““This is the new Covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,” says the LORD. “I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”” Jeremiah 31:33 – BE KNOWN
Resurrection Schedule:
2:00 pm Meet at the Church
3:00 pmLeave Church – Dinner (Fast Food, students need cash)
6:30 pmCheck in @ Gatlinburg Town Square
7:30-9:30 pm Registration
9:30-11:30 pmSession I
6:30 am Early Morning Pancake Run (students need cash)
10:00 amLeaders’ Prayer Breakfast
11:00am-1:00pmSession II
1:00-8:00pmFree Time (lunch, students need cash) (dinner, pizza, church pays)
8:00-10:30pmSession III
11:00am-1:00pmSession IV (lunch, students need cash)
5 Women:
6 Women:
Ella Marie
Maggie B
7 Women:
Maggie M
7 Women:
6 Men:
Conner Ferguson
Nick Poe-Jones
Will Melton
Brian Byerly
Calvin Wood
Doug Byerly,
7 Men:
Henry Chien
Alex Haws
Jack Farner
Will Jenne
Asher Johnson
Tommy Boyd
Josh Bracken
6 Men:
Truman Hale
Jackson Ritzhaupt
Brayden Conn
Toby Ginn
Tim Bracken
Kellie Bracken (not a man)
Packing list:
Bible and pen (this is not optional, please don’t forget!)
Clothes for Saturday (Warm clothes, layers. Make sure you have a warm coat – we will be outside!)
Clothes for Sunday
Appropriate swimwear if you wish to swim (indoor pool)
Comfortable shoes for walking around Gatlinburg
Toiletries (Toothpaste/toothbrush, soap, and deodorant at a minimum!)
Sleeping bag/pillow if you are not comfortable sharing a bed
Snack item to share: (12th grade: 12 pack of soda (Church will provide water); 9th –11th grades, something sweet; 6th-8th grades, something salty)
Cash for 4 meals (dinner Friday, breakfast and lunch Saturday, lunch Sunday)
Cash for merchandise table and free time in Gatlinburg
Cash for Youth Service Fund offering
Rules for the weekend:
It is your responsibility to let your small group leader know where you are at all times. You must check in with your small group leader in person before and after every meeting. You must check in with your small group leader via text or phone call Saturday at 2pm and 4pm.
No phone use during sessions, except for camera. When we return to the hotel at night, phones are to be used to call or text parents, not friends – our goal is to be present with the awesome people who are sharing this experience with us!
No TV in the hotel rooms.
As long as there is an awake adult in a room with youth of the opposite sex, you can visit in kitchen area, dining room and living room. (if you are caught in another area, or without a chaperone, your parents will be called and you may be sent home).
You must always be in groups of 3 or more.
Youth ages 13 and under must be with a chaperone during free time.
You are expected to be present for all sessions in the Convention Center. Bathroom breaks and shopping must happen before or after the singing/speaker/other.
You must be in your own room by midnight, lights out at 1am. DO NOT leave your room after midnight. If you disobey this rule, your parents will be called and you will be sent home.
Don’t forget that you are representing God, your family, and FUMC Cleveland. Don’t do anything that could damage the reputation of yourself or these entities.
Respect other people’s property. You are financially responsible for any damage you cause to someone else’s property – this includes, but is not limited to hotel property, church property, and the property of other youth.
- We will meet at the church at 2pm on Friday, January 16 and will leave by 3pm
- We will be staying:
Gatlinburg Town Square
414 Historic Nature Trail
Gatlinburg, TN 37738
(865) 436-2039
- We will be back at the church on Sunday, January 19 between 5 and 6 pm (there will be no Sunday night youth activities).
- During the weekend, contact Hope with any questions: 318-547-5002. If you cannot reach Hope, contact Tommy at 423-715-3686
If you would like to watch the sessions online, you can watch live at The sessions will be Friday 9:30-11:30pm, Saturday 11:30am-1:00pm and 8:00-10:30pm, and Sunday 10:30am-1:00pm