Husbands Bosworth Primary School - Vacancy
Job Title
KS1 Classroom Teacher
Main Purpose of post
To teach a class of KS1 children
Working Pattern
Contract Type
Fixed term (maternity cover Summer and Autumn term)
Teachers Main Pay Scale
Closing date:
Midday on21st February 2018
Interviews to be held w/c February 26th 2018
Responsible to:
The Headteacher
Core responsibilities:
- To teach the Primary National Curriculum in accordance with the policies and priorities of the school.
- To plan and teach high quality and engaging lessons which meet the learning needs of all children in the full range of curriculum areas.
- To use Information and Communications Technology to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum.
- To use the principles of assessment for learning to inform planning and to ensure children understand the next steps in their learning.
- To work collaboratively and effectively within a creative and committed whole school staff team.
- To raise standards of achievement across the curriculum, in accordance with the agreed priorities of the school.
- To foster excellence and enjoyment for children in their lives at school.
Please complete the attached application form and return to:
Person Specification – KS1 Teacher
AttributesEssential / Desirable
Qualifications and Training / QTS
Degree or equivalent
Experience / Track record of success in achieving high standards and good progress with KS1 pupils especially in mathematics and English. / Experience of teaching mixed age group classes.
Skills and Knowledge /
- Knowledge and understanding of best practice in primary pedagogy.
- Excellent subject knowledge to support confident teaching of mathematics and English within a creative curriculum, particularly early reading and writing, including phonics.
- able to offer extra curricular activities
Other attributes /
- highly motivated/committed
- able to reflect/self evaluate
- able to meet the professional standards for teachers at the relevant grade
- keen to develop leadership skills in at least one curriculum subject
- keen to develop own skills through continuing professional development
- enjoys working with children
- objective and co-operative
- well-organised and punctual
- professional attitude
- understands confidentiality issues and duty of care
- able to work collegially as part of a strong school team
- able to develop positive relationships with all members of the school community and to promote effective links between home and school
- a creative thinker with a sense of humour
- can show evidence of using initiative
- knows own strengths and weaknesses
- understands the role of the teacher in relation to parents and the wider community