Miami Dade Community College

MAT 0002

College Preparatory Arithmetic


Phone:______Meeting time:______

Office: ______Office Hour:______

Course Description: This course introduces students to the basic topics of arithmetic and measurement of geometric figures. Students will add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Students will solve problems involving proportions and percents.

Prerequisites: Appropriate placement test scores or referral determine admission.

Course Competencies:

Competency 1: The student will demonstrate knowledge of place value

(base 10) by:

a. Identifying place value

b. Writing numbers using word notation, standard notation,

and expanded notation.

c.Rounding whole numbers

Competency 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of whole numbers by:

a. Performing operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication,

and division on whole numbers.

b. Applying the order of operations agreement on whole numbers

c. Listing all factors of a given whole number

d. Writing the prime factorization of a given whole number Competency 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of fractions by:

a. Changing improper fractions to mixed numerals and mixed numerals to improper fractions.

b. Performing operations of addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and division on fractions or mixed numerals.

c. Applying the order of operations agreement on fractions.

Competency 4: The student will demonstrate knowledge of decimals by:

a.  Changing decimals to fractions

b.  Rounding off a given decimal.

c.  Performing operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on decimals.

d.  Applying the order of operations agreement on decimals

Competency 5: The student will demonstrate knowledge of proportion by

a. Setting up and solving problems with proportions

Competency 6: The student will demonstrate knowledge of percent by:

a.  Converting any number from one form (fraction, decimal, percent) to another

b. Solving problems written in the form “A is R% of B”

c. Solving applications involving percent.

Competency 7: The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic measurements of geometric figures by:

a. Finding the perimeter of polygons and the circumference

of circles

b. Finding the area of polygonal regions and circular regions

c. Finding the volume of a rectangular solid

  1. Communication
  2. Quantitative Analysis
  3. Critical/Creative Thinking and Scientific Reasoning
  4. Information Literacy
  5. Global, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives
  6. Personal, Civic, and Social Responsibility
  7. Ethical Thinking
  8. Computer and Technology Usage
  9. Aesthetic Appreciation
  10. Natural Systems and the Environment

The learning activities designed in this course will address outcomes 2 and 3.

Textbook: Geoffery Akst & Sadie Bragg : Basic Mathematics through Application. 4th edition



Four 100 points in-class exams and final exam will be administered as in class. If you have to miss an exam for a valid and documented reason, you must notify your instructor prior to the day of the exam. Exams can be arranged to be taken ahead of time at the discretion of the instructor. Otherwise there will be NO MAKE-UP EXAMS.



·  At the discretion of the instructor in class quizzes and in class group activities may be given throughout the semester. In addition, special projects may be assigned at the discretion of instructor. There is no make up in class quiz or in class group activity.

·  Homework assigned for each section in class. Homework for each section is turned in to the instructor and generally checked for completion. It is student’s responsibility to check the answers to make sure they are correction. All work must be shown. Your name, instructor’s name and reference number, book section numbers and problem numbers must be clearly written on your homework. It must be turned in stapled together in order. Homework may not be turned in late. Your instructor may assign online homework instead of, or in addition to, the homework listed on the syllabus.

·  Each student should redo or correct their mistake of all quizzes, group activities and exam problems they got wrong.


Grading: In this as in all College Preparatory courses, you will earn an S (Satisfactory), P (Progress), or U (Unsatisfactory)

To earn a grade of S you will need to fulfill ALL of the following requirements:

·  Complete 30 hours in the Math Lab (Room 2223)

·  Attend required Study Sessions and complete all class assignments, projects, and quizzes to earn at least 70% Study Session grade.

·  Earn at least 70% in your lecture class which is based on the average of 4-exams, final, and Homework/Activities/Quizzes.

·  Earn a minimum of 60% on Departmental Final Exam which you must take during Final Exam week on the date and time designated by the Office of the Registrar.

To earn a grade of P you will need to fulfill ALL of the following requirements:

·  Complete 30 hours in the Math Lab (Room 2223)

·  Attend required Study Sessions and complete all class assignments, projects, and quizzes to earn at least 70% Study Session grade.

·  Attend and participate in all lecture classes.

·  Take the Departmental Final Exam which will be given during Final Exam week on the date and time designated by the Office of the Registrar

You will earn a grade of U if you stop attending class but you did not withdraw within the College’s deadline. Note that a grade of U counts against your GPA because it is calculated as an F.

The grade of I (Incomplete) is NOT given in this course.


Class attendance is required. Being tardy to class or leaving class early is computed as follows: 2 tardies = 1 absence. With participation, attendance comprises 10% of your final grade in the course.


The use of cell phones is not permitted in class. You will be penalized academically when your cell phone disrupts class instruction. Each class disruption will lower your final grade by 5%.


If you have any problem with the course please see me during my office hour. You can also obtain assistance for mathematics classes in the Mathematics Laboratory, room 2223. There you will find course-related videotapes and computer software, and tutors that can help you to successfully complete this course. The Math Lab hours are:



The telephone number for the lab is 305-237-3834.

You do not need an appointment. One-to-one tutoring is available by appointment. Please visit or call the lab to schedule an appointment. If you have a problem with the Math Lab, please contact Mr. Arcides Acosta, Ms. Maliya Beylin, Mr. Jose De Paz, or Mr. Verdieu Lucas at 305-237-3834 or Room 2223.


Cheating is a serious offense. Anyone caught cheating on a quiz or exam will be given an automatic zero. That grade cannot be replaced. The second time a student is caught cheating will result in disciplinary actions that may end the student academic studies at MDC and in their home university (if a transient student).


If you feel that you will be unable to complete the requirements for passing a class, it is important that you drop the class by the college’s “drop date” as established by the registrar’s office. You should speak to your instructor prior to making the decision to drop. Remember that it is your responsibility to drop a class, not the instructor’s. If circumstances such as illness, accident, change in employment situation, etc., prevent you from continuing to attend your class BEFORE the drop date, speak to your instructor and see the Dean of Students (room 1201) for your options. If such a situation occurs AFTER the drop date, you should contact the instructor for information as to how you can complete the requirements for the passing the course.

MDC Email Account:

Students are required to activate and use their MDC email account. The MDC account allows students to receive email from their instructors and get notification/announcements of other pertinent information from the College.


Classes begin (Weekday & Evening)
(Weekend) / T Jan 6
S Jan 10
First day that lab hours can be accumulated in College Prep courses (MAT 0002, MAT 0020, MAT 0024) / T Jan 6
Last day for drop with W (regular 16 week classes only) / W Mar 18
Last day that lab hours can be accumulated in College Prep courses / F Apr 24
Last Day of Classes / F Apr 24
Final Exam Week / Apr 27 – May 1
Holidays or days there are no classes and the Math Lab is closed / Jan 17,18,19
Mar 5
Apr 10,11,12

MAT 0002

Syllabus, Homework Assignments, and Study Session Activities



Week / Session(s) / Topic(s) / Suggested Homework / Study session
1 / ·  1.1
·  1.2 / ·  Introduction to Whole numbers
·  Adding and Subtract Whole numbers / ·  1-85 odd
·  1-77 odd,83-97 odd / Activities on:
Adding and Subtracting Whole numbers
2 / ·  1.3
·  1.4 / ·  Multiplying Whole numbers
·  Dividing Whole numbers / ·  1-49 odd, 55-75 odd
·  1-47 odd, 53-69 odd / Activities on:
Multiplying and Dividing Whole numbers
3 / ·  1.5
·  1.6 / ·  Exponents, Order of Operations,& Average
·  Solving word problems
* Test 1 / ·  1-57 odd, 63-105 odd
·  1-21 odd / Activities on:
Review for Test #1
4 / ·  2.1
·  2.2 / ·  Factors and prime numbers
·  Introduction to Fractions / ·  1-79 odd
·  1-93 odd / Activities on:
Introduction to Fractions
5 / ·  2.3 / ·  Adding & Subtracting fractions / ·  1-169 EOO(every
Other Odd) / Activities on:
Adding & Subtracting Fractions
6 / ·  2.4 / ·  Multiplying and Dividing fractions
* Test 2 / ·  1-157 EOO / Activities on:
Review for Test #2
7 / ·  3.1
·  3.2 / ·  Introduction to Decimals
·  Adding & Subtracting Decimals / ·  1-91 odd
·  1-25 odd,29-59 odd,
63-83 odd / Activities on:
Adding & Subtracting Decimals
8 / ·  3.3 / ·  Multiplying Decimals / ·  1-55 odd, 61-87 odd / Activities on:
Multiplying Decimals
9 / ·  3.4 / ·  Dividing Decimals
* Test 3 / ·  1-85 odd, 91-97 EOO,
101-104 odd / Activities on:
Review for Test #3
10 / ·  4.1
·  4.2
·  4.3 / ·  Introduction to Basic Algebra
·  Solving addition & subtraction equation
·  Solving multiplication & division equation
(Optional) / ·  1-73 EOO
·  1-73 EOO
·  1-75 EOO / Activities on:
Solving Basic Algebra
11 / ·  5.1
·  5.2 / ·  Introduction to ratios
·  Solving Proportions / ·  1-83 odd
·  1-49 odd,1-63 odd / Activities on:
Solving Proportions
12 / ·  6.1
·  6.2 / ·  Introduction to Percents
·  Solving percent problems
* Test 4 / ·  1-93 odd
·  1-17 odd, 21-33 odd
37-49 odd, 65-75 odd / Activities on:
Review for Test #4
13 / ·  7.1
·  7.2 / ·  Introduction to Sign Numbers
·  Adding Signed numbers
(Optional) / ·  1-79 EOO
·  1-55 odd / Activities on:
Adding Signed numbers
14 / ·  10.1
·  10.2 / ·  U.S. Customary Units
·  Metric Units/U.S. Conversions / ·  1-75 EOO
·  1-73 EOO / Activities on:
Conversions for US and
Metric Units
15 / ·  11.2
·  11.3
·  11.4 / ·  Perimeter and Circumference
·  Area
·  Volume
* Test 5 / ·  1-43 odd
·  1-31 odd, 35-45 odd
·  7-10 all, 11,17,21,32 / Activities on:
Review for Test #5
16 / ·  Review for final
DEPT. FINAL EXAM / Final exam review

* The Final Exam will be on the date designated by the college on the

Final Exam Schedule (