Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th May 2010at St. Agatha’s Church Hall, Llanymynech.

PRESENT: Cllrs. Mrs. D. Gaskill, CllrsA. Brown, L. Griffiths,J. Jaffrey, P. McConville R.M. Melling,I. Pollitt, B. Robinson and Mrs. J. L. Smith and the Clerk Mrs. V. E. Byrne. There was one Member of the Public present – Mr. Cumine and Speaker Paul Vernon.

10/45APOLOGIES Received from Cllrs. L. Northcott-Hammond, T. E. Mason (hol) and Shropshire Councillor A. Walpole.

10/46ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Cllr Mrs. Dilys Gaskill was nominated by Cllr I.

Pollitt, 2nd by Cllr P. McConville with all in favour and was therefore Elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

10/47ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Cllr Peter McConville was nominated by Cllr Mrs. D. Gaskill, 2nd by Cllr Adam Brown, with all in favour, and was therefore elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.

10/48RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER Mrs. Vivien E. J. Byrne was nominated as the RFO by Cllr Mrs. Janet Smith, 2nd by Cllr Peter McConville with all in favour, and was therefore appointed for the ensuing year..


10/49POLICE REPORT PC Pete Daleattended for the report. There had been two burglaries in the last period, one at Rectory Lane, Llanymynech at a workshop and the Cross Keys hotel had £400 removed from the till. In Station Road, Llanymynech stones had been thrown at a vehicle and an incident of shop lifting in Pant shop. Kurt Mabe is one of the new CSO’s. PC Dale had done a course on tag rugby to continue work with young people. The Clerk reported on the messages she had passed on to PC Dale concerning the setting of fires on the playing field and he stressed that people need to report these incidents to the Police at the time on the 0300 333 3000 number so that they are logged. The safety camera had been in the village of a few occasions and results would be brought to the next meeting. Councillors reported the parking of the van on the pavement outside the converted chapel and PC Dale agreed to deal with this. The children waiting for the school bus at the Stargarreg Lane bus stop prevents visibility for drivers exiting the Lane.

10/50WIND TURBINE TRANSPORT ON THE A483 Paul Vernon of West Coast Energy gave a short presentation. Mr. Vernon said the planning application has not yet been approved and that it had been modified down to 12 turbines and these are not significantly different in size to the ones transported 5 years ago.He referred to the re-powering by Scottish Power and they had undertaken a trial run. They will not decide on any developments until a developer has done a trial run as part of a traffic management plan, and this would result in a lot of trial runs by various developers. Therefore, a group of developers have got together to have a combined trial run, which will be done over 4 days, but each village will only be passed through twice. These trial runs will be simulated with materials that will be the same size as the turbines, but if they encounter any problems, they can be dismantled very quickly. Questions were asked about the weights and size and a member of the public, Mr. Cumine, asked about the time taken to drive through the village and mentioned the use of the lane he lives on as a ‘rat run’ during the process or road works. Mr. Vernon explained how the trial run would deal with this, he said there would not be sufficient delay to cause drivers to look for alternative routes. The Chairman suggested that the proposed trial run would provide solid information and that we have feedback following this with the item on the Agenda in September. Paul Vernon agreed to attend the September meeting and thanked the Council for their time.

10/51SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT Cllr Walpole had given his apologies.

10/52ELECTION OF COMMITTEES Committees re-elected enbloc with the exception

of a change of Reserve on the Burial Committee to Cllr Peter McConville and Cllr Mrs. J. L. Smith to replace his seat on the Committee.

10/53DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - Cllr Melling for planning item 01059/FUL – relative.

10/54MINUTESof the meeting held on the 25th March 2010were proposed by Cllr

Robinson and 2nd by Cllr Mellingwith all in favour.

10/55ROADS AND FOOTWAYS Changes to the speed limit on the B4398 Station

Road, Llanymynech and a temporary road closure on Well Lane, Pant.

Email reply from the Highways Agency regarding complaints on matters relating to the A483 dating back to July 2009 were read out. The ramp at the top of Station Road, Pant could not be installed correctly due to the slope. It was agreed to arrange a site meeting with Neil Carter, Route Steward and to suggest that the kerb be removed and the footway re-shaped.Dropped grid at Tregarthen Lane, Pant to be reported to Highways.

10/56SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL LOCAL JOINT COMMITTEE Report on the meeting held on the 6th May was given by The Chairman Cllr Mrs. D. Gaskill. Young people had been invited to attend and they had given a list of aspirations – a drinking fountain on the playing field, the village hall to be open for refreshments, more play area in Pant, BMX track and the use of Llanymynech hill for biking amongst other items. Inspector Stafford promised to replace the second CSO in the south. Llanymynech Village Hall had funding for a notice board and Good Companions for outings.

10/57CORRESPONDENCE As follows: Rospa Inspection notice, Llanymynech Youth Club letter of thanks, Neighbourhood Watch proposal, Royal visits protocol, Precept payment notice, Shrewsbury NW Relief road meetings, The Playing Field newsletter, Shropshire Wildlife Trust walk on 19.9.10, SC winter maintenance review. Agreed Cllrs to collate information on grit bins in their area for the next meeting. Letter from SC on re-routing Offas Dyke path through the Heritage Area.

10/58PLANNING Consideration of the following applications: 10/00690/FUL 7 Barley Meadows, Llanymynech – extension – support.

10/01059/FUL Well Cottage Barn, Pant – erection of agricultural bldg (pigs) & store – support but ensure the right of way not affected.

10/01011/FUL South Barn Llwyntidmon Hall, Maesbrook – erection of wooden stable block and widening of access - support.

10/0108/FUL Little Haven, Pant – demolition &re-erection of extension - support.

AFFORDABLE HOMES Letter and leaflets were received on the single plot exception sites and affordable housing. It was agreed to invite Mr. Dave Parker to the June Meeting to speak on this matter.

10/59LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK SITE ALLOCATIONS AND DPD CONSULTATION. It was agreed to hold a Planning Sub-Committee meeting on Wednesday, 9th June 2010 at St. Agatha’s Church Hall to formulate comments.

10/60FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. It was Proposed by Cllr Pollitt and 2nd by Cllr Melling, with all in favour that the list of accounts be paid.

10/61SALC March Parish pump was circulated. The adoption of the new Constitution and the change of name to Association of Local Councils Serving Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin, together with the change of Chairman and Vice Chairman following the resignations. Rosemary Abbiss was the new Chairman and Jill Seymour the Vice Chairman.

10/62RIGHTS OF WAY The right of way at The Tramway had not yet been cleared and way marked by the Countryside Department of Shropshire Council.

The status of FP 139 was queried and the status of the lane from the corner of Well House Lane to Blodwela. Paths from Well Lane to Trepennal are not waymarked and the path to Waen Wen is blocked by electric fences.

10/63ROCKWELL MEADOW There was only one application for the rental of Rockwell Meadow – Mr. Pierson of The Brambles, Pant. On the Proposition of Cllr McConville, 2nd by Cllr Griffiths with all in favour the Rockwell Meadow be offered to Mr. Pierson at a rent of £150 per year with appropriate clauses in the Agreement to protect the Meadow and the Council’s interest.

10/64VILLAGE MAINTENANCE. The Clerk updated Members on the claims for 50% of grounds maintenance costs from Shropshire Council, which were in doubt after this year’s payment. Agreed to contact Cllr Walpole on this matter.

Agreed to write to Owen Paterson MP to remind him to raise the issue of Pant & Llanymynech Bypass at every opportunity. Pant Memorial Institute hedge adjoining the right of way requires cutting.


924 Pant M. Institute 14.00 Hall hire for APM.PAID

925 Pant W. I. 30.00 APM Refreshments “

926 GGaskill 30.00 Pantllan Graphics. “

927 AON Insurance 452.90 Insurance premium “

928 V & W Electrics 207.71 L:ighting Maint. “

929 V E Byrne 517.05 Salary April “

930 RPS Landscapes 793.00 Grounds Maintenance “ 931 Scottish Power 87.93 Lighting Energy.

932 Lawrence & Son Ltd 6.50 Photocopying Pantllan Reporter

933 V E Byrne 517.05 Salary May

934 S.A.L.C. 467.64 Affiliation fees 2010/11