Summer Worship Bulletin8:00 am

The Holy Eucharist

The Gathering of the Community

Greeting and Collectp. 230

Summary of the Lawp. 231


Collect of the Day

The Proclamation of the Wordsee insert

First Reading


Second Reading

The Holy Gospel


Silence for reflection

Our Response to the Word

The Nicene Creedp. 234

Prayers of the People (as announced)

Confession and Absolutionp. 238

The Peacep. 240

The Celebration of the Eucharist

The Prayer over the Giftsplease standp. 240

The Great Thanksgivingp. 241

Eucharistic Prayer Ap. 241

The Lord’s Prayerp. 245

The Breaking of the Breadp. 246
The Communion

Lamb of Godp. 247

The Sending Forth of the Community

Prayer after Communionplease standp. 247


Blessing and Dismissalplease standp. 249

How to contact us

IncumbentThe Reverend Stephen Kirkegaard

416 261 9503 – church; (416 266 8386 – home) (647 822 9503 – cell)


Parish AdministratorLinda Rosling – 416 261 9503 – church


Parish NurseVivien Harris (416 703 5433)

WardensLinda Epping (416 267 3635); Karen Price (416 281 1268);
Mike Henley (416 266 5217)

PropertyFlo Schwerdtner (416 284 6269)

Welcome to Holy Trinity, Guildwood

At Holy Trinity, Guildwood, we welcome all who come to worship with us. Though we are people of diverse background, lifestyle, and opinion, we are one in our desire to follow Jesus Christ. We seek to live as diversity in unity, offering a community in which we can all grow together as one Body: God’s Church. We hope the order of service will help you find your way, but feel free to ask your neighbour for help. Hymns can be found in the blue hymnal “Common Praise”. We are truly pleased that you have chosen to worship with us.

Holy Communion: All are welcome in this church and at this altar.All baptized persons, including children, are invited to receive the bread and wine at Christ’s table. Those not receiving communion may wish to receive a blessing. Simply cross your hands over your chest to indicate you are not receiving communion. The Anglican Church supports the ancient use of the common cup. Those receiving the chalice are asked to assist the chalice bearer by grasping the cup at the base and guiding the cup to their lips.For health purposes the practice of intinction, dipping the bread into the wine, is discouraged.If you do not wish to drink from the common cup, please feel free to receive the bread only. Simply cross your hands over your chest when the chalice bearer passes by to indicate you do not wish the wine. The ancient teaching is that the whole Christ is received whether one receives only the consecrated bread or both bread and wine.

Children are always welcome.They may want to stay upstairs in the church for worship or go into the lobby/Narthex area with a parent/caregiver. Crayons and colouring pages are available. The Greeters or Sidespeople will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Update on General Givings:May your summerbe a time of refreshment and renewal. Thank you for your generosity towards Holy Trinity and our ministry to the community. We are $5,300 behind in General Givings at the end of June, and would be grateful if you would remember us during the summer.

Summer Office Hours: Stephen is on summer vacation and returns Wednesday, August 8. Linda Rosling returns to the office Tuesday, August 14. The Rev. Dr. Peter Mikelic will be with us Sunday July 15 and The Rev. Jim Garland will be with us the Sundays of July 22, 29 and August 5. In case of a pastoral emergency please call the Parish Nurse, Vivien Harris. In case of a church property emergency, please call the Wardens, Linda Epping or Karen Price, or the Property Chair, Flo Schwerdtner. Telephone numbers and contact information are on the reverse side of the page.

Please turn off your cell phones.

The Holy Trinity Food Drive Continues Throughout July and August