Digital e-commerce script
Customer view
- New customer can register with their mail id and basic personal information.
- Customer can receive the confirmation mail via registered mail id.
- User can login via valid username and password.
- User has an option of forget password to recover their account.
- User can view the search option in the home page itself.
- User can prospect the quick view links to the today’s deal products.
- User can view the entire category details.
- User can view the vendor details.
- User can prospect the quick view of the featured products.
- User can add the product to cart, wish-list and compare.
- User can view the review and price.
- User can filter the product by price.
- User can view the product with offer percentage.
- User can view the latest blog details.
- User can prospect the latest products, most sold and most viewed products details.
- User can view the available brands details.
- User can view the statistic of total purchase and wished products.
- User can view the personal information.
- Purchase history:
- User can view the purchase history with date, payment status, delivery status and invoice detail.
- Downloads:
- User can view the image, name and download details.
- Wishlist:
- User can view the image, name, price, availability status, add to cart option, and remove option.
- Edit info:
- User can edit the personal information.
- Change password:
- User can vary the password by this page.
- User can search for the product via vendor and product list with keyword.
- Vendor:
- User can view the map view of the vendors location.
- User can search for a vendor.
- User can view the vendor details.
- Products:
- User can view the search result as the relevant products.
- User can vary the product view.
- User can filter the product view by category, vendor and price.
- User can add the product to cart, wishlist, compare and quick view options.
- User can view the discount details.
- User can prospect the star rating of the product.
- User can view the vendor details.
Product management:
- User can view the product details.
- User can view the available color details.
- User can add a product to wish-list and cart.
- User can view the product preview.
- User can view the full description of the product.
- User can view the additional specifications of the product.
- User can view the shipping information.
- User can view the product review.
- User can view the comments of the product.
- User can reply for the comment.
- User can start a discussion about the product.
- User can recommend or share the discussion detail.
- User can sort the comment details.
- User can view the latest discussions about the product.
- User can view the top commenter’s details.
- User can view the related products detail.
- User can share the product detail via social media.
- User can subscribe to get the discussion via mail.
- User can connect with the disqus option.
Featured product:
- User can view the entire featured products.
- User can filter the product items.
- User add product to compare, wish-list and cart.
- User can view the vendor details.
- User can filter the products by price.
- User can view the most sold and most viewed products details.
- User can view the special offers with the product.
- User can view the quick link to the product page.
- All blogs:
- User can view the entire blog details.
- User can view the blogs in detail.
- User can view the comments of the blog.
- User can reply for the comment.
- User can start a discussion about the product.
- User can recommend or share the discussion detail.
- User can sort the comment details.
- User can view the latest discussions about the product.
- User can view the top commenter’s details.
- User can view the latest blog details too.
- User can view the products that added to the compare.
- User can view the compare details by its features.
- User can reset the compare list.
- User can choose the product to compare.
- User can view the contact details.
- User can view the about us details.
- User can use the feedback form to send the enquiry details.
Vendor location:
- User can view the vendor location via Google map.
- User can search for a particular vendor location via search box.
- User can view the vendor list.
- User can subscribe to get the latest update via mail.
CMS page:
- Contact us.
- Follow us.
- Social media connection.
- Terms and conditions
- Privacy policy.
Vendors view
- New user can register with the basic information.
- User can receive the activation link via registered mail.
- User can login with valid username and password after the approval of admin.
- User can recover their account using the forget password option.
- User can view the vendorship type, vendorship details, vendorship time span detail.
- User can view the statistic of total sold, paid by customers, due from admin detail.
My products:
- Product list:
- User can view the product list with image, title, current quantity, publish status enable/disable, options like view, edit, delete, destroy, stock and discount.
- User can search for a product via search box.
- User can add new product to the list.
- User can export the product list to the required form.
- Product stock:
- User can view and manage the stack details with product title, entry type, quantity, note and options view, edit, delete.
- User can search for the stock product.
- User can create the stock to the list.
- User can destroy the stock list.
- User can export the list to other form.
- User can manage the sale details with sale code, buyer detail, date, total, delivery status, payment status and option (invoice, status, delete).
- User can search for sale detail.
- User can export the details to other format.
- Product compare:
- User can view the report for comparison of sale.
- User can view the statistic for the particular time period.
- User can vary the statistic by monthwise, yearwise and etc.
- Product stock:
- User can view the stock report by selecting the product.
- Product wishes:
- User can view the list of wished products.
Discount coupon:
- User can manage the coupon details with title, code, added by detail, status and options.
- User can search for the particular coupon detail.
- User can export the coupon list to other format.
- User can create the coupon detail.
- User can manage the vendor images.
- User can manage the social media details.
- User can manage the SEO details.
- User can vary the details.
Payment settings:
- User can enable or disable the payment details.
- User can manage the payment details.
My packages:
- User can upgrade the vendorship details.
- User can view the vendor details.
Manage vendor profile:
- User can manage the basic details.
- User can change the password.
Admin view
- Admin can login via valid username and password.
- Admin has forget password option to recover the account.
- Admin can view the statistic of stock, sale, destroy for 24 hours.
- Admin can prospect the counts of total vendors and pending vendors.
- Admin can view the map statistic for profilt/ loss.
- Admin can view the map integration of pending order and present customer live on the store details.
- Admin can view the map statistic by category that monthly stock, sale, destroy and grand profit.
- Category:
- Admin can view the product details with name and option( edit and delete).
- Admin can search for a category detail via search box.
- Admin can create a new category.
- Admin can export the category detail.
- Sub-category:
- Admin can view the product details with name, category and option( edit and delete).
- Admin can search for a sub-category detail via search box.
- Admin can create a new sub-category.
- Admin can export the sub-category detail.
- Brands:
- Admin can view the product details with logo, name, category and option( edit and delete).
- Admin can search for a brand detail via search box.
- Admin can create a new brand.
- Admin can export the brand detail.
- All products:
- Admin can view the product list with image, title, current quantity, publish status enable/disable, options like view, edit, delete, destroy, stock and discount.
- Admin can search for a product via search box.
- Admin can add new product to the list.
- Admin can export the product list to the required form.
- Product stock:
- Admin can view and manage the stack details with product title, entry type, quantity, note and options view, edit, delete.
- Admin can search for the stock product.
- Admin can create the stock to the list.
- Admin can destroy the stock list.
- Admin can export the list to other form.
- All blogs:
- Admin can view the blog details with title, date and option( edit and delete).
- Admin can search for a blog detail via search box.
- Admin can create a new blog.
- Admin can export the blog detail.
- Blog categories:
- Admin can view the blog category details with name and option( edit and delete).
- Admin can search for a blog category detail via search box.
- Admin can create a new blog category.
- Admin can export the blog category detail.
- Admin can manage the sale details with sale code, buyer detail, date, total, delivery status, payment status and option (invoice, status, delete).
- Admin can search for sale detail.
- Admin can export the details to other format.
- Product compare:
- Admin can view the report for comparison of sale.
- Admin can view the statistic for the particular time period.
- Admin can vary the statistic by monthwise, yearwise and etc.
- Product stock:
- Admin can view the stock report by selecting the product.
- Product wishes:
- Admin can view the list of wished products.
- Admin can manage the customer details with image, name, total purchase and options.
- Admin can search for the particular customer detail.
- Admin can export the customer list to other format.
- Admin can create the customer detail.
Discount coupon:
- Admin can manage the coupon details with title, code, added by detail, status and options.
- Admin can search for the particular coupon detail.
- Admin can export the coupon list to other format.
- Admin can create the coupon detail.
- Vendor list:
- Admin can manage the vendor details with logo, display name, name, status (approval, pending) and options like view profile. Approval status variation, pay and delete.
- Admin can search for the vendor detail.
- Admin can export the vendor details to other format.
- Vendorship payments:
- Admin can manage the vendorship payment details with logo, vendor, amount, status and options like check details and delete.
- Admin can search for the vendorship payment detail.
- Admin can export the vendorship payment details to other format.
- Vendorship type:
- Admin can manage the vendorship type details with seal, title, price, validity detail and options like edit and delete.
- Admin can search for the vendorship type detail.
- Admin can export the vendorship type details to other format.
- Admin can create the new vendorship type detail.
Create new page:
- Admin can view and manage the page details with page name, publish status and options like edit and delete.
- Admin can search for the page detail via search box.
- Admin can export the page details to other format.
- Admin can create new page detail.
Slider settings:
- Layer slider:
- Admin can enable or disable the slider detail.
- Admin can manage the slider detail with title, image, publish status, options like edit and delete.
- Admin can search for the slider detail.
- Admin can export the slider detail.
- Admin can create a slider to the list.
- Admin can vary the slider list view.
- Top slides:
- Admin can enable or disable the slider detail.
- Admin can manage the slider detail with imageand options like edit and delete.
- Admin can search for the slider detail.
- Admin can export the slider detail.
- Admin can create a slider to the list.
- Admin can vary the slider list view.
Front settings:
- Banner settings:
- Admin can manage the home page, category page, featured page and vendor homepage banner details.
- Admin can enable or disable the banner images.
- Admin can update the link to the banner.
- Site settings:
- Admin can manage the following
General settings
Header/footer scheme
Social media
Social login configuration
Product comment settings
Captcha settings
Terms & conditions
Privacy policy
Home page
Category page
Contact page
- All staffs:
- Admin cam view and manage the staff details with name, mail id, role and edit option.
- Admin can search for the staff details.
- Admin can export the staff details.
- Admin can create the staff detail and add to the list.
- Staff permissions:
- Admin can view and manage the role details with name and options like edit, delete.
- Admin can search for the role detail.
- Admin can export the role detail.
- Admin can create a new role.
- Newsletter:
- Admin can manage the newsletter settings.
- Admin can send the mail to the subscribed users.
- Contact messages:
- Admin can view and manage the contact messages with name, subject, date and options like view message, delete.
- Admin can search for the contact message.
- Admin can export the contact details.
- Admin can manage the SEO settings as social network reach, alexa traffic graphs and search index.
- Admin can view and manage the language details with words, translation, save and delete option.
- Admin can select the language.
- Admin can delete the language details.
- Admin can search for the language details.
- Admin can export the language detail.
- Admin can add word and language to the list.
Business setting:
- Admin can manage the business setting details.
Manage admin profile:
- Admin can manage the basic details.
- Admin can change the password.