Magnet Student Council First Time Applicant Packet
First Time Applicant- The RMSST Student Council
RMSST Leadership Organizations
Because leadership opportunities are limited and due to each organization’s responsibilities, students may only participate in ONE magnet leadership organization. Please think carefully about which leadership organization best fits your interests and abilities. A description of each is provided below. Please submit this as a cover page with your application to the organization(s) of your choice. You can complete both applications but will ultimately be selected for one.
Magnet Student Council – Mrs. Powell
The Student Council is a student organization that seeks to unify and recognize the efforts of RMSST’s leadership, academic, and service communities. Student Council is responsible for organizing events such as Fall Ball, the Holiday De-stress Express Social, faculty recognition/appreciation, Back to School Week, and Flex assemblies.
Magnet Ambassador Program – Mrs. Baskett
The Ambassador Program provides an opportunity for students to serve as leaders in our school community. Students with excellent communication skills and the ability to interact with both students and adults are encouraged to get involved. Ambassadors are responsible for serving as tour guides during school visits, making presentations at elementary and middle schools across the district, and participating in outreach events.
Magnet Peer Mentoring Program – Mr. C. Williams/Mr. Youngblood
The Peer Mentoring Program provides a support system for 9th grade students entering the Magnet School. The mentors are responsible for planning and executing activities for Summer Adventure as well as scheduling other social events and meetings with their peer group. At the meetings, the mentors speak to the students about getting acclimated to high school and magnet school life. They check on their lockers, school supplies, organizational habits, time management skills, and social adjustment as well as their academic progress.
There are three applications, one for each organization. This cover sheet is for all three Leadership Organizations. After reviewing more about each organization, please indicate your interest level below. You MUST complete an application for each organization you are interested in applying for membership. You can apply for one, two or all three organizations but you must have an application for each organization.
Student Council (circle one) 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice Not interested
Ambassador Program (circle one) 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice Not interested
Peer Mentoring Program (circle one) 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice Not interested
______Yes, I have reviewed this information and understand that I am only allowed to be selected for one Leadership Organization on campus.
Student Signature ______Date ______
First Time Applicant Name: ______
Un-weighted GPA: ______Current Grade Level: ______
Thank you for applying to be a member of MASA. Please read through this Application Packet carefully. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Powell in room 811.
First Time Applicant Packet Check List
(Please include this page as the cover page of your application packet)
In order to make sure that you have your Application Packet correctly, we are providing this check list for you to use.
______I have read and completed all parts of the Application (page 2-8)
______I have included my essay in my Application Packet.
______My parents and I have signed the Parent Student Understanding on page 5.
______I have given a Magnet Teacher/Advisor Recommendation to TWO Magnet Teachers/Advisors to fill out (page 6 or Page 7).
______I have my Application Packet (pages 1-5) secured in a folder or envelope to give to Mrs. Powell.
Application Packet is due on
Wednesday, November 29th at 3:15 p.m.
No late papers will be accepted.
File early!!
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Magnet Student Council First Time Applicant Packet
First Time Applicant- The RMSST Student Council
1. Cumulative un-weighted GPA of 3.00
2. A completed application packet must include:
a. This form completed
b. The completed essay as outlined in Essay Requirement.
c. Signed and dated Oath of Office.
This is an appointed office based on a rubric totaled by the current Executive Board with oversight from the Moderator and final approval from Principal. A total of up to (10) representatives may be appointed for each grade level of 9th, 10th, and 11th grade.
3. If selected you must attend a mandatory meeting on the morning of Friday Dec.8th at 7:15 in room 811.
4. If selected you must attend a mandatory one day retreat on January 12, 2017 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. The retreat cost is $10.00 per person. If you do not attend the retreat for the entirety of the day, you will not be eligible to hold an executive board office, serve as a committee chair, or travel to SASC 2018.
5. You must purchase the official Student Council T-Shirt. Approximate cost 25.00. This is required.
Essay Requirement
Students applying for representative positions are required to write/type an essay stating why they would like to serve. This essay is scaled by the Executive Board using a rubric. It is crucial that the information that is requested be detailed. This is the only information that the Executive Board will have when assigning points to the essay. Your name will be removed from your essay to provide impartial review.
We strongly recommend that you type your essay so that we can read your answers clearly.
Your essay must include the following (please label your answers with the corresponding letter):
A. Discuss two specific examples of your previous experience on a student council/club/organization.
B. Describe your ability to fulfill the time commitment necessary to be a part of MASA.
C. Give three detailed of what you think a MASA leader should be and how would you fill this role of leadership.
D. Describe one specific example of a Magnet Fund event that you/your family has participated in since you have become a member of Magnet School. (Monster Dash, Tailgate, Poinsettia Sales, Family Picnic, Spring blooms, Spirit Nights, purchasing Magnet spirit wear, serving on the Magnet Fund, etc.)
E. Discuss two specific examples of your leadership style. One should be your greatest leadership strength and one should be your weakest leadership trait.
F. Tell us two things we should know about you that you want us to know about you?
Magnet Teacher Qualification
The above mentioned student is seeking an appointment as a Council Representative for MASA. It is the duty of this candidate to alert you that they are seeking appointment to Student Council. Only your Magnet classes need to initial. Simply place N/A in any period that is not a Magnet Teacher-Thank you!
Period 1: ______Period 2: ______Period 3:______
Period 4: ______Period 5: ______Period 6: ______
Period 7: ______Period 8: ______
Oath of Office
The members of the RMSST student council take their jobs very seriously. As campus leaders, we set and maintain a series of standards that we believe to be representative of today’s youthful leaders. Each member signs a contract that states the following:
· I am committed to do my share of the work and keep my commitments. This includes attending meetings. The meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in the morning at 7:15 am in room 811.
· I understand that if I cannot attend a meeting or scheduled event that I will notify the Parliamentarian 24 hours in advance to have an excused absence.
· I will read and understand the Constitution of this organization and follow it to the best of my abilities.
· I will not say or do anything that could reflect negatively on the MASA or the RMSST student council or student council activities.
· I will use my student privileges wisely.
· I will fulfill the duties of my office by being punctual with paperwork, keeping open communications with my Moderator, checking my mailbox on a daily basis, and keeping the student body I represent informed on upcoming events and issues.
· I understand that MASA operates on a monthly point system. That it will be my responsibility to fill out my time sheet and turn it in to the parliamentarian before the deadline. Failure to do so may result in loss of MASA privileges that may include but are not limited to holding committee appointments, traveling with MASA to SASC, and awarding of cords.
· I will honor the Judicial Code that I have signed outlining all the demerit system.
· I will honor all Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology rules and regulations for behavior of students on campus, at school functions, and when traveling with a school delegation.
· I understand and accept that if my personal conduct is unbecoming of a student leader, I will go before the Judicial Committee. This includes but is not limited to truancies, excessive tardies, fighting, the use of fire arms, drugs or alcohol, stealing, time spent in ISS, OSS, teacher detentions, disrespect to faculty and administration, violation of the Magnet Honor Code, or any other disciplinary infractions, especially at school or in relation to any school activity.
· I am a liaison between the student body and the administration, and I will work to create win/win activities through communication and consideration. (seek first to understand)
· I understand that violating my Oath of Office can result in removal from office pending the outcome of the Judicial Committee.
I have read the duties and regulations of being a member of the MASA and do pledge my best to maintain the high standards set forth by the Council
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Magnet Student Council First Time Applicant Packet
The RMSST Student Council
MASA Merit Policy and Judicial Committee Responsibilities
Merit Sheets- At the January retreat, students will be issued the Spring Merit Sheets. Each monthly sheet contains a list of duties/activities that are the responsibility of MASA members for that specific month. Some events will be required such as meetings and some will be recommended such as committee workshops. The member will be responsible to keep track of his/her Merit Sheets, get appropriate signatures on Merit Sheets, and file Merit Sheets before the deadline within five days after the end of a month. Merit Sheets will have the % completion rate necessary for a MASA member to remain in good standing. Merit Sheets will be used to determine awarding of such privileges but not limited to travel, executive board qualification, cords for seniors, etc. We feel this will be a much more efficient and accurate way of recording all of the hours that are logged by members of MASA when working on MASA sponsored events. The Summer/Fall Merit Sheets will be issued in May.
Judicial Committee- will oversee any violations of the Magnet Honor Code, Rockdale County Public School Policies, and MASA Oath of Office. The Judicial Committee will work closely with Magnet Administrators should the Judicial Committee need to be convened.
Parent and Student Understanding:
Do you understand that being a Student Council member requires dedication, responsibility, hard work, and weekend and after school time?
Yes or No
Do your understand that Student Council meets will be on Wednesday mornings at 7:10 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. and that you must be in room 811 by 7:05 a.m. on Wednesday morning meeting days?
Yes or No
Do you understand that you will have to provide on-time transportation to and from all morning/afternoon meetings and activities? You must be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of the event/activity.
Yes or No
You must purchase the official t-shirt of MASA. The cost is approximately 25.00
You must attend retreat on Friday January 12th, 2017. The cost will be 10.00.
Are you willing to make these commitments?
Yes or No
I, ______, understand that as an elected member of Student Council and a leader of the Rockdale Magnet School, I must set a good example for my peers. I will abide by all school rules and policies including the Magnet Honor Code. I must maintain an acceptable attendance average to Student Council events, and must attend all mandatory events. I understand that failure to follow the rules and policies set forth by the Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology as well as those stated in the Oath of Office, the Student Council Constitution which also includes the Student Council Judicial Code may result in my dismissal from Student Council.
Student Signature ______Date ______
I have read the cover letter and application and understand the commitment my child is making to Student Council.
Parent Signature ______Date ______
Magnet Teacher/Advisor Recommendation #1
DUE: Tues. November 28th to Powell Box.
This student is applying for a position of General Member on Student Council for the 2018 school year. We would like you to make careful selections regarding each area, as these characteristics are essential to the success of Student Council. If you have any questions regarding this form, please feel free to contact Mrs. Powell. Thanks for your time and effort!!!!
CANDIDATE Name: ______
TEACHER: Please complete this section. Check the appropriate box. Please use the outstanding score sparingly for those who are absolutely outstanding!
Outstanding(10 points) / Above
(7 points) / Average
(5 points) / Below
(2 points) / Unable
to Judge
relations: ability to
get along with others, cooperation, attitude towards supervision
skills: ability to problem solve, process information, think critically
dependable, reliable, meets deadlines
communication skills
Persistence: perseverance to completion of a task
Integrity: honesty, trustworthiness
Maturity: classroom leader
Uses class time wisely
Is this student respected by his/her peers? YES NO
Would you recommend this student to be a member of Student Council? YES NO
Does this candidate have any other specific skills or characteristics that you think would benefit Student Council? Any additional comments? (use back if necessary)