Teacher: JacobsWeek of: Mar 12-14Subject: English 8Period: 2
OBJECTIVES/STANDARDSAlabama CCRS for 3rd Quarter:: (highlighted ones are targeted this week)
Reading Literature Texts: Reading Informational Texts:
RL.7.1 / 1. cite textual evidence; inferences / RI.7.1 / 10. citing evidence; inferences
RL.7.2 / 2. central theme; development; objective summary / RI.7.2 / 11. central ideas; development; objective summary
RL.7.3 / 3. interaction of elements in story or drama / RI.7.3 / 12. interaction between elements of text (individuals, ideas, events)
RL.7.4 / 4. figurative lang./connotative; rhymes/meaning &tone/analogies &allusions / RI.7.4 / 13. figurative, connotative; specific word choice and meaning
RL.7.5 / 5. compare/contrast structure for meaning and style / RI.7.5 / 14. analyze structure and organization; major sections – defining/developing concept
RL.7.6 / 6. POV – suspense/horror / RI.7.6 / 15. POV – acknowledges/responds to conflicting evidence/viewpoints
RL.7.7 / 7. multi-media – evaluate choices director/actor / RI.7.7 / 16. evaluate multimedia versions
RL.7.8 / 8. analyze theme, patterns of events/character types from myths/Biblical how is it new? / RI.7.8 / 17. evaluate arguments, evidence, claims; relevant/sufficient
RL.7.9 / 9. end of year – read/comprehend stories, dramas poems / RI.7.9 / 18. identify two texts disagreement on fact or interpretation
RI.7.10 / 19. end of year – read/comprehend literary non-fiction
Writing Standards: Production/Distribution: Research/Presentation:
W.7.1 (a-e) / Argument Essay / 20. claims; organization of evidence; credible sources; use transitions; formal style; concluding statements / W.7.4 / 23. Produce clear writing / W.7.7 / 26. short research projects, sources, focused questions
W.7.2 (a-f) / Expository Essay / 21. Intro topics; organizational; definition, classification, comparison/contrast; cause/effect; formatting; graphics; multi-media; examples; transitions; precise language; formal style; conclusion / W.7.5 / 24. Use the writing process,
including peer revision / W.7.8 / 27. gather types of sources, credibility of source; quote/paraphrase/summarize, citation, plagiarism
W.7.3 (a-e) / Narrative Essay / 22. Context/POV/intro; dialogue, pacing, description; transitional words; sensory language; conclusion / W.7.6 / 25. Internet, publish, cite,
collaborate / W7.9
W.7.10 / 28. draw evidence from literary, textual sources
29. Writing process for different time lengths and genres
Listening/Speaking Standards:
SL.7.1 (a-d) / 30. collaborative discussions / SL.7.4 / 33. present claims finds coherently, examples, eye contact, volume, pronunciation
SL.7.2 / 31. analyze main ideas/details in diverse media / SL.7.5 / 34. Include multimedia components/displays
SL.7.3 / 32. outline speaker’s argument, claims, credibility, relevance / SL.7.6 / 35. adapt speech to context/tasks
Language Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition:
L.7.1 (a-d) / 36. SV agreement; inverted word order; indefinite pronouns; correlative and coordinating conjunctions; collective nouns / L.7.4 (a-d) / 39. context clues; Greek/Latin affixes, roots; consult reference materials; verify preliminary meaning by checking inferred/dictionary
L.7.2 (a-b) / 37. comma, ellipsis, dash; spelling / L.7.lli5 (a-c) / 40. figures of speech; syn/ant/anology; connotation vs. denotations
L.7.3 (a) / 38. active/passive voice with conditional/subjunctive mood for effect / L.7.6 / 41. use grade-appropriate academic/domain-specific diction
Performance Skill Assessment: (areas of most possible growth)
AL.RL.8.8 (24) fiction draws on themes, pattern of events, or character types from myths/traditional stories
AL.RL.8.1 (12) understanding the relationship between cause and effect
Long Passage:
AL.RL.8.5 (26) compare/contrast how structure contributes to meaning and style
AL.RL.8.13 (26) connotative meaning of words phrases
AL.RL.8.10 (26) textual evidence to support inferences drawn from nonfiction long passage
AL.RL.8.6 (24) points of view creates suspense or humor
AL.RL.8.16 (24) advantages and disadvantages of mediums
AL.RL.8.12 (24) connections and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or event (comparisons, analogies, categories)
AL.RL.8.1 (23) cite textual evidence for explicit examples
AL.RL.8.15 (21) how author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints
AL.RL.8.17 (13) delineate and evaluate the argument/claims in nonfiction – whether evidence is sound, relevant and sufficient
AL.RL.8.14 (12) identify organizational patterns
AL.RL.8.10 (12) identify story detail
AL.L.8.40c (18) comprehend slight nuances in meaning in 8th grade words
AL.L.8.40c (16) the learner will identify meaning of isolated voc words
Monday / Long Passages
(see above) / Performance Series Skill Connection
Readworks.org / Build modular consisting of PowerPoints, handouts, worksheets, exit slips, and practice packets / Verbal
Practice Sheets
Exit Slips
Tuesday / Long Passages
(see above) / Performance Series Skill Connection
Readworks.org / Build modular consisting of PowerPoints, handouts, worksheets, exit slips, and practice packets / Verbal
Practice Sheets
Exit Slips
Wednesday / Long Passages
(see above)
End of 3rd Quarter / Performance Series Skill Connection
Readworks.org / Build modular consisting of PowerPoints, handouts, worksheets, exit slips, and practice packets / Verbal
Practice Sheets
Exit Slips