8th Grade Interdisciplinary Rubrics
Student Name: ______Period:______Criterion / 1/2
Limited / 3/4
Adequate / 5/6
Substantial / 7/8
A. Disciplinary Grounding
i. demonstrate relevant disciplinary factual, conceptual and/or procedural knowledge. / The student: i.demonstrates limited relevant disciplinary grounding. / The student: i.demonstrates some relevant disciplinary grounding. / The student: i.demonstrates most necessary disciplinary grounding. / The student:
i. demonstrates extensive necessary disciplinary grounding.
. B. Synthesizing
i. synthesize disciplinary knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding. / The student:
i. establishes few and/or superficial connections between disciplinary knowledge. / The student:
i. connects disciplinary knowledge to achieve adequate understanding. / The student:
i. synthesizes disciplinary knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding. / The student:
i. synthesizes disciplinary knowledge to demonstrate consistent and thorough interdisciplinary understanding.
C. Communicates
i. use appropriate strategies to communicate interdisciplinary understanding effectively
ii. document sources using recognized conventions. / The student:
i. communicates interdisciplinary understanding with little structure, clarity or coherence. / The student:
i. communicates interdisciplinary understanding with some clarity and coherence
ii. identifies sources. / The student:
i. communicates interdisciplinary understanding that is generally well organized and coherent, recognizing appropriate forms or media
ii. identifies relevant sources. / The student:
i. communicates interdisciplinary understanding that is generally organized, clear and coherent, beginning to use selected forms or media effectively
ii. documents relevant sources using a recognized convention.
D. Reflects
i. Evaluate strengths and limitations of the interdisciplinary learning process.
ii. Describes limitations and benefits of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations. / The student:
i. reflects on himself or herself as a disciplinary and interdisciplinary learner in a limited way
ii. outlines the contribution of selected disciplines in a limited way. / The student:
i. reflects on himself or herself as a disciplinary and interdisciplinary learner
ii. states some limitations and benefits of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations. / The student:
i. consistently reflects on himself or herself as a disciplinary and interdisciplinary learner
ii. describes some benefits and limitations of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations. / The student:
i. consistently reflects with sophistication on himself or herself as a disciplinary and interdisciplinary learner
ii. explains the limitations and benefits of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations.