Stansbury Service Agency

Of Tooele County


1 Country Club, Suite #1, Stansbury Park, Utah, 84074

Phone: 435-882-6188 Fax: 435-843-5183

The regular meeting of the Stansbury Service Agency of Tooele County was held Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 at 7:00 pm, following the public hearing at the Stansbury Park Clubhouse,

1 Country Club, Stansbury Park, UT 84074. The agenda was published in the Transcript-Bulletin and on the Public Notice Website.

Business Meeting:

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Rod Thompson.

Pledge of Allegiance: Glenn Oscarson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

Jamie Lindsay-Present

Gary Jensen-Present

Mike Johnson-Excused

Glenn Oscarson-Present

Neil Smart-Excused

Rod Thompson-Present


Randy Jones-Present

Cindy Curtis-Present

Review and Adopt Minutes:

Gary motions to adopt the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 10th, 2015. Jamie seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion carries.

Glenn motions to open the public hearing to discuss the increase of clubhouse rental rates and the swimming pool rates. Gary seconds the motion and the public hearing is opened.

The public hearing was closed and the regular meeting is re-opened.

Public Comment:


Probable Vote Items:

a.  Purchasing policy approval--Randy Jones. Randy states that we pre-approved this in December with a final approval scheduled for this meeting in order to allow a review by Mike Johnson. Mike reported that he has not found any problems with the policy. Jamie asks if there is only one sole purchaser person. Randy states yes that there is only one unless you have a purchasing department. He also states that Cindy can order items but Randy must approve it. Rod comments that his understanding of our policy is that the purchasing agent approves up to a $5,000 and above that the board will need to approve the purchase.

Glenn motions to approve the purchasing policy as presented. Gary seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.

b.  Clubhouse rental price increase--Mike Johnson.

Gary motions that we approve the proposed rates to the clubhouse rentals with a six month evaluation. Jamie seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.

c.  Swimming pool price increase--Mike Johnson.

Glenn motions that we increase the swimming pool lessons to $35 per set. Jamie seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.

Gary motions to increase the resident rate for a season pass by $10 and the non-resident rate by $20. Glenn seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.

Gary motions to increase the pool parties to $40 up to 20 people and $2.25 per person over 20. Jamie seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.

d.  Golf course audit--Rod Thompson. Rod has asked Randy to get a rate for performing an audit on the golf course. He is not thinking that they are doing anything wrong, it is just due diligence and we are allowed per the lease to do an audit every 5 years. It has been at least 6 years or more since one has been done. The price that Randy was quoted is $2,000 for a basic audit.

Jamie motions to approve up to $2,000 to perform an audit on the Golf Course. Gary seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.



Work Session:

Possible Vote Items:

a. Possible closed session.


Manager's Report:

1.  We have regained access to the club house security system and have reviewed and updated that access privileges of the people using the building.

2.  New storage for the upstairs chairs and tables has been built and is awaiting paint ad doors. The project should be completed next week.

3.  We took delivery of the new Service Agency truck. it is currently giving us at least twice the MPG of the former truck.

4.  We have received plans for the first two phases of the Clearwater Homes development next to the Porter Way Park. The drawings include an 8' walking/biking path along one side of the road. At present, the plan is to pave the path with asphalt. We need to decide if that is acceptable for if we want concrete paths instead.

5.  We had our kick off meeting of the Stansbury Trails project. The meeting was lightly attended, but very informative for those who were there. The next step is to solidify a trail system design and then start looking for funding.

6.  We have started the bidding process for the repair of golf course ponds 14 and 15. The bid opening will be on February 2, 2015.

7.  I am presently seeking bids to refinish the floor in the clubhouse kitchen. We will be doing the work in February.

8.  We had another burial at the cemetery on Monday of this week.

Jamie comments on item #4, stating that she prefers having asphalt. Concrete is too hard to run on and is hard on your knees and joints. Runners prefer asphalt. Glenn asks the difference in price between asphalt and concrete. Randy replies it is about $1 per linear foot more for concrete. The contractor is suggesting asphalt but Randy is sure that they would do concrete. After talking to the guy who does the paths in St. George what he would do if he had to do it over again. He replied that he would do concrete. Although asphalt is nicer to run on and ride bikes on it is too expensive to maintain. Randy is suggesting that we go with concrete.

Board Member’s Reports and Requests:

Glenn Oscarson-- Glenn reports that there are now 12 people in the cemetery. He has got a new computer for the cemetery and has spent many hours re-entering the information. He believes he can work with the current program. We now have $99,000 in plot sales.

Jamie Lindsay--Jamie states that she has comments from residents that the park with the dinosaur playground structure is in really poor condition. It is broken and hazardous, definitely due for an upgrade. She also states that she appreciates Cindy getting the information for the meeting out to the board members early so that she has time to make an informed vote on those items presented at the meeting. Several people have also been asking for benches in the parks. Randy states that he hasn't got anything ordered at the present time, but will get going on this when time allows. Gary asks if we could do this as an Eagle scout project. If we could supply the benches and the supervision, they could install them.

Gary Jensen--Gary asks if the shoreline behind the clubhouse on our agenda. Randy replies yes it is one of the projects for this year. Gary reports that there are starlings in the outdoor restrooms by the swimming pool. He is still working on the Arbor Day project, and states that Arbor Day is on Friday and asks if the tree planting can be done on Saturday. The board agrees to Saturday. He also asks Randy if he will be re-seeding the grassy area behind the clubhouse. Randy replies that yes he will be.



Financials and Bills:

The checks were signed and the bills taken care of.

Gary motions to adjourn, Glenn seconds the motion and the meeting was adjourned.


Resident / $50/hr or $300/day
Non-Resident / $100/hr or $500/day
Resident / $50/hr or $300/day
Non-Resident / $100/hr or $500/day
Upstairs or Downstairs/patio
$200 for six hour block
$375 for six hour block
Upstairs & Downstairs/patio / WEDDINGS & RECEPTIONS
Resident / $500 for all day*
Non-Resident / $950 for all day*

*Sunday exception: Available after 1:30pm

*Resident Rate--Residents of Stansbury Park and immediate family.