This curriculum map shows long term planning. It is on our School Development Plan to review and revise this map to ensure that the curriculum is engaging and provides a breadth and balance of study and experience.
Chameleon 2018-19 (A)
Term / Autumn / Autumn / Spring / Spring / Summer / SummerTopic / WORLD WAR II / ANCIENT GREEKS / MESOPOTAMIA
English / Recount
Poetic Style
Journalistic Writing / Explanation writing
Non-chronological Report
Descriptive Writing / Persuasion
Descriptive Writing
Arguments / Non –Chronological Report
Narrative: Myths and Legends
Persuasive Writing
Narrative Poetry / Autobiography and Biography Writing: Wooley
Mathematics / Number and Place Value
Addition / Subtraction
Multiplication / Division
Problem Solving and Reasoning / Properties of 2D & 3D shapes.
Handling Data (ICT)
Problem Solving and Reasoning / Number and Place Value (negative numbers)
Algebraic equations
Roman Numerals
Measures;volume, capacity, length & weight
Angles: measuring & drawing
Problem Solving and Reasoning / Co-ordinates
Position and direction
Problem Solving and Reasoning
3D Shapes
Statistics (Venn diagram)
Revision of time: word problems / Statistics
Problem Solving and Reasoning
Algebraic equations
Ratio and proportion / Addition / Subtraction
Multiplication / Division
Properties of Shapes
Problem Solving and Reasoning
Science / Properties of Materials / Changes of Materials / Earth and Space / Forces / Electricity
R.E. / Journey of life and death
Why do believers see life as a journey? / Religion and the individual
Canreligious teachingshelpdecidewhatis the best waytolive?
Christmas / Symbols & religious expression.
Howdoart, architecture,poetry expressreligiousbeliefsandideas? / Beliefs and questions
Lent/Easter/Ascension / Religion and the individual / Islam
Keeping the five pillars: What difference does it make to Muslims?
History / World War II
Steam Museum visit (Swindon) / Using sources:Ancient Greeks
Greek Day/ dancing/food / Early Islamic civilisation: Mesopotamia
Architect: Charles Leonard Woolley
Geography / Skills and Fieldwork / Treginnis Residential
St. David’s
Features of coastlines and oceans / Physical geography
I can describe and understand key aspects of:
- Volcanoes
- Earthquakes
Name and locate countries, cities and regions/features of the UK
Art and Design / Lowry / Clay sculptures
Design Technology / Lowry Figures / Greek vases Coil and Smooth
Greek cooking: savoury dishes
Music / Music Express 5:Songwriter / Christmas Play
Panto Songs / Roundabout & Journey into Space / Stars- hide your fires & Cyclic patterns
Computing / e-safety / Digital imagery / Data / Website designers / Using software and programmes / I Movie
PSHE / Learn 4 Life Programme:
New Beginnings / Getting on and Falling Out / Going For Goals / Good to be Me / Relationships / Changes
P.E. / Netball
Cycling Proficiency / Football
Cycling Proficiency / Hockey, Rugby
Gymnastics & Swimming / Cricket & Athletics
Swimming / Rounders & Athletics
MFL / Phonics/ WW2 texts / Traditional stories / Paris