Hamilton City Council

1010 Broadway St.

July 21, 2014


The Hamilton City Council met in regular session at 7:00pm with Mayor Lowman, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, and Summers answering roll call.

Mayor Lowman led everyone in the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

Mayor Lowman asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the July 7, 2014 meeting. Johnson made a motion to approve the Minutes. Boone seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Lowman welcomed visitor Courtney Giesel. She asked the council to look at the drainage problem by her property on 1 Highland Drive. She presented the council with pictures of her yard and the standing water. She noted that they put in the French drains and other landscaping to try to help with the problem but would like some help from the City. Bierbaum reported to the council that he had been to her property to look at what was causing the problem and believe that Frontier had damaged the culvert and will speak to them about repairing it.

Mayor Lowman welcomed Terry and Sherry Heitman. They spoke regarding the drainage problem on their property at 206 Pleasantview. The Mayor reported to the Council that he had met with them previously and had offered equipment to bring the dirt that the homeowner had available to build up the berm on their property. After further discussion, it was decided that after the homeowners of the properties that the equipment would have to drive on signed waivers not holding the City liable of any damage they would haul the dirt to the property.


Eddings made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Summers seconded the motion. With no further discussion, roll was called with Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Eddings reported that the City had received the following deposits: $4,567.67 Use Tax, $3,050.00 Pull Tab & Jar Games Reimb and Restitution, $3,250.00 Fire Calls for Fire Truck CD, $1,540.83 Circuit Clerk’s Fines, $44,602.61 State Income Tax, $2,101.77 Personal Property Replacement Tax, $13,371.89 State Sales Tax, $283,572.51 Property Taxes, and $2,554.39 Property Tax-Band.

Eddings noted that the State of Illinois still owes for June and July for State Income Distributions for a total of $44,108.43.



Bierbaum reported that the Public Works & Building Committee held a meeting on July 14th beginning with the Street Department. He noted that Pat Poepping from Poepping, Stone, and Bach was here to discuss the seal coat problems. Mayor Lowman noted that he wanted to commend Poepping, Stone, and Bach and Miller’s for coming together to try to find a solution for the problems the City has had with chip and sealing.

Bierbaum made a motion to approve Public Works & Buildings / Streets Agenda Items 3 and 5.

3.  Approve the bid from JCB Services of $650.00 for mowing the City right of ways.

5.  Approve Hiring Eric Scheihing Part-Time Streets Employee Pending Physical Results

Schlatter seconded the motion. With no further discussion, roll was called with Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, and Bierbaum voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Bierbaum made a motion to approve the 2015 6.7L V8 Diesel Ford Truck Bid from Carson Motors for the amount of $39,520.00. The accessories from Knapheide Truck Equipment in Quincy are Western 9’6” snow plow, rubber deflector, Knapheide 9’ dump bed, and Buyers Saltdog 9’V box spreader. The total cost of the truck plus accessories is $65,918.00. Johnson seconded the motion. It was noted that the cost of the accessories will fall under equipment for appropriations. With no further discussion, roll was called with Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum and Johnson voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Bierbaum noted that the committee is still working on modifying the sidewalk bid so will not approve it at tonight’s meeting.


Schlatter reported the Public Works Committee meeting continued with the discussion on the following items:

·  River lift station pump has been repaired and ready to install

·  9th Street sewer lift station pump sent for repair estimate

·  Switched intakes for flood water

Schlatter made a motion to approve Agenda Items 2 and 3:

2.  Tim Schilson to attend the Illinois Potable Water Operators Conference. The cost is $170.00 for the conference plus lodging and mileage.

3.  Approve WIRC Statement – CDAP Public Infrastructure Grant $2,987.51

Bierbaum seconded the motion. With no further discussion, roll was called with Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, and Boone voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.


Johnson made a motion to approve installing the last half of the lights at the street barn. The cost would be $1,450.00 which is the same as the first half. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, and Schlatter voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.


Summers reported that the Health and Safety Committee held a meeting on July 17th. She noted the committee discussed the following items:

·  Deer Run Golf Course attending the meeting request changing Sunday sales before 11

·  Lightning hit several items which insurance is covering

·  Computer firewall work completed by City employees

·  Look into separating the City and Police computer systems – Finance Committee to discuss

·  Robb and Jordan will keep her inform with what is going on

·  Holding on vehicle purchase

·  Update Radars ordering three

·  Going to sale the seized vehicles

·  Stan looking into Resolution for Enforcement Agency

·  No one has purchased any chicken licenses

Summers made a motion to approve ordering 3 new radars for a total cost of $4,107.00. Eddings seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes. Summers noted that we will reaffirm this at the next council meeting due to not listed on the agenda.

Summers submitted the following building/demolition permits: 16’ Vinyl Privacy Fence to Jack Starr at 1820 Laurel, 30’Lx25’Wx12’H Metal Storage Shed to Memphis Lumber Co for Arthur Rickard at 641 North 19th, 22’L x 4’W Deck to James McMahan at 1541 Broadway, 16’L x 12’Wx 10’H to Randy Byrn at 1398 North County Road 900, and Demolition of 36’L x 22’W x 16’H Building to JCB Services for Pat’s Pit Stop at 260 South 5th Street. Summers made a motion to approve the permits as submitted. Schlatter seconded the motion. With no further discussion, roll was called with Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Lowman asked for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body. Eddings made a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:50pm. Johnson seconded the motion. With no further discussion, roll was called with Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, and Bierbaum voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Bierbaum made a motion to return to regular session at 8:14pm. Johnson seconded the motion. With no further discussion, roll was called with Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum and Johnson voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

There being no further business to discuss Lowman entertained a motion for adjournment. Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm. Boone seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.





Attest: ______

City Clerk