Date: March 13, 2013
Kind of Meeting: Regular Meeting
Place: Town Hall
Board Members Present: Nancy Ridgeway Others Present:
Ruth E. Scheppard Tammy Miller
Nola J. Gove Shirley A. Rice
Kevin Halsey Pat McCullough
Dustin Clark
Margaret A. Kastler
Michael Kastler (in @7:45 pm)
Valerie Cascanet
Diane Brosch
John Howland (in @7:25 pm)
Lyndie Manchester (left @ 7:51pm)
John Wood, Jr.
Mike Haverlock
Todd Aubin
Wayne Miller
Norma Newman
Chuck & Deedee Thousand
Tim Wolfe
Absent: Cheryl Yerdon
Supervisor Nancy Ridgeway called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion by Nancy Ridgeway, seconded by Ruth Scheppard, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the minutes of the February 13th meeting are approved as written.
The Town Board received a copy of the monthly financial report of the Supervisor prior to this meeting. It is filed in the Town Clerk’s office.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were none at this time.
Assessor- Rhonda Weigand’s report has been filed in the Town Clerk’s office.
Dog Control Officer – Marjorie O’Grady-McCann was absent this evening. She continues to issue tickets for unlicensed dogs.
Historian – Charlene Cole’s monthly report is on file in the Town Clerk’s office and available for public inspection.
Town Justice- The monthly reports of the Town Justices have been received by the Town Supervisor and filed in the Town Clerk’s office.
Legislator – Margaret Kastler reported that she has returned from schooling in Albany. There is no mandate relief in sight. Medicaid will continue to strain the county budget. There have been no discussions or decisions at the county level regarding the closure of the transfer stations. The Legislative Standing Committees have been assigned. The Infrastructure, Facilities & Technology Committee is the committee to address the transfer station issue.
Library – President Diane Brosch reported that the Young Adult area of the library has new seating and computers. There are new chairs for the adult area as well. Cell phones can be dropped off at the library to be sent to soldiers. The Girl Scouts had a successful cookie sale at the library. Saturday, March 9th was a very busy morning with 43 patrons visiting between 10 am and noon. Mrs. Brosch and Mrs. Cascanet attended the Village of Sandy Creek meeting. There is money in the village budget for landscaping. The village would like the drainage issues fixed before any landscaping is done. More sidewalk work is needed. They are looking for grants for summer programming and to keep improving the library. On April 2nd at 2 pm they will host a Cat in the Hat program. Mrs. Cascanet announced that the library board is raffling off a signed book and basket on March 20th. They have a display at the Family Health Expo at school this evening. Some of the new lighting is out at the library. Supervisor Ridgeway has not heard back regarding the heating audit. Scott Trump has looked at the roof and would like to look again when it is raining.
NOCA – The monthly report from Northern Oswego County Ambulance was received and filed.
Planning Board – Chairman Shirley Rice read the report from the March 5th meeting of the Sandy Creek Regional Planning Board.
Highway Superintendent – Deputy Superintendent Mike Haverlock read the monthly report and it is on file in the Town Clerk’s office. There is a large hole on Carr Drive that the Highway Department will check on. There was a discussion on the destruction of ash trees by the Emerald Ash Borer. Many trees may have to be taken down along the roadsides.
Code Enforcement Officer – John Howland’s reports for January and February have been filed in the Town Clerk’s office. He will get quotes for the abatement on the Casey property. He will attend code school in April. He will begin citing properties in late April. He was asked to check on the Archibee, Spencer, VanRy and White properties for compliance.
Waste Management – Councilman Halsey will again look into the possibility of town-wide trash removal and the cost.
Barton Longuidice, P.C. – Dustin Clark, P.E. was present to update the board on the water projects. The IMA for water district #2 was discussed. Mr. Clark will respond to the suggestions from Attorney Gebo.
Town Clerk – Tammy Miller reported that receipts and total disbursements for the month of February totaled $2,838.80. This report is on file in her office and available for public inspection. Signs for the Courtroom have been ordered following the PESH inspection. A Workplace Violence Prevention Policy is needed. The campground/park operating permit renewals have been mailed. Bill Joyce from the SCR Planning Board would like to accompany CEO Howland when he does the inspections.
T8 light bulbs were installed at the library. A meeting with the Village of Sandy Creek officials, and their attorney and water engineer was held March 7th to continue work on the Intermunicipal Agreement for Water District #2. At the December 12, 2012 meeting the Town Board authorized Mike Caton from Computel Consultants to proceed to secure the underpaid amounts from Time Warner Cable customers.
On motion by Ruth Scheppard, seconded by Nola J. Gove, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Sandy Creek authorizes Supervisor Ridgeway to sign a letter to Time Warner Cable concerning the underpaid franchise as suggested by Mike Caton of Computel.
On motion by Kevin Halsey, seconded by Ruth Scheppard, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Sandy Creek accepts the annual software support contracts for the Building & Codes Enforcement program from Williamson Law Book Company for 3/1/13 through 2/28/14 for $363.00.
Supervisor Ridgeway has signed and sent the Final Notice of Intent to Undertake an Action Within an Agricultural District for the Water District #1 storage tower. She received a call from a dog owner about the failure of the court system to fine repeated offenders of the dog control local law.
On motion by Ruth Scheppard, seconded by Kevin Halsey, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Sandy Creek will hold a public hearing on the Local Law No.1 for Flood Damage Prevention and Local Law No.2 repealing the Town’s prior laws regarding flood damage prevention on April 10, 2013 at 7 pm at the Town Hall.
On motion by Nancy Ridgeway, seconded by Ruth Scheppard, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Sandy Creek agrees to pay $2,150.00 for tree removal at Woodlawn Cemetery after the work has been completed.
The Comprehensive Plan is being reviewed by Dave Turner, Director of Oswego County Community Development, Tourism and Planning. The SEQR process is near completion. The Town Board may want to develop a Travel and Conference Expense Management Policy and add it to the Handbook. A letter was received from Roberta French requesting public water for her U Pick Blueberry Fields from Water District #2.
On motion by Kevin Halsey, seconded by Ruth Scheppard, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Sandy Creek approves the Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds.
Transfers are necessary due to a $225.75 expense to Water District #1 that Bookkeeper Jill Mattison can not exactly identify. It is likely an expense that was not reimbursed from prior years (2008-2011).
On motion by Ruth Scheppard, seconded by Kevin Halsey, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Sandy Creek approves the following transfer of funds:
From A1990.4 Contingent To A9950.9 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund $226.00
A9950.9 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund To H1-5031 Interfund Transfer$226.00
On motion by Kevin Halsey, seconded by Ruth Scheppard, the following resolution was
ADOPTED - 4 Ayes Ridgeway, Scheppard, Gove, Halsey
0 No
1 Absent Yerdon
Resolved that the bills be paid on Abstract #4 in the following amounts:
General Fund $ 814.70
Trust & Agency $ 11,763.97
And on Abstract #5 in the following amounts:
General Fund $ 72,233.59
Trust & Agency $ 10,553.71
Highway Fund $ 28,194.39
Water District #1 $ 73,443.57
Water District #2 $ 9,880.00
On motion by Ruth Scheppard, seconded by Nancy Ridgeway and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Future Meeting Dates
Regular monthly meeting – April 10th at 7 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy L. Miller, RMC
Town Clerk