Ridgeview Hills North Civic Association
Wednesday November 8, 2017 at 6:45pm
Littleton Church of Christ
6495 S Colorado Blvd, Centennial, CO 80121
6 pm Event Meeting
6:45pm Call To Order
- Roll Call - Tarah Lorenz, Sheri Marz, Julie Rea, Michelle Moss, Steve Kelly, Jerome Perkins, Consuelo Chavez, Ashley ? (sorry didn’t catch Last Name)
- Community Presentation (first come, first served. 15 minutes, 3 minutes per person) -
- ·No issues brought up
- Approve minutes from previous meeting
- Oct. 2017 - Motion To Approve and Passed
- Treasurer Report
- Current Balance Approx $9800.00
- Fall Festival - Hamster Ball Update - We received $100.00 Off for the broken Ball
- Still looking for some receipts from Fall Festival - mostly Debit Card charges
- Reminder we are not tax exempt when making purchases because we are a 501C34
- In January 2018 - Sheri will have the budget and breakdown of the past years Sponsorships
- Events– Michelle
- Carols and Coco will be at the Church Saturday Dec. 9th at 6:00pm
- Still looking to secure Horse and Wagon (The original company has been non-responsive)
- Volunteers for Cookies need to drop off at Michelle Moss’s house Friday Dec 8th
- Slots for Setup and cleanup have been filled - Still looking for a couple more volunteers for cookies and a runner to go to Costco for Coffee and Coco and Creamer, etc
- Will discuss next Event Easter Egg Hunt at Next Years meeting
- Michelle has ordered 80 New signs (approx $500.00 which was approved) new signs will consist of Event Signs, Board meeting and Award signs
- We already have secured Sponsors for Dumpster Days, 4th of July, and Fall Festival
- Communications - Barbara & Julie
- Newsletter prices, ideas for newsletters, TABLE VOTE until January
- Need Approx 750 Newsletters - Minimum 4 Pages
- Michelle was able to find a printer for $ 0.42 a News Letter
- Cherry Creek Printing and do the 750 copies for $235.00 with an additional $50.00 to have them fold
- Discussion to Print 2 Newsletters each year and do 2-3 Electronic
- Vote on final details Tabled until January’s meeting
- Discussion to get 1 First quarter Newsletter out prior to Elections, to announce Elections and provide description of positions - Motion Approved and Passed for 1 Newsletter at cost of $235.00 for printing
- T-shirts and business cards
- Tarah Checked and unfortunately the Shirts donated will not work. She was able to secure screen printing costs for new shirts at the cost of $8.00 a shirt (this includes the cost to create the screen print with the logo. Shirts will be for Board Members and key volunteers. Motion approved and passed to go forward with printing 20 shirts
- No update on the Business cards at this time
- Chair Report – Jessica
- Vice Chair Report – Tarah
- Head of database?
- Will look into recruiting more neighborhood volunteers in the 1st quarter Newsletter - Steve K. created a document already that had job descriptions
- Interim Secretary – Consuelo Chavez
- Website – Jess running for now, will be the job of the Communications Director come March 2018
- Website still needs some updates - Per Julie - Donate Button not working, Events for next year are not showing up when you pull up the calendar - More discussion needed
- Volunteer coordinator??
- Will look into recruiting more neighborhood volunteers in the 1st quarter Newsletter - Steve K. created a document already that had job descriptions
- Current job descriptions per the ByLaws
- Sheri would like to change the Annual Budget timeline and move it to discussion in January and approve by March each year
- Discussion to create a Welcome pack for new Elected or appointed members - with info on roles, responsibilities, expectations, contacts, and resources - Tarah will work on this by elections in March as she recalls having something similar previously
- Resolutions and Motions in Order - NONE
- Open Forum
- Discussion to find the list of neighbors who checked YES to volunteering at the Events and throughout the year and start reaching out more to get them involved
- No December Board Meeting
- Look into another Board Night Out event
- Playground - Tarah called a contact with South Suburban and there is an Official Request in to get the playground at Little Dry Creek Updated, however it is 3-4 down on the list as there are other playgrounds with a bigger need, mainly due to safety issues. Little Dry Creek playground is safe and in better shape than others.
- Executive Portion (closed to public – Last 10 minutes)
8:45pm Meeting Adjourned
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