Edwin Fair Community Mental Health Center intends to comply with all safety, health, and environmental laws and ordinances. EFCMHC will observe and participate in community environmental best practices related to the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials.

Accident prevention and efficiency go hand-in-hand. All staff are committed to and have a primary responsibility for the safety and well being of all consumers and employees.


EFCMHC will participate in community hazardous disposal events when disposing of items such as industrial strength cleaning supplies, oil-based paints, fluorescent light bulbs, copier toner, and computer monitors. When items need to be disposed of at other times during the year, the local fire department will be called to assist with disposal of all items.

EFCMHC will donate useable items to charities (such as giving paint to the Habitat for Humanity), donating toner and cartridges for recycling, and donating computers to local schools and non-profit agencies.

To comply with Sub Part CFR Part 1910.1030 Bloodborne Pathogens:

Exposure Determination:

1.  Exposure will be considered present during First Aid assistance whenever blood or body fluids is/are present.

Methods of Compliance:

1.  Universal precautions shall be used by providers of First Aid where blood or body fluids of any kind may come in contact with person or persons providing First Aid. Gloves shall be in all First Aid Kits. All blood and body fluids shall be treated as if contaminated by HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) and HBV (Hepatitis B Virus).

2.  Once First Aid is completed and as soon as possible after removing disposable gloves, said persons shall wash their hands.

3.  Upon completion of First Aid for the individual(s), all materials that have come in contact with blood or any other body fluids shall be placed in the biohazard bag for disposal.

4.  All surfaces shall be cleaned and decontaminated after contact with blood or body fluids. A ten (10) percent bleach and water solution should be used for decontamination. Gloves and infected material shall be placed in the biohazard bag for disposal.

5.  For pickup of biohazard contact Stericycle customer #6047468 for service at 800-557-0024. For questions call 800-355-8773.

If there is contamination of a puncture in the skin or contamination of the mouth or eyes by another person’s body fluids, report the exposure incident immediately to your Coordinator and Human Resources Department. A confidential medical evaluation and follow-up will be made available to the exposed employee.

Board Approved: 4/13/09 IV-8 1

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