Sponsored Firewalk for Aspire – Saturday 15th March 2014
Please complete all sections and return to Aspire with £25 to secure your place.
Please read the terms and conditions below, and then sign at the bottom of the form.
Terms and conditions
These are the Terms and Conditions of Aspire. The event specialist Fire walking agency is Bigger Brighter Bolder (the ‘event agent’). Their Terms and Conditions and disclaimer will be provided during registration before the Fire walk. It is a requirement that all participants comply with both Aspire and the event agent Terms and Conditions and sign the disclaimer during registration.
1. To take place in this event you should be 18 or over on the date of the event.
2. All participants take part in the event at their own risk.
3. No illegal substances may be carried or consumed by participants in this event.
4. For the safety of all concerned, do not drink alcohol or take drugs before or during the event as this may impair your judgement. Individuals who appear to be under the influence of either alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to Fire walk and will be asked to leave.
5. No alcohol or drugs are allowed into the training premises or in the Fire walk area.
6. For this event we require a non-refundable registration fee of £25.
7. By signing up to this event you are pledging to raise the minimum sponsorship of £100.
8. The registration fee and all sponsorship money can be paid by cash or cheque (payable to Aspire) addressed to Jane Harris, Fundraiser, Aspire, St. Thomas’s School, Osney Lane, Oxford, OX1 1NP
9. If you are unable to meet the minimum sponsorship, you may choose to make up the balance yourself or you may forfeit your place.
10. If you cancel your participation in the event at any time, your registration fee will not be refunded.
11. You understand and accept that in the event of extreme weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances, the event may be postponed or cancelled and that other alterations may occur which are beyond the control of the event agent or Aspire. You understand that Aspire may have to cancel your booking if a minimum number of participants do not book into the event.
12. You agree to raise all money using legal methods.
13. You should be reasonably fit and enjoy sufficient good health to participate in the Firewalk challenge event. You should be able to walk independently, quickly and without hesitation. For health and safety reasons, Aspire and/or the event agent reserve the right to stop any person from participating.
14. You are responsible for ensuring you are medically fit to participate in a Firewalk. If you have any medical condition that you feel might affect your safe ability to take part please seek medical advice before committing to take part.
15. If you suffer from Diabetes or have any foot wounds or foot skin conditions, you should not take part in this event.
16. All fire walkers are required to complete a 90 minute training session prior to the firewalk. This session is designed to motivate participants and give them the confidence to complete the challenge. At no time will any participant be coerced into taking part in the firewalk.
17. All firewalkers will be required to sign a legal disclaimer saying that they fully understand that the activity of fire walking is potentially dangerous. They will also sign to say that they understand that firewalking is not mandatory and that the decision to firewalk is taken of their own free will and they are not under the influence of alcohol or un-prescribed drugs. Anyone considered to be under such influence will be refused entry but a refund will NOT be given.
18. Aspire shall not be liable for any injury, illness or death of any person or persons nor for loss or damage to any property nor for any direct for any indirect or consequential loss however arising. The above does not exclude or restrict Aspire’s liability for injury, illness or death arising as a result of any negligence or omission of Aspire or its employees acting in the course of their employment.
19. You are advised not to have a pedicure during the month before the firewalk, or to use any lotions, nail varnish remover (acetone) on your feet on the day of the event. Do not wear nail varnish, toe rings, ankle bracelets or foot jewellery.
20. I give permission to use any photographs/ videos taken of me to raise awareness and/or money for Aspire’s work.
21. I consent to Aspire passing my details to the event agent for this event.
Please return this form and your deposit to the address below as soon as possible to secure your place.
Jane Harris, Fundraiser, Aspire Oxford, St. Thomas’s School, Osney Lane, Oxford, OX1 1NP
Aspire Oxford delivers class-leading services to customers whilst also providing life-changing support, training and skills for people who have survived adversity and are committed to making remarkable changes to their lives.
For more information, or to find out how to support the work of the charity, please visit www.aspireoxford.co.uk.
Aspire Oxfordshire Community Enterprise Ltd (registered name) also known as Aspire Oxfordshire is a private not-for-profit company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales under No: 4270053. Registered Charity No: 111 77 26. VAT Registered: 927 7589 66.