DentonCounty Livestock Association Youth Fair


Location: North Texas Fair Grounds, 2217 North Carroll Blvd, Denton , TX at the Bingo Hall which is a white building, straight ahead and slightly left of the fair grounds entrance.

March 30, Wednesday.

SET UP 12:30 – 1:30pm ThreeVolunteers are needed to move tables and chairs and dress the tables.

PLANT CHECK-IN 3:30- 6:30pm. Four Volunteers are needed. MG Volunteers check off Entrants on their registration form that has Plant Number-second page is given to Entrant as “Receipt”. Plant number is written on spoon to ID the plant. Entrant is given an Entry Card to fill out. Entrants provide Horticulture packet.Volunteer matchesplant photo to Plant number. The Plant along with the Entry Card, Horticulture packet, and photo are placed into appropriate categories on the dressed tables by the MG Volunteer.

March 31, Thursday.

JUDGE and TALLY8:00 – 10:30. Judges and a tally person are needed for the judging session in the morning. Tally peopleadd point results from judges score sheets. Total score is entered into a laptop spreadsheet. (No need to know computers—the spreadsheet will have the list of all Plants by Division and Class with the formula that add the points. Just key in the results next to the Plant number.)

RIBBON AWARDING10:30 – 1:00. Volunteer is needed to place ribbons on winning entries and place score sheets with each respective plant. Plants are rearranged to feature the special winners. (Tally person may want to stay for this position.)

PUBLIC VIEWING2:30 -6:30 Four volunteers needed (two volunteers per 2 hour shift, for 2 shifts). Volunteers are hosts to watch over plants, greet visitors, and provide Texas Agrilife/Master Gardener information.

April 1, Friday.

PUBLIC VIEWING 9am – 5pm Eight volunteers (two volunteers per 2 hour shift for 4 shifts). Volunteers are hosts to watch over plants, greet visitors, and provide Texas Agrilife/Master Gardener information.

BREAK DOWN AND PLANT PICKUP 5pm-7pmVolunteers help Entrants who come to pick up their plants. Volunteers breakdown tables, pack up supplies.

Fair General Notes

Show set-up uses 6 tables for display and 1 table for registration and later hosting. Tablecloths and skirts are put on tables. Plant classes are labeled.

Bingo hall is usually cool in March. Dress appropriately. Bring a drink and snack if needed. The horticulture show is in the same building with baked/canned goods which may make you hungry! Food available for sale at 4-H concession stand.

Show visitors the great job the entrants have done with their plants. Smile! Visitors may ask questions, so be prepared to answer what you can or refer them to the websites or the Master Gardener help desk. During “down” times, it is nice to have a book or magazine to read. (Of course, you could study your Master Gardener materials!)