Project Narrative

January 2011 – October 2011

Enter your organization name here

Please submit your information for the Project Narrative topics listed below. Points for scoring proposals are listed beside each topic. This document must be double-spaced, in 12-pt. font, and may not exceed 7 pages.

  1. Organizational description of the organization to include: (not scored)

Mission statement

Staffing for the project

Current partnership(s) with VA facilities

  1. Needs statement that: (10 points)

Identifies the needs your project will meet as well as the population(s) you intend to serve.

Lists current data that supports the rationale for your proposal.

Describes how your existing work has expanded the capacity of Veteran-centric care, either through direct service, education, outreach, or system change activities.

  1. Goals and objectives of the project that: (20 points)

Reflect the Reaching Out Model Program your organization has selected to implement.

Describe how organizational and staff education/experience will be applied to this project, including current Veteran-related projects or programs as described in We Honor Veterans (WHV).

Explain how the project will involve rural and/or homeless Veterans and their families.

Describe the activities that will result in your organization achieving at least WHVPartner Level Two by the end of the grant period.

List anticipated barriers or challenges and what steps or whose input will be needed to overcome them.

  1. Work plan (use separate Work Plan template provided by NHPCO), including: (30 points)

A single, focused Reaching Out project goal

Project objectives

Strategic activities

Project timeline

A list of persons responsible for each activity.

Specific outcome measures that demonstrate how you plan to monitor, evaluate and report the impact of your program.

  1. Description of the project’s partnership(s), including: (10 points)

Key partners, one of which must be a VA facility, Community Based Outpatient Clinic or other VA entity, and an explanation of the roles they will assume.

A description of how the project will enhance the relationships of all partners.

  1. Description of key personnel, including: (10 points)

Project leaders, including the project director.

Key staff, including educational background and credentials, project role.

  1. Description of a realistic sustainability plan, including how the partnership will continue its work after the grant period. (10 points)
  1. Project budget detail and budget narrative (use separate templates provided by NHPCO). (10 points)

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