Biology classroom information
Mrs. Heupel
You will always be expected to show respect in my classroom. You will be expected to show respect to me, your peers, and school property. I in turn, will do the same. My classroom is a place where learning occurs. By showing respect, you allow yourself to achieve at your highest level, and aid others in doing the same.
Fees: There is a $3.00 lab fee for supplies. This lab fee must be paid before you begin your first lab.
Materials: Pen and Pencil Notebook Folder or Binder (Mandatory Supplies)
Colored Pencils Highlighters Scotch Tape or glue (Optional but suggested supplies)
Graded Coursework
Tests Quizzes Homework Labs Classwork (notebook) Semester Tests
A 95-100 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79 D+ 67-69 F 0-59
A- 90-94 B 83-86 C 73-76 D 63-66
B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62
Tests in this classroom will consist of: Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice, Essay, Diagram labeling, and Short Answer questions. You should always be concerned about spelling your answers correctly, using proper punctuation and proper sentence and paragraph structure. Always bring extra work or a book to read in case you finish early. You will not be allowed to sit and visit on a testing day.
Daily Participation
Daily participation grading will only be used occasionally and may include such things as: exit cards, note processing, focused free writes, group activities, and group discussions.
Labs and Lab Safety
Although lab work is most often completed with a partner, you should always expect to hand in your own results (lab report). Do not count on getting a grade because your partner turned in his or her work. Anyone fooling around in the lab will be removed, possibly permanently. Safety standards must be maintained at all times. A pre-lab introduction and preparation will be done either the day of the lab or the day before the lab to help you understand what to do and what is to be accomplished.
Students will be given enough time to complete the quiz and others who finish early will be expected to show respect to those not finished by reading, or sitting without talking.
Homework is to be completed on your own, and please feel free to ask me for help when the need arises. Deadlines given for homework are to be met. The final deadline for homework is the test day for each chapter.
The notebook you will use for science needs to separate from other class notebooks. Notebooks can be kept in your locker, or stored in the classroom. Either way, you will need it every day for class. Number the pages sequentially. Do not remove any pages. Both right and left pages should be numbered. The first pages several pages will be reserved for certain items. Your notebook will help you become more organized, and provide a great studying tool for you. Handouts and other teacher-provided pages will be taped in place. Most of all, be creative in the way you display information in your notebook.
We will be using a hard copy text, “The Dynamics of Life” by McGraw-Hill. The books will always remain in the classroom, but the hard copy text can be accessed with the username and password below at the URL located below. It downloads as a PDF. I can email you a specific chapter of the text when necessary.
Username: BDOL04
Password: zAfaqase5u
Class Technology Use
I will use Google Classroom and Remind app to send out class reminders. Make sure to join those during the first week of class. You can use the link to join my class or accept the invitation that appears in your school email. During class you are welcome to use your phone as a timer during labs or to take pictures of experiments for observations. Other non-class use of phones is prohibited. Ipads will be used to access Quizlet and Kahoot during class review sessions. You may want to download the Quizlet app for your own personal use.
It is your responsibility to get caught up from the day(s) you missed. Please check with me before or after class to get the missed assignment(s). If you missed notes get them from a classmate or me. If you were absent on the day of a test, make arrangements to take your test before or after school or during your study hall. If you were absent you have the same number of days to make up work as the number of days that you missed. (If you were gone 3 days, you have 3 days to make up your work.) In some cases you may not be able to make up a missed lab. An assignment may be given instead.
You need to be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be counted tardy. Only those who have permission from me to quickly go to the bathroom will be exempt. If this privilege is taken advantage of, it will no longer be given. After 3 tardies a referral will be sent to the office.
Water and healthy snacks (not candy) will be allowed in the classroom only if they do not disrupt the class. Also, eating will be allowed in the classroom on days where we are having a lab or a test. If at any point a student is abusing this privilege, the privilege will be taken away.
Semester Tests
No one will be exempt from the first semester test in Biology. Semester tests will make up 20% of a student’s semester grade. Keeping all of your notes, and graded work from each chapter in a binder will aid you in studying for your semester exams.
Discipline Policy
If you choose in any way to show disrespect in my classroom the following guidelines will be followed:
1st step Warning
2nd step Conference / Detention with me
3rd step Office referral See student planner/handbook for details.