Elk River Lutheran ELCA

January 20th, 2015 Council Meeting Minutes

Present: Diana Schansberg, Adam Horner, Laura Babneau, Joe Livingston, Darren Swenson, Greg Pouliot, Pastor Heidi Zimdars, Kim Hauger via phone, (President), Betty Zehringer (Vice President) and Brad Tesdahl (Secretary)

Absent-Jim Klein and Diane Harding (Treasure),

Kim Hauger called the meeting to order.

Laura Babneau led the devotion asking meeting attendees.


 Brad Tesdahl led review of ERLC Council Meeting from Nov 18th, 2014. No discussion and no corrections.

o Motion Laura Babneau to approve Nov 18th, 2014 ERLC Council Meeting minutes, seconded by Betty Zehringer. All approved.

 Executive Committee report, Brad Tesdahl summarized Executive Committee meeting from Jan 14th 2015

 Finance Report by Kim Hauger focused on the Income Comparison report and Committee budget (expense) report.

o Motion Brad Tesdahl to approve Finance Report, seconded by Diana Schansberg. All approved.

 Pastor report by Pastor Heidi- See Pastor’s January report document.

Team Reports:

 Adult Ed report by Betty Zehringer-Mike Roden Chairperson and membership of 4. Improving Your Servebook study well attended and well received. >35 ERLC members attending.

 Caring Faith report by Diana Schansberg-Team now meeting quarterly so nothing to report.

 Communications/IT report by Darren Swenson-review of Video/Audio options for ERLC. See AV document. Demonstration of options will occur at All Hand Meeting on January 25th, 2015. Also discussed needs for AV Production Staff/Volunteers. Also discussed status of organ. Kim Hauger and Executive Committee will have further conduct discussions and actions in regards to organ.

 CYF report by Laura Babneau- Summarized December activities Parents Night Out and St Nicholas Breakfast. Organizing trip for MS/HS Confirmation Students not going to National Convention in Detroit, HS/MS Confirmation Students working on Once Upon a Parable musical which will be performed during an upcoming 10:30 worship service, funds to provide Confirmation students scholarships greatly needed. Kari reaching out to other Congregations in regards to planning VBS.

o Motion by Betty Zehringer to approve Lenten Soup Supper donations to ERLC Youth (75%) and Open Door (25%), seconded by Joe Livingston. All approved.

 Facilities report by Greg Pouliot-Coat racks installed downstairs, Water Softener installed and Thermostats programmed. Review of Greg Pouliot and Vance’s Zehringer service project in Mplsand potential for expanding and increasing participants from ERLC.

 Fellowship report by Joe Livingston-Sledding event attended by 14 from ERLC, next event is the Super Bowl Chili Cook-off and Feed on Feb 1. Planning a Skiing event at Powder Ridge and a Brunch sometime in the spring at ERLC.

 Hospitality report by Greg Pouliot-served 175 people at last Funeral, new serving wares purchased and well stocked and planning a training for using appliances in kitchen as well as preparation and cleanup “to-dos”.

 New Member Outreach-no report.

 Worship report by Adam Horner-Lenten Service planning (Ash Wed is Feb 18th) reviewed.

 President Upate by Kim Hauger-Review of ERLC Committees wish lists (see January 2015 Committee Wish List Document). Discusion of ERLC Executive Committee plan to realign Fical and Council Year. ERLC Executive Committee has proposed to move Fiscal and Council Year to January 1-December 31. This proposal will be presented for approval to ERLC members.

Old Business

Call Committee update-the Site Profile compiled/completed by call committee and approved by Executive Committee will be presented to Synod. We support the work for the Call Committee and the guidance of the Spirit.

Pay Pal is up and running properly for offerings and specific donations.

New Business

Opening on Council needs to be filled. Ideas for nominations should be forwarded to Kim Hauger

All Hands Meeting January 25th, 2015

If interested in attending up-coming Synod Conference, please contact Kim Hauger.

On January 25th, a trial of downloading Worship Service e-bulletin by Committee members will occur

o Motion by Greg Pouliot to adjourn meeting seconded by Betty Zehringer, approved by all.

Kim Hauger adjourned meeting.

Next Council Meeting--Feb 17th at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Tesdahl