Meeting Minutes – Walkabout Acres HOA

November5, 2015

Meeting at Pierce Senior Center

A.Welcome:President Opie McNeill called the meeting to order at 6:35pm

Attendance: 15

B. Minutes from October meeting were read by Vice President Janice Perekrestenko

Motion to accept minutes as presented – (Sean H/Rod P) Approved by Consensus

C.Treasurer Don Ewing

The Board members have a fiduciary responsibility and are volunteers.

Overview of current costs –

2016 Insurance $1,500 (2015 was $4,000)

Purchased computer and printer for HOA business

Quick Books $130/yr; Drop box storage $100/yr

Working on data plan

All new 2015 owners’ dues paid through 2016

All other owners’ bills will be sent out via email to save postage

Upcoming expenses – insurance and mowing

Irrigation meter keys were purchased and will be held by Board President

– these are quarter turn valves; drain and blowout your systems

Need to hire an attorney

We want to be independent and keep costs reasonable.

October 30th bank un-reconciled balance is $10,820.57

Motion to accept Treasurers report as presented (Eva/Ken) Approved by Consensus

D. Old Business/Items of Discussion:

1.Fence Repair –

First estimate received $2,000 for materials and labor to be donated by neighboring land owner. Asking for additional quote.

2. Land Lines –

Discussion on lack of customer service provided by Century Link. Aaron chose Rise Broadband (formerly Sky Beam). Eva Rojas has contact with Century Link.

3. Anadarko –

Has a well in the large common area. Their representative would not disclose other property owner’s rights. Suggestion – make a copy of your deed and research surface rights.

What about access to Common Area? Opie will call back. They are also planning to perform seismic testing.

4. Board of Director – Expansion from 3 to 5 members

Discussion followed.

Motion to add two Board Members (Rod/Eva) Approved by Consensus.

Terms to be calendar year

Any interest in Treasurer position with one month transition period?

Eva Rojas nominated for Secretary by Rod/Don - Approved by Consensus.

Sean Haynie nominated for At Large by Jodi/Eva - Approved by Consensus.

Aaron and Janice will review w/Don treasurer responsibilities

5. Architectural Committee Report

No report given. The current committee is Ric/Rod/Jake.

They review plans by email and want to be as non-restrictive as possible.

E. New Business:

1. Welcome Totes –

No report

2. Volunteers–

Would like to form various committees and need volunteers.

F. Roundtable

Opie will forward Town Agendas to HOA Members

No further items were discussed.

Next meeting set for December 3, 2015 6:30pm

Adjourn 7:25pm

Respectfully submitted

Janice Perekrestenko