Design Documentation, Marked Crosswalk
PI# ####, xxxxxx County
Current Date
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(all items in italics or # symbols should be replaced with appropriate information)
(Email PDF and MS Word copy of completed request to )
Revised July 18, 2017
Marking of Crosswalks
GDOT PI: #######
CSTEE-####-00(###) (if assigned)
####### County
GDOT programmed name
DATE: Current Date
FROM:Consultant/Engineer of Record name
Consultant firm name (Also use engineering firm letterhead)
TO: Mr. Mark Lawing
TE Program Manager
SUBJECT: Request for Design Documentation of Proposed Marked Crosswalk
Approval for aproposedmarked crosswalk is requested for this project.
Provide a general description of the project including city and street location, length of project, proposed improvements, speed limit, design speed, and amount of TE funds awarded to the project. Indicate which roadways included in this design documentation are on the State Highway System and which are local roads.
Provide a general description of the benefits of the proposed marked crosswalk. (Examples: The proposed marked crosswalks located at station xx+xx on xx Street. The marked crosswalkwould improve pedestrian safety, accessibility,and facilitate connectivity to existing/proposed parking areas along the project corridor. The crossing would also be a traffic calming device. Two accessible ramps and striping at an existing uncontrolled mid-block crossing would be replaced with the proposed ADA accessible marked crosswalk. The proposed marked crosswalk would be surfaced with stamped asphalt or concrete in contrasting colors to visually delineate the crosswalk. In addition to this architectural treatment, an 8" white thermoplastic stripe would be placed parallel to the crosswalk on each side.)
Section 12.4 of GDOT's Signing and Marking Design Guidelines version 4.0 Table 12-1 provides guidance on marking crosswalks. Provide explanation why marking the crosswalks meets the GDOT criteria. List current traffic data relative to GDOT’s signing and marking crosswalk guidance.(Examples: Vehicle ADT on XX Street is less than #,000. The speed limit is ## mph. The street is a local two-lane thoroughfare. Sight distance is xxxxxx linear feet to the north and xxxxxxx linear feet to the south. The proposed crosswalk would be approximately xxxx feet from a controlled intersection. Provide actual or estimated ADT for roadway to demonstrate that the ADT is less than the ADT figure in Table 12.1. Add the percentage of truck traffic for the corridor. Add the estimated number of pedestrians that would utilize the crossing on a daily basis.) Add finding that perSection 12.4 of GDOT Signing and Marking Design Guidelines version 4.0 Table 12-1, this location is a candidate for a marked crosswalk.
Based on this guidance, adequate sight distance, and low vehicular volume, I, Name, Engineer of Record, document the decision to construct a marked mid-block crossing for these locations and conclude this proposed mid-block crossing would not present an increased safety risks to pedestrians.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at Name, email address or telephone number.
Attachments to include:
A: Project Location Map (Clearly indicate project location. Make all information legible on an 8 ½ x 11 black and white print. Add PI#, GDOT Project Name and County to project location map.)
B: Typical Sections (For raised marked crossings, typical sections can be substituted for a detail view.Make all information legible on an 8 ½ x 11 black and white print. Add PI#, GDOT Project Name and County to typical sections)
C: Project Layouts (Clearly indicate the crossings. Include all street names and stationing. Make all information legible on an 8 ½ x 11 black and white print. Add PI#, GDOT Project Name and County to layout sheets)
Cc: File
Sponsor contact, Sponsor
** The following section must be on an individual page within the letter. Include a separate signature section for each marked crosswalk location, for example,one signature section for proposed marked crosswalk at station 10+50 on Main Street/SR14, an addition signature section for proposed marked crosswalk at station 12+50,Main Street/SR14.
The above analysis documents the decision, to mark a crosswalk(s) at station ###, ### Street following GDOT guidance on marking crosswalks.
Submitted by: __Date:
Engineer of Record
TE Project Manager