5th Grade Gazette
Mt. Laurel 682 - 7230 October 30, 2017
Planning Time: 1:30 – 2:00
* Thank you to the Buchanan family and the Graves family for adopting our classes. *
Dear Parents –
Our field trip to the Space and Rocket Center is quickly approaching. Most of our kids have returned their permission slips and medical consent forms. If your child has not turned in those forms (and they are planning on joining us), please get those turned in as soon as possible. The cost of the trip is $75.00 per student. Money is due by NEXT Thursday (11/2).
Parents, we need your assistance. Over the past month, we have had research and other technology activities going on in the classroom. Somehow in the transition, we are missing a classroom Chrome book. Please check to make sure that somehow it did not end up at home with your child.
Please remember, your child should be reading at least 20 minutes each day.
Have a wonderful week!!!
Sam Scott & Rebecca Newman
We Will Be Working on
These Areas This Week
Compare and Contrast
Figurative Language
Process Writing/ Grammar
Verb Tenses
Informative Writing
Phonics Focus
Suffixes (ible/able, al/ial, y, ness)
Unit 4: Fractions
Monday: Equivalent Fractions
Tuesday: Equivalent Fractions
Wednesday: Solving Problems with Fractions and Percents
Thursday: Review Equivalent Fractions
Friday: Comparing Fractions/ Weekly Math Quiz
Class work/Homework
Monday: Fraction Sheet
Tuesday: Fraction Sheet
Wednesday: No Homework
Thursday: Fraction Sheet
Friday: No Homework
A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes
(Earth, Space and Gravity)
Social Studies
Life in the English Colonies
Vocabulary Quiz (Lessons 1-2) Friday 11/3
Domain Vocabulary
1. Apprentice
2. Artisan
3. Triangle trade route
4. Middle Passage
5. Self-sufficient
6. Town common
Oct. 23rd – 27th
Red Ribbon Week
Monday – Wear Red
Tuesday – Wear MLES Shirt
Wednesday – Crazy Socks
Thursday – College Team
Friday – PJs
Oct. 31st
Dress Up Day for United Way
November 10th
Veteran’s Day – No School
November 20th – 24th
Thanksgiving Break
December 14th
Huntsville Space and Rocket Center Field Trip
6:15am – 5:15pm
December 15th
End of 1st Semester
Early Dismissal @ 1:00
Please take some time to check your child weekly for lice/nits. This will help to cut down on spreading it at school.
* Thank you to the Buchanan family and the Graves family for adopting our classes. *