1. Describe the progress that your project has made towards accomplishing the objectives for this reporting period. Please list your objectives in the table below, and indicate what activities have taken place, the quantitative results of those activities, and actions required (what, if any, changes do you intend to make in response to the results that you have seen). You may extend this table to additional pages as needed.
Objectives: List the approved objectives from your grant application or work plan. Where applicable, provide baseline data. / Activities: List the activities that have been conducted to meet the objective. / Results: Has the objective been met? If not, what progress have you made in reaching the objective?/ Owner of Goal
1. Financially submit the hiring of an adjunct faculty member to support additional section(s) of HR101 College Success. (Year one saw this course increase to 3 credits with the addition of a substantial financial literacy piece.) / Identified a new adjunct for the College Success Course for Summer and Fall. Created 1 section for HR101 for Summer and 3 sections for HR101 for Fall. / Objective has been met. / NA
2. Develop online College Success course in Moodle. Train faculty on the process of instructing via Moodle. Course to be ready for implementation for the fall 2014 term. / Developing HR101 course online. / Expected completion date is Summer 2014 for launch in Fall 2014. / Elizabeth Stearns-Sims
3.Create and implement an online budgeting short course for students with greater than $15,000 loan debt, students who have reached 450% of Pell lifetime eligibility usage, have a balance owing in the Business Office, and/or students who are not meeting satisfactory academic progress standards. / Two committee members are currently reviewing other short fin lit courses online. Have signed a contract with CashCourse and will be launching this fairly soon to pilot during the summer 2014 session. / Expected completion date is Summer 2014 for launch in Fall 2014. / Russ Fillner
Valerie Curtin
4.Produce and Post links on YouTube or other type of videos showcasing financial literacy subjects by January 2014. / Identified 4 students who are interested in creating and participating in student financial literacy videos. This has been placed on hold due to needing all videos to be accessible with captions. / Expected completion date is Summer 2014 for launch in Fall 2014. / Elizabeth Stearns-Sims
Steve Lewis
5. Train students to present and/or partner in interactive financial literacy lunch and learn sessions to be held throughout the academic year. / Identified two students at this time. Will pick this up when students return for fall 2014 term. / Expected completion date is Summer 2014 for launch in Fall 2014. / Rick Henry
Steve Lewis
6.Offer a CISS evaluation for all new students. / CISS vouchers have been ordered for all students. Working with the Advising, Learning, Career and Counseling Center in identifying all new students to take the assessment during their first term and develop a subsequent plan with career counselor. / Objective has been met. / NA
7. Implement advising performance evaluations / This goal has been shelved due to being in conflict with the CBA for faculty. / N/A / N/A
8. Send a few key individuals to a college/university that already has financial literacy fully incorporated into their curriculum for observation and training in the hopes for future implementing this at Helena College. / Approaching Academic Dean to champion this goal. / Expected completion date is end of Spring 2014 term.
9. In coordination with the Helena College Student Council, bring in professional experts from around the area to present on various topics such as 529 plans, saving for college, financial planners, how to take advantage of education tax credits, conduct workshops on how to repair credit scores, home ownership, ect. / Have held 4 lunch and learn sessions regarding identity protection, how to repair credit scores, how to read credit reports, saving and paying for college. / Objective has been met. / NA
10. Purchase and implement upgrades for the Starfish Retention Solutions software system. / Purchased and implemented upgrades to Starfish. Now able to upload documents to student accounts. / Objective has been met. / NA