Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of this assignment is to help you locate informative, authoritative, and academic materials for your paper. As you explore these resources, locate specific articles and books that you will use in addition to your textbook to write your paper. You will be turning in both the completed attached library exercise as well as a statement of your topic, thesis statement and an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY of at least four sources, at least one of which must be from an academic source such as a scholarly magazine or book which uses academic vocabulary. Both are due on February 5.
“An annotated bibliography is, simply, an organized list of sources, each of which is followed by a brief note or “annotation.” These annotations do one or more of the following: describe the content and focus of the book or article; suggest the source’s usefulness to your research; evaluate its method, conclusions, or reliability; record your reactions to the source.”
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center
Each entry in an annotated bibliography consists of a bibliographic citation and an annotation:
Bibliographic Citation
The first part of the entry for a source is the bibliographic information: author, title, place of publication, publisher, copyright date. A common form for bibliographic citations is the MLA format, the one used for your papers in English 101. Visit Citing Sources for sites listing more examples if you wish (
Annotations are of varying lengths. For this paper they only need to be two or three sentences but be sure to emphasize whether it will be useful to your paper and why.
Following is an entry taken from an actual student annotated bibliography on another subject:
Menkin, Daniel Lee. Faith, Hope and the Corporation. St. Paul: Phrontisterian, 1988.
This book focuses on a company’s philosophy and outlook, as well as ethics. The author feels understanding all of these areas makes for a more ethical business. I would use this source in my paper as it has a different and interesting slant to it.
For more examples and a discussion of annotated bibliographies visit the site quoted above:
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center
Annotated Bib Win 2002
Reference Book Annotation
Choose one of the reference books on the handout covering your topic. Look at it closely and write an annotation for the book, especially emphasizing in what way it would be helpful in completing your assignments and what topic areas it covers. Be sure and notice special features that might be useful such thinks as maps, illustrations, tables or special appendices.
Citation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________