Chapter 13 Section 7


Every effort will be made to conserve the usage of energy. Management should encourage residents to read put into practice “Residents Energy Conservation Tips” (Form M-9). These energy saving ideas will be posted on the office bulletin board and will be available to residents as requested. Management will continually solicit for new and energy efficient ideas.

The following is a list of Energy Reduction Measures which are currently used by Management.

  1. Maintenance Inspection: These instructions will be conducted in the interior of the units and exterior of the buildings. These will be done in accordance with the energy conservation measures such as checking for:
  1. leaky faucets (use of flow restrictions will be installed at the time of repair or when replacement is necessary)
  1. broken windows replaced
  1. A/C and heat filters cleaned or replaced every 90 days during inspection
  1. thermostats for A/C and heat will be set on 68 degrees in winter and 72 degrees in summer
  1. thermostats for hot water heaters will be set on lowest possible setting. For gas water heaters and gas furnaces, the burning rate of the burner will be reduced. Gas pilot lights will be turned off during summer months.
  1. Painting: Interior units and common areas will be painted with light paint, as needed.
  1. Vacant Units: All breakers will be turned off in vacant units unless repairs are being performed or during extreme cold weather (freezing temperatures of 32 degrees or below) and then the heat settings will be left at the 55 degrees to prevent damages from frozen water pipes.
  1. Lighting: Lights in community rooms and other common areas will be turned off when not in use. Common area lighting will be reduced but maintained to a safe degree of lighting. Replacement of lower wattage bulbs will be used. In cases where permissible, fluorescent or other energy efficient lighting will be used.
  1. Laundry: The water heater for the laundry usage will be turned to lowest setting (timers are suggested). Signs are to be posted in the laundry room requesting the residents use lower water temperatures and full loads when doing laundry.


HUD requires that all new appliances (such as HVAC units, Refrigerators Washing Machines, Televisions, Light bulbs and Hot Water Heaters) have an energy star rating or energy efficiency rating for those items that do not have an Energy Star rating. When purchasing any of these items, you must remember to ask for the Energy Star rating. HUD may not approve reimbursement from replacement reserve if we do not follow these procedures. If you are uncertain about the rating, you should contact your Regional Property Manager for guidance.

Chapter 13, Section 7 Inventory May 2012

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