Dooinjutsu Exercises

Two Basic Purposes of Dooinjutsu Exercises

  • To expel bad-energy out of one’s body system, and to restore primal energy originally immanent in the human body.
  • To rejuvenate and energize all the visceral organs.

Two Goals of Dooinjutsu Exercises

  • To live long without aging.
  • To enjoy life.

Methods for Achieving These Goals

  • Postures and breathing exercises that stimulate channels of ki-energy (i.e. meridians), where ki-energy is an energy unique to the human body, grasped as a living phenomenon. The postures and breathing exercises are designed to activate the flow of ki-energy circulating in the human body, while balancing evenly its distribution throughout the body.

Things to Observe When Doing the Exercises

  • Wear a loose outfit and take off eyeglasses, rings, wristwatch, etc.
  • Make sure that there is sufficient ventilation.
  • Do not wear socks.
  • Wait at least two hours after you eat before doing these exercises.
  • Wait at least thirty minutes to take a bath or a shower after finishing the exercises.
  • Make sure to wipe off any sweat after finishing the exercises.
  • Make sure to close your eyes when doing these exercises, unless it is otherwise specified.
  • As most of the exercises are coordinated with breathing, observe the following:
  • Inhale through your nostrils.
  • Exhale through your mouth.
  • As you inhale, tighten up the anal sphincter muscles, and as you exhale, loosen up the muscles.
  • Exhale thoroughly, and terminate the act of exhalation as you finish each exercise.
  • Before doing each exercise, adjust your breathing.
  • Some exercises should not be performed by a female when she is in the menstruation period.
  • The best time to do these exercises is in the early morning before ki-energy becomes disturbed by people’s thought and activity.
  • Do not exercisefor more than three sessions a day.

Recommended Daily Exercises

  • Select ones you like, and then include more exercises after you become convinced that these exercises work for you.
  1. Make a daily routine to massage your fingers and toes, whichwill keep your mind-body healthy and agile. This is one of the two secrets of maintaining your health and prolonging your life.
  1. Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Put your left hand over your navel and cover it then with your right. Rub your bare belly clockwise up to 300 times with a gentle amount of pressure that generates heat between your hands and belly. If you have had an abdominal operation, do not apply too much pressure to your stomach. This is the other secret. This exercise can invigorate the visceral organs, and is very effective to curb unnecessary fat from the abdominal area.
  1. Stand straight with your feet spread shoulder-width apart and parallel. Try to lightlygrab the floor with your toes. Relax your shoulders and let your arms hang loosely at your side. Imagine that your anusis dropping to the ground while assuming this posture. Look straight ahead without entertaining any thought and imagine your head is suspended in midair. Breathe normally.Then, swing your arms back and forth, front to back. In doing so, bring your arms to the height of yourshoulders, keeping your arms loose but straight, and when they are downpassing your torso, imagine as if you are throwing away your hands, that energy is being expelled from the tips of your fingers. Dothis exercise for 10 minutes or so. You can do it up to 30 minutes. This will energize your body and mind.
  1. While lying on your back, extend your legs straight about shoulder-width apart. Inhale and, if a male, slowly move your right foot side-to-side 10 times at the ankle while exhaling (A female should begin with the left foot.) Continue with the other foot. This corrects spinal misalignments and also helps combat prolonged grogginessin the morning.
  1. Lie down on your left side with your left arm extended straight on the floor in front of you from the shoulder. Your right leg should be slightly bent with your right foot touching the floor behind you. Cover your navel with your right palm. Your left hand is making a fist with the thumb situated in the palm and covered with the other four fingers. Raise your left leg as close to the chest as possible while inhaling and hold your breath in this position until it becomes uncomfortable. As you exhale, return your left leg to the initial position. Do this 3-5 times and then continue on the other side of the body for the same number of repetitions. This exercise strengthens the heart and calms anxiety

(Those experiencing anxiety can also rub the chest in a circle directly on the skin with the hand. Those troubled by anxiety should try to make these exercises part of the daily routine.)

  1. Lie down your left side with your left arm bent behind your head, so that your left forearm serves as a pillow. Rub the area where the torso ends and right leg begins up and downward with your left hand and rub until you feel heat penetrate into the interior of the body. Continue on the other side, turning over on the right side and using the right forearm as a pillow. This exercise helps those who have difficulty sleeping if it is performed before bedtime. It also good for stimulating the bladder meridian, and hence is good for treating a bladder infection and for women who have excess hair on the legs.
  1. Lying in the same position on the left side, pinch the area over the left kidney, beginning at the top of the kidney downward to where the hip begins. Do this 18-30 times and continue on the right side of the body, turning over on the right side. This exercise helps remove shadows from under the eyes. Also good for stimulating and rejuvenating the kidney function.
  1. Lie on the back with legs outstretched shoulder-width apart. Rotate the hips clockwise, squeezing the anal sphincter muscle at the apex of a rotation. The effect will be of a continuous rolling motion. Breathe normally. Do this 10-50 times. Continue counter-clockwise for the same number of times. This helps address male urinary and prostate problems.
  1. Lie on the back or sit up straight. Rub hands together until they become warm. Place the right palm on the forehead and rub horizontally 18 times. Then, rub the right cheek 18 times with the same hand. Stroke down the throat 18 times. Then, repeat these three exercises for the same number of times with the left hand, however rubbing the left cheek this time. Then, with the right palm, rub the eyes horizontally while they are closed 18 times. Finally, once again, stroke down the throat 18 times. Before you do this exercise, be sure to wash your face with soap and to dry it with a clean towel. This exercise helps keep the face lustrous and young-looking.
  1. Sit with your right leg folded under your right buttock, the front of your right foot flat on the floor. Your left leg should be in an upward position, close to the body, with your knee facing the ceiling. Hold the front of your left knee, interlocking your fingers. Beginning with a straightened back, inhale and bend forward, trying to touch the forehead to the left kneecap. (Initially, bend forward as far as your body allows, however the ultimate goal should be to touch the knee with the forehead.) In this position, try to empty your lungs completely. Inhale while returning to the initial, upright position. Complete this sequence 3-5 times and then continue with the left leg folded under the left buttock with the right knee in front. Complete the exercise 3-5 times in this position. This exercise regulatesunhealthy blood pressure levels.
  1. Sit embracing the knees together in front of you with your arms. Inhale, and while holding the breath, bring the upper torso forward toward the knees. Hold this position until the lack of oxygen becomes uncomfortable. Then, bring your upper torso back to the starting position, but this time leaning your head backward, your face upward, and exhaling completely when you do. Complete this 3-5 times. This exercise strengthens the lower back and removes excess fat from the abdomen.
  1. Sit with your legs under your buttocks, the tops of your feet flat on the floor, your big toes overlapping. Cross the hands in front of you so the left hand covers the right knee and the right hand covers the left knee. While inhaling, attempt to raise the upper torso and in this position, hold the breath while focusing your consciousness on the kidneys. Hold the breath until it becomes uncomfortable. Then,as you exhale, bend forward. Do this exercise 3 times. Then, switch the overlapping of your arms, so that if initially your left arm overlapped your right arm on its way to your right knee, now place your right arm overtop of your left arm. Do 3 times and switch the arm positions again, continuing a final 3 times. This will invigorate the functioning of the kidneys.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Place your right hand flat in front of the belly, palm facing upward. Place the palm of the left hand on top of the right. Rub the palm of the left hand back and forth above the right, while keeping the right stationary. Do this 72 times. Then, place the left palm overtop the kidney on the back and rub up to 72 times or until heat starts penetrating into the kidney. Then, switch the position of the hands and repeat, heating the right hand and rubbing the right kidney 72 times. This also helps rejuvenate the kidneys and addresses abnormal conditions. (The kidney is one of the organs that processes toxins and it is vital to keep the kidneys operating in an optimal condition in order to remain energetic.) Furthermore, this exercise invigorates the stomach and liver.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Place the hands palm down on the soles of your feet (or on the lap if sitting in a chair) with the fingers outstretched, facing one another. Your elbows should be pointed outward from the center of the body. As you inhale, tighten the area below the elbow and in the forearm in both arms and straighten the spine. Your head should be positioned on top of your spine. Hold your breath until it becomes uncomfortable. As you exhale, relax your shoulders and arms. Do this 6-9 times. This exercise expels bad-energy from the visceral organs in the abdominal cavity.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) As you inhale, touch the knees while crossing the arms in front, so that the left hand touches the right knee and vice versa. Hold the breath until it becomes uncomfortable.Then, release the hands from the knees, raising the torso, and placing the left hand overtop the right side of the stomach and then the right hand on top the left hand. Tap the right side of the stomach twice in succession and then tap twice the left side of the stomach. Exhale. Do this 3 times. Then, switch the overlapping of the arms, doing this sequence 3 more times. Then, repeat again, using the initial positioning of the arms, 3 more times. This exercise helps women maintain a youthful appearance and those who are undergoing menopause. Women who are menstruating should avoid this exercise, although this exercise can normalize irregularity in the menstrual cycle.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Cross the left arm overtop the chest and place the left hand on top of the right shoulder. Place the right hand on the left shoulder in the same manner. As you inhale, press the arms against the chest and hold the breath until it becomes uncomfortable. As you exhale, lift the crossed armsin front of you so that the back arches, the head leans back, but the arms remain braced under the chin. Do this exercise 3 times.Then, alternate the overlapping of the arms and do 3 more times. Finally, switch the overlapping back to the original position and continue 3 more times. This exercise energizes the lungs and liver and is particularly effective for treating hangovers.
  1. Sitting down, stretch out the legs in front, feet together, the toes upturned toward the ceiling. Place your right hand on top of your liver and, as you inhale, raise your extended left arm along your side, fingers pointed straight and held together, palms facing forward (as if you were halfway through an upward stroke of a jumping jack.) Focus your gaze upwards at the tips of the fingers, holding your breath until it becomes uncomfortable. As you exhale, shift your gaze downward, but hold the positioning of your arms. Dothis 7 times. This exercise addresses skin irregularities (To address a more serious skin condition, do this exercise for a total of 3 rounds of 7 repetitions each.)
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Palms facing upward, extend your arms outward from your sides at shoulder level. As you inhale, raise the arms above your head and grasp the back of your left hand with your right. Stretch upward, holding the breath until it becomes uncomfortable. As you exhale, return the arms to their starting position. Do this 6 times. This exercise can ameliorate a heart condition and relieves numbness in the arms and hands.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Hold the back of your head with your fingers interlocked, elbows held outward.While inhaling, lean forward. As you exhale, bring your head back to the upward position, attempting to open the chest up wide by pulling the arms backward. Do this 3-5 times. This exercise helps expel bad-energy from the back and relieves shoulder stiffness. Good for grinding teeth, snoring and sleep-talk.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Cover your ears with the palms of your hands so that your fingers touch the back of your head. Lean forward and while immediately returning to the upward position, inhale, placing pressure on the ears. As you exhale, lean forward. Do this 3-5 times. This exercise expels the bad ki-energy out of the body.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Place the palms over the ears and tap the back of the head 30 times. This helps improve concentration and prevent forgetfulness.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Inhale and then, while exhaling, rotate your head 90 degrees to the left. (If this is impossible, rotate as far as you can.) As you turn your head back to the starting position, inhale. Then, as you exhale, turn your head to the right 90 degrees. Do this sequence 3-5 times. This exercise helps eliminate fatigue.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. (If this is impossible, sit in a hard chair.) Hold the hands upward, above the head, making a fist by tucking the thumb underneath the four fingers. Inhale, and while holding the breath, roll the head slowly clockwise 2-3 times. Exhale. Then, roll the head counter-clockwise 2-3 times. Do this sequence 3-5 times. This exercise combats sleepiness and fatigue.
  1. Sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. Place the hands at your side, palms downward, fingers slightly touching the floor. While inhaling, push the shoulder blades upward while straightening the spine and then press the fingers/hands and legs gently downward on the floor. Focusing your consciousness on the lower abdomen, hold the breath until it becomes uncomfortable. Exhaling, relax the body by leaning forward. Do this up to 12 times. This exercise relieves stiffness in the shoulders and upper back and tones the visceral organs.
  1. Sitting down, stretch out the legs in front, feet together, the toes upturned toward the ceiling. Hold your hands behind you, the right hand clasping the left wrist, and straighten the back. Breathe naturally and aim to hold this position for 3-5 minutes, however initially hold for only 30 seconds. This exercise rejuvenates the entire body.
  1. Sitting down, stretch out the legs in front, feet together, the toes upturned toward the ceiling. Breathing naturally, try to touch the toes by crossing the arms in front of you. Hold this position for 3-5 minutes, however initially hold for only 30 seconds.
  1. Sitting down, stretch out the legs in front and cross the arms, grabbing each bicep with the opposite arm. Hold your arms in this position close to your chest. As you inhale, hold your biceps tightly, and hold this until the lack of oxygen becomes uncomfortable. As you exhale, relax your grip on the biceps. Do 3 times. Alternate the overlapping of the arms and continue for 3 more times. Alternate the overlapping one more time and repeat in the original positioning 3final times. This exercise helps relieve numbness in the arms and legs.
  1. Sitting down, stretch out the legs in front, feet together, the toes upturned toward the ceiling. Grab the right shoulder with the left hand and left shoulder with the right hand, so that the arms are crossed over the chest. Inhale and as you exhale, lean forward and slightly to your left. Do this 3 times. Alternate the overlapping of the hands, and then do the same exercise but lean to the right this time for 3 more times. Complete this exercise for 2-3 sessions per day. It helps to eliminate pimples within 2-3 days.

Standing Doo-in Exercises