1040 Schema File Structure Notes
Issues to be Addressed
o Versioning between IRS files, TIGERs files, and multiple state return packages
o Forms, schedules and sections of forms shared among returns
o IRS outstanding issues as to whether or not short forms will have their own schema.
o Keeping it as simple as possible while still trying to mirror the IRS where possible.
o Distinguish between IRS, TIGERs and state schema files.
IRS Structure
1 Common\
9 BinaryAttachment.xsd
9 efileAttachments.xsd
9 efileMessagexxx.xsd
9 efileTypes.xsd
9 SOAP.xsd
1 CorporateIncomeTax\
1 Common\
1 Dependencies\ (contains various schemas)
1 IRSxxx\ (separate folders for various forms - contains various schema files)
9 ReturnHeader1120x.xsd
1 Corp1120\
1 IRSxxx\ (separate folders for various forms - contains various schema files)
9 Return1120.xsd
9 ReturnData1120.xsd
9 ReturnData1120OtherType.xsd
9 ReturnHeader1120OtherTypes.xsd
1 Corp1120S\
1 IRSxxx\ (separate folders for various forms - contains various schema files)
9 Return1120S.xsd
9 ReturnData1120S.xsd
The IRS mentioned at the Software Developer's conference that they are having problems with versioning for shared files and asked for suggestions. I don't know how long it will be before they come up with a solution but it's bound to impact whatever we come up with.
Structure from Drake's Example
1 KSSchema\
1 Common\
9 efileTypes.xsd
9 StateEFileTypes.xsd
1 PersonalIncomeTax\
1 Common\
9 FinancialTransaction.xsd
9 StateReturnHeader.xsd
1 Form40\
1 KS40\
9 KS40.xsd
9 KS40ScheduleS.xsd
9 StateReturn.xsd
9 StateReturnData.xsd
There is no versioning and it is not clear what should be done with W-2 schemas, shared forms and schedules.
My Recommendation
1 IRSSchema\
1 v1.1\
9 efileTypes.xsd
1 2007v1.0
9 IRSW2.xsd
1 TIGERsSchema\
1 v1.1\
9 StateReturnHeader.xsd
9 StateEFileTypes.xsd
1 MDSchema\
1 Common\
1 TypeLibrary\
1 2007v1.0\
9 MDeFileTypes.xsd
1 SharedForms\
1 2007v1.0\
9 Form500CR.xsd
9 Form502H.xsd
1 BusinessIncomeTax\
1 2007v1.0\
1 StateForms\
9 Form500.xsd
9 Form510.xsd
9 ScheduleA.xsd (included in Form500.xsd and Form510.xsd)
9 Form500UP.xsd (used by MD500 and MD510)
9 StateReturnMD500.xsd
9 StateReturnMD510.xsd
1 PersonalIncomeTax\
1 2007v1.0\
1 StateForms\
9 Form502.xsd
9 Form505.xsd
9 Form502INJ.xsd (used by MD502 and MD505)
9 Form502UP.xsd (used by MD502 and MD505)
9 Form502CR.xsd (used by MD502 and MD505)
9 StateReturnMD502.xsd
9 StateReturnMD505.xsd
This example combines the StateReturn.xsd and StateReturnData.xsd and repeats it for each type of return that can be filed. The separate SharedForms folder is intended for forms that are shared among Business and Personal taxes. I am also assuming that the TIGERs header and the data type libraries will not be year-specific so they would have a different versioning system. This concept addresses the problems the IRS is having with versioning by ensuring there is only one schema for common forms. However, publishing the schema may be a challenge since we're dealing with distinct components whose version numbers may not stay in sync.