PRESENT: Mark Farran, Randy Crowe, Mike Stockton, Barry Krause, Hootie Decker

OPENING: Mike opened the meeting with prayer and Mark led a short reading and discussion of Acts 20:28-30, Mat: 7:15-16, 1rst John 2:19, and Romans 16:17-20.

MINUTES: Minutes from the 8/28/2017 meeting were sent out and reviewed prior to this meeting. No changes were needed.

TREASURE’S REPORT: Treasurer was not requested for this meeting because it was a special meeting for purpose of policy development.

VOTES TAKEN: No votes were taken in this meeting.


  1. Policy and Procedure for Ministries: We discussed the policies and procedures (P&P) that apply to all 8 ministries in general and we talked about specific P&P for the missions’ ministry team. At the end of this meeting we had the P&P draft for ministries well over 50% complete. Our goal is to have a P&P for ministries complete and submitted as a draft to the congregation at least a week before the congregational meeting in October.
  2. Parsonage: Several topics were briefly discussed. The vanity connection is the only task remaining in the bathroom; we are not certain when the plumber will return. Cody has not yet sprayed for mold but that is still the plan; Cody is doing it at cost. Barry is going to grind the stumps in the front yard. The first piece of playground equipment is here; it is a swing set.
  3. Church sewer problem: Randy and friends cleaned and added a vent to the sewer from the main floor bathrooms. However they discovered there is a leak in a pipe that is encased in concrete. They are going to try to stop the leak with inserted pipes and boots. If that does not solve the problem the project scope will increase to include concrete demolition.
  4. Various: We discussed possibly moving the piano from the nursery to the annex. The nursery attendance is growing and it is too crowded for nursery kids and quire warmup prior to Sunday service. The piano was given to the church by Albert and Naomi Brahe. Mark is going to talk to the adult Sunday school group about focusing more on bible study and less on discussions of the prayer list.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is set for Monday 9/11/2017 at 6:30 PM with the explicit purpose of discussing policy and procedure for ministries. This will be the third of several special meeting for this purpose.

CLOSING: Mark closed the meeting with prayer.