeka)
dog-, dox- / opinion, teaching / Greek / δόξα
dom- / house / Latin / domus
dorm- / sleep / Latin / dormire
dors- / back / Latin / dorsum
du- / two / Latin / duo
dub- / doubtful / Latin
duc-, duct- / lead / Latin / dux
dulc- / sweet / Latin / dulcis
dur- / hard / Latin / durus
dy- / two / Greek / δυο (duo)
dynam- / power / Greek / δύναμη (dunamē)
dys- / badly, ill / Greek / δυσ-
Root / Meaning In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)ec- / out / Greek / εκ (ek)
eco- / house / Greek / οίκος (oikos)
ecto- / outside / Greek / εκτός (ektos)
ed-, es- / eat / Latin / edere, esus
ego- / self, I (first person) / Latin, Greek / ego, ἐγώ
ego-, eg- / goat / Greek / αἴξ (aix)
em-, empt- / buy / Latin / emere, emptus
eme- / vomit / Greek / έμετος (emetos)
emul- / striving to equal, rivaling / Latin / aemulus, aemulare
en-, em- / in / Greek / εν (en)
endo- / inside / Greek / ἔνδον (endon)
engy- / narrow / Greek / Εγγύς (engys)
ennea- / nine / Greek / εννέα (ennea)
ens- / sword / Latin / ensis
eo-, eos-, eoso- / dawn, east / Greek / Ἠώς/Ἕως
epi-, ep- / upon / Greek / ἐπί (epi)
epistem- / knowledge or science / Greek / ἐπιστήμη (epistēmē)
equ-, -iqu- / even, level / Latin / aequus
equ- / horse / Latin / equus
erg- / work / Greek / έργον (ergon)
err- / stray / Latin / errare
erythr(o)- / red / Greek / ερυθρος (eruthros)
eso- / within / Greek / ἔξω (esō)
etho-, eth-, ethi- / custom, habit / Greek / ἦθος (ethos)
ethm- / sieve / Greek / ἠθμός (hethmos); ἤθειν (hethein)
ethn- / people, race, tribe, nation / Greek / ἔθνος (ethnos)
etym(o)- / true / Greek / ἔτυμος (etumos)
eu- / well / Greek / εὖ (eu)
eur- / wide / Greek / εὐρύς (eurus)
ex-, e-, ef- / from, out of / Latin / ex
exo- / outside / Greek / έξω
exter-, extra- / outer / Latin / externus
extrem- / outermost, utmost / Latin / extremus
Root / Meaning In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)f-, fat- / say, speak / Latin / fari, fatus
fab- / bean / Latin / faba
fac-, -fic-, fact, -fect- / make / Latin / facere, factus
falc- / sickle / Latin / falx, falcis
fall-, -fell-, fals- / deceive / Latin / fallere, falsus
fallac- / false / Latin / fallax, fallacis
famili- / a close attendant / Latin / famulus
fant- / to show / Greek / φαντάζω
fasc- / bundle / Latin / fascis
fatu- / foolish, useless / Latin / fatuus
feder- / treaty, agreement, contract, league, pact / Latin / foedus, foederis
fel- / cat / Latin / feles, felis
felic- / happy, merry / Latin / felix, felicis
fell- / suck / Latin / fellare
femin- / women, female / Latin / femina
femor- / thigh / Latin / femur, femoris
fend-, fens- / prevent / Latin / fendere, -fensus
fenestr- / window / Latin / fenestra
fer- / carry / Latin / ferre
feroc- / fierce / Latin / ferox, ferocis
ferr- / iron / Latin / ferrum
fet- / stink / Latin / fetere
fic- / fig / Latin / ficus
fid-, fis- / faith, trust / Latin / fides, fidere, fisus
fil- / thread / Latin / filum
fili- / son / Latin / filius
fin- / end / Latin / finis
find-, fiss- / split / Latin / findere, fissus
firm- / fix, settle / Latin / firmus, firmare
fistul- / hollow, tube / Latin
fl- / blow / Latin / flare, flatus
flacc- / flabby / Latin / flaccus, flaccere
flav- / yellow / Latin / flavus
flect-, flex- / bend / Latin / flectere, flexus
flig-, flict- / strike / Latin / fligere, flictus
flor- / flower / Latin / flos, floris
flu-, flux- / flow / Latin / fluere, fluxus
foc- / hearth / Latin / focus
fod-, foss- / dig / Latin / fodere, fossus
foen- / hay / Latin / faenum
foli- / leaf / Latin / folium
font- / spring / Latin / fons, fontis
for- / bore / Latin / forare, foratus
form- / shape / Latin / forma
fornic- / vault / Latin / fornix, fornicis
fort- / strong / Latin / fortis
fove- / shallow round depression / Latin / fovea
frang-, -fring-, fract-, frag- / break / Latin / frangere, fractus
frater-, fratr- / brother / Latin / frater
fric-, frict- / rub / Latin / fricare, frictus
frig- / cold / Latin / frigere
front- / forehead / Latin / frons, frontis
fruct-, frug- / fruit / Latin / frux, fructis
fug-, fugit- / flee / Latin / fugere
fum- / smoke / Latin / fumus
fund- / bottom / Latin / fundus, fundare
fund-, fus- / pour / Latin / fundere, fusus
fung-, funct- / do / Latin / fungi, functus
fur-, furt- / steal / Latin / furare
furc- / fork / Latin / furca
fusc- / dark / Latin / fuscus
Root / Meaning in English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)galact- / milk / Greek / γάλα, γαλακτός (gala, galaktos)
gastr- / stomach / Greek / γαστήρ (gaster)
ge(o)- / earth / Greek / γη (gē), γεω- (geō)
gel- / icy cold / Latin / gelum
gen- / race, kind / Greek / γένος
ger-, gest- / bear, carry / Latin / gerere, gestus
germin- / sprout / Latin / germen, germinis
glabr- / hairless / Latin / glaber
glaci- / ice / Latin / glacies
gladi- / sword / Latin / gladius
glob- / sphere / Latin / globus
glori- / glory / Latin / gloria
glutin- / glue / Latin / gluten, glutinis
grad-, -gred-, gress- / walk, step, go / Latin / gradus, gradere, gressus
gramm- / letter / Greek / γραμμα (gramma)
gran- / grain / Latin / granum
grand- / grand / Latin / grandis
graph- / draw, write / Greek / γραφή (graphē)
grat- / thank, please / Latin / gratus
grav- / heavy / Latin / gravis
greg- / flock / Latin / grex, gregis
gubern- / govern, pilot / Latin / gubernare
gust- / taste / Latin / gustus
guttur- / throat / Latin / guttur
gymn- / nude / Greek / γυμνός (gymnos)
Root / Meaning in English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)hab-, -hib-, habit-, -hibit- / have / Latin / habere, habitus
haem(o)- / blood / Greek / αἷμα (haima)
hal(o)- / salt / Greek / ἅλς, άλας (hals, halos)
hal-, -hel- / breathe / Latin / halare, halatus
hapl(o)- / simple, single / Greek / ἁπλοῦς (haplous)
haur-, haust- / draw / Latin / haurire, haustus
heli(o)- / sun / Greek / ἥλιος
hemi- / half / Greek / ἥμισυς (hemisus)
hen- / one / Greek / ἕν (hen)
hendec- / eleven / Greek / ἕνδεκα (hendeka)
hept- / seven / Greek / επτά (hepta)
her-, hes- / cling / Latin / haerere, haesus
herb- / grass / Latin / herba
hered- / heir / Latin / heres, heredis
herp- / creep / Greek / έρπω (herpo)
heter(o)- / different, other / Greek / ἑτερος (heteros)
heur- / find / Greek / εὑρίσκω
hex- / six / Greek / ἕξ (hex)
hibern- / wintry / Latin / hibernus
hiem- / winter / Latin / hiems
hipp(o)- / horse / Greek / ἵππος (hippos)
hirsut- / hairy / Latin / hirtus, hirsutus
hispid- / bristly / Latin / hispidus
histri- / actor / Latin
hod- / way / Greek / ὁδός (hodos)
hol(o)- / whole / Greek / όλος (holos)
hom(o)- / same / Greek / ὁμός (homos)
homeo- / like / Greek / όμοιος (homoios)
homin- / human / Latin / homo, hominis
homal- / even, flat / Greek / ομαλός (homalos)
honor- / esteem / Latin / honos, honoris
horm- / that which excites / Greek / ὁρμή (horme)
hort(i)- / garden / Latin / hortus, horti
hospit- / host / Latin / hospes, hospitis
host- / enemy / Latin / hostis
hum- / ground / Latin / humus, humare
hyal- / glass / Greek / ὕαλος (hualos)
hydr(o)- / water / Greek / ὕδωρ
hygr- / wet / Greek / υγρός (hugros)
hyo- / U-shaped / Greek / ὑοειδής
hyp(o)- / under / Greek / ὑπό (hupo)
hyper- / above, over / Greek / ὑπέρ (huper)
hypn- / sleep / Greek / ὕπνος (hupnos)
hyster- / later / Greek / ὕστερος (husteros)
Root / Meaning In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)ichth- / fish / Greek / ιχθύς (ichthus)
icos- / twenty / Greek / είκοσι (eikosi)
id(o)- / shape / Greek / εἶδος (eidos)
ide(o)- / idea; thought / Greek / ιδέα (idea)
idi(o)- / personal / Greek / ἴδιος (idios)
ign- / fire / Latin / ignis
in- (1), im- / in, on / Latin / in
in- (2), il-, im-, ir- / in, un- (negation) / Latin / in-
infra- / under / Latin / infra
insul- / island / Latin / insula
inter- / among, between / Latin / inter (preposition) – among, between
intra- / within / Latin / intra
irasc-, irat- / be angry / Latin / irasci
is(o)- / equal, the same / Greek / ίσος (isos)
-(i)tat- / property of, quality of / Latin
iter- / again / Latin / iterum
itin- / route, way / Latin / iter, itinis – march, journey
Root / Meaning In English / Origin Language / Etymology (Root Origin)jac- / lie / Latin / jacēre "to be thrown"
jac- (originally IAC), -ject- / cast, throw / Latin / iacio, iacere, ieci, iectus – "to throw" (and cognates thereof)
jan- / door / Latin / janua
joc- / joke / Latin / jocus
jug- / yoke / Latin / jugare, jugum
jung-, junct- / join / Latin / jungere, junctus
junior- / younger / Latin / junior
jus-, jur, judic (originally IVS) / law, justice / Latin / ius, iuris; iudex, iudicis; iusticia, iusticiae, etc.
juv-, jut- / help / Latin / juvare, jutus
juven- / young, youth / Latin / juvenis
juxta- / beside, near / Latin / juxta