June 12, 2013


1. CALL TO ORDER at 7:00pm.

Present: Present: Linda Bullard, Robert Burke, Barbara Chadwick, Marilyn Chammas, Geoff Hebert, Annette Holmes, Anders Martenson, Betty Murphy, Arthur Turcotte

Absent: Sarah Jigergian, James Waite

Also present: Andrea M. Priest, Linda Eatherton


Arthur corrected the wording in the minutes from “building” to “bees”

Upon a motion by Linda Bullard to accept the minutes as corrected with a 2nd by Robert Burke, the board voted in unanimous approval.


·  We have posted the driver position

·  GATRA ridership reports- there has been increased ridership in both the shuttle and dial a ride routes.

·  Andrea created a cost analysis for the meal program for Robert Burke to use as information when meeting with Town Manager and requesting restoration of funds for the perishable budget line item.

·  The OCPC grant renewal for Supportive Day Program scholarships is due June 21.

·  The Elder Law Education Program presented by Attorney Youngberg had 22 participants.

·  The Grief Support Group was well attended and a new series will be scheduled in the fall.

·  Health Options Workshop was well presented and helped those in attendance.

·  Depression Screening Workshop on June 4 served 12 participants.

·  Mother’s Day Celebration with Laura James served 140 participants for lunch not including MOW.

·  The COA will once again be offering Ceramics Class in September.

·  The Fallon Grant has been funded for $4,900. and is entitled “Step Into Wellness” which will kick off a year of a wellness offerings.

·  Nemasket Healthcare is sponsoring our ice cream social on August 29th. They are bringing ice cream, toppings, bowls, plus sugar free option and we have hired a clown for entertainment. Children are encouraged to attend and we have a children’s menu for lunch.

·  The board was encouraged to review upcoming events listed on the Department Head reports.

·  The COA will sponsor a retirement luncheon on September 13th, for Ken Silvia who is retiring after 23 years of service.

·  The Front door required repair which has been completed.

·  The Energy project has been completed and only the kitchen area was left undone. All the light balusters and light bulbs were replaced with energy efficient options.

·  The Air conditioning system needs a replacement of one unit which costs $12,000. We will be trying a repair to hold the system until the next fiscal year.

Director’s Report (continued)

·  The Brick walkway will be unveiled at a reception and we will send letters once we have received notice that bricks are ready and contractor sets a date.

·  The SHINE grant renewal has been submitted for $136,000. Each year for a 3 year cycle with 2, two year renewals for a total of 7 years.

·  We will publish a summer edition, July and August of the newsletter

·  Grant approval for bigger mounted screen, support of Rotary and Kiwanis


·  Fire Alarm Panel repair

Ken McKee presented the issues with the fire alarm panel repair. The board had several question including whether the new ones had carbon monoxide alarms and how the alarm signal was transmitted to the fire station. Atlas presented a quote of $6,256 which included all new detectors that could be serviced by any company. Simplex presented a quote of $4,903. For replacing the box only and the system would have to be maintained by Simplex only. Upon a motion by Geoff Hebert with a 2nd by Anders Martenson, to contract with Atlas alarm once all conditions have been met as outlined, the board voted in unanimous approval

·  Newsletter publishing options

Bridgewater Print and Copy, our current newsletter printers, have reported that they can no longer continue to print the newsletter at no cost in exchange for selling ads. Andrea has consulted with other COAs to explore options. The SHINE grant has been renewed and Andrea proposed that the costs of $325. per month be paid by the SHINE grant and SHINE use the space needed to promote the services of the program. It will still award us more space than having the ads.


·  OCES board appointee

Andrea offered to continue to serve on the OCES Board of Directors. Upon a motion by Geoff Hebert to approve the appointment with a 2nd by Robert Burke, the board voted in unanimous approval.

·  COA Board appointments, July 1 start

·  As requested by the Town manager, board appointments will be renewed on July 1. Four appointments that would need renewal in November, were approved for renewal July 1.

·  Pan Mass has requested the use of the parking lot, as they have done for several years, on August 4, for their water stop on their bike ride fundraiser. They have provided an insurance waiver. Upon a motion by Robert Burke to approve the use of the parking lot with a 2nd by Linda Bullard, the board voted in unanimous approval.

·  A local attorney has issued a notice that the COA has been listed in a probate hearing for a will. There is no more information available.

·  OCPC report and evaluation was very favorable and notes the professional and caring staff and their contribution to the success of the program.

·  The COA will participate in the July 4 Parade. Board members are welcome to ride on the float. For several years there have been several veterans in uniform that also ride on the COA float.

·  Krazy Dayz is scheduled for August 2 & 3. Andrea is scheduled to be out of town but will ask the staff at their June staff meeting if they are interested and available to staff a table. Last year was very successful and worthwhile.

·  Request for building use August 4th has been rescinded.


Sub-Committee Reports

Treasurer/Finance Committee

Personnel Committee

Representative Reports

Legislative Issues

OCES- supportive housing programs, managed wait list lifted

OCPC- hoarding film

Department Reports

Day Care Program

Nutrition Program

Activities/Recreation Program

Health/SHINE Program

Upon a motion by Linda Bullard to accept the department reports as written, with a 2nd by Barbara Chadwick, the board voted in unanimous approval.


Newspaper publicity on parking lot and energy project was made available.


9. NEXT REGULAR MEETING ------no meetings in July and August-

Next meeting September 11, 2013


Upon a motion by Linda Bullard to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd by Anders Martenson, the board voted in unanimous approval to adjourn at 7:45pm.